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  • Apple's iPhone seen as tipping point for OLED dominance by 2020

    cnocbui said:
    And so it begins.  There were no OLED screens before Apple had the great idea.  OLED screens in phones only became possible because of secret research and tech developed exclusively by Apple in their labs.  Samsung only thought to put OLED panels in a small number of their phones because they heard a rumour Apple were going to do so, but of course they did so in haste and without Apple's attention to detail so their screens are notably inferior to the ones Apple uses.

    Dude, quit contradicting yourself! ADHD?
    The first of my posts you quote was predicting that Apple would be given the credit for the success of OLEDs as a display technology,  a narrative that was begun in the article.  My second post was pointing out that my initial prediction had already come true, which took only 3 hrs and 12 minutes to happen.  I don't see how that could be construed as self-contradiction, unless you thought my original post was meant to be literal?
  • Apple's iPhone seen as tipping point for OLED dominance by 2020

    cnocbui said:
    And so it begins.  There were no OLED screens before Apple had the great idea.  OLED screens in phones only became possible because of secret research and tech developed exclusively by Apple in their labs.  Samsung only thought to put OLED panels in a small number of their phones because they heard a rumour Apple were going to do so, but of course they did so in haste and without Apple's attention to detail so their screens are notably inferior to the ones Apple uses.
    no matter how much it may upset you, Apple is huge. iPhone is huge. it's a giant, when it takes steps the reverberations are felt for miles. it changes industries.
    Your last sentence proves my point as does the idiocy spouted by the IHS analyst.  At least 300 phones have been on the market with OLED screens.  All of Samsung's Galaxy products have OLED screens along with  their Alpha models and even their J series, as far as I can tell.  Given the number of phones Samsung sells, those would likely make up the majority of their phone sales, which means the volume of phones on the market with OLED screens may already match Apple's output, but you are saying the industry will only have been changed because Apple start using them.  As I said - and so it begins - the re-writing of history.  Samsung changed this aspect of the industry, not Apple.
  • Apple's content negotiation tactics have 'alienated' cable providers & networks - report

    macxpress said:
    If Apple really wants this to happen, they'll need someone like Phil Schiller (maybe even Tim Cook as well) to do the negotiations . 
    why would they want the head of Marketing to negotiate content contracts?
    Well he does an ace job of convincing people that $360 in parts is worth $850, he should have little problem in convincing content providers that their $100 of content is really only worth $30.
    (I am joking)
  • Apple bolsters 'Project Titan' self-driving software team with former QNX CEO

    Technology from Dodge guides Car.
  • Apple boosts R&D spending as revenues stabilize

    shev said:
    altivec88 said:
    Here apple. Let me save you some money on R&D. Get the latest processor and graphics card and put it into the Mac Pro case. There...  It took one person 10 seconds and $0 to come up with that brilliant idea.   Maybe they can spare one of their hundred thousand plus employees a few hours to do that instead of pissing off and losing more of your pro buyers every day you wait.
    Haha and even when they decide to actually update the thing, this is all they'll do and everyone will fall over themselves over this incredible update. 
    That is not all they do.  first they have to expend a considerable effort in taking existing graphics cards and come up with a slightly modified version so that users can't just buy generic cards and have to buy the 'special' ones from Apple.  Since Apple ensure their 'special' cards are never updated, you will of course have to buy a whole new machine when Apple is good and read to provide you with one, say in 7 years time.