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  • FBI director calls for restart of smartphone encryption debate

    Probably wants a backdoor so he can gather dirt on all the politicians so he can blackmail them and run the show like his predecessor, Hoover.
  • Apple's latest iPad Pro ad asks, 'What's a computer'

    A computer is something you wish you had when trying to use an iPad for any large task that requires and involves a lot of files.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook, VP Lisa Jackson to host Clinton fundraising event

    apple ][ said:
    I have a simple question for any liberal who gave post #18 a thumbs down.

    Have you seen the pictures of her tongue and that circle or hole that's there? Interesting stuff. And those non stop, chronic coughing fits? Interesting indeed.
    One day, if you work very hard at it, you may achieve the level of grace, charm and wit  Kanye West displays.
  • Kanye West wants Apple to buy Tidal, calls for executive meeting

    Give it up Kanye, you noisome specimen of humanity.  He's hoping he can BS Apple into doing a Beats kind of deal because he knows Apple have the deepest pockets on the planet and probably thinks that means they will be both generous and nonchalant about enriching him, which is why he didn't mention Spotify or Deezer.  I am anticipating significant schadenfreude at watching them reject him and the subsequent withering of Tidal and his investment.
  • First video of functional Lightning EarPods hits the web

    cnocbui said:
    You have mentioned the volume thing at least three times previously that I can recall.  The volume the socket takes up works out at being a fraction of a percent  of the overall volume (0.28% of the volume of a 6S), which is negligible and inconsequential.  There is no point making a flagship phone thinner unless you can get a leading edge camera module that is equally thin - which you can't without employing folded optics and such which have not appeared in phones yet, that I am aware of.  Samsung realised this and made the S7 thicker than the S6, pretty much eliminating the camera bulge the S6 had and they but in a much higher capacity battery.  Have you noticed an outpouring of criticism of the the S7 because they made it thicker and with a massive increase in battery life, particularly in the case of the Edge version?

    as has been said so many times that I can't believe you're unaware of it and are instead trolling as usual -- it's obviously not about the thinness since the iPod touch is thinner with the jack, but about the internal volume. the jack is one of the larger components, it's not insignificant.
    That is simply not even close to being true.