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  • Apple's Mac sheds marketshare in Q2, sinks to 5th place amid worldwide sales slowdown

    dreyfus2 said:
    Bought the top of the line Retina 15" MBP when it came out (in late summer 2012) and it still is my main machine – battery still has 93% capacity after almost four years, the display is gorgeous and it is fast enough for almost everything. (I could use more RAM sometimes, but even the current models do not offer more than 16 GB.) With machines that good, and the progress in CPUs being virtually zip... It is hard to deliver reasons for an upgrade. These dynamic function keys could be that reason, but without HDMI-out (something I need every day), not even that may be enough. I certainly will not buy more dongles – the amount of times I ended up somewhere without my Ethernet adapter and could not do nothing has taught me that. I want an Ethernet port, a sleep light and an external battery indicator (the things my 12" PowerBook had over a decade ago)... Add in an option for 32 GB RAM and they can have my $4k+ today.
    I have exactly the same 15".  Is the insulation on your power cable still intact?  Mine is crumbling and splitting horribly, despite it being nearly two years younger than the machine because I had the original replaced for the same reason.

    I can't understand how you can have 97% battery capacity.  Mine would be more like 50% or less and if I click on the power icon in the menu bar it says 'Service battery', which has been displayed for almost a year now.

    Perhaps sales of the no-ports Macbook 12" haven't exactly been very good and people don't actually think less, is more.
  • US Treasury Secretary to meet with EU antitrust head, try to block collection of Apple back taxes

    I hope Vestagar has the sense to politely tell him to fuck off and mind his own business, which this quite clearly isn't.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for racial equality in light of US shooting deaths

    xbit said:
    AI shouldn't allow comments on articles like this. It's only going to end in a flaming shitstorm.
    You just summed up the Internet.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for racial equality in light of US shooting deaths

    apple ][ said:
    Did you actually look into what happened to Philando Castile? 
    No, I have not followed that case at all, and it may very well have happened as you describe it. If there was anything criminal committed by the cops in that case, then they should obviously be charged and prosecuted. 

    One of the cases that began the whole BLM movement was based on lies and was a fraud. The Michael Brown shooting. He got exactly what was coming to him. The douchebag attempted to take the officer out. The officer won, and good for him. And that whole "don't shoot" crap with the hands up garbage? It's all a lie. Never happened.

    I would love to see how your defective reasoning interprets this:

    Nah, keep it to yourself, I couldn't care less.

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for racial equality in light of US shooting deaths

    apple ][ said:
    I also have some common sense advice to anybody of any color or race, if they wish to avoid getting shot by the police.

    Don't be a moron. Don't resist arrest. Be respectful, don't be a douchebag and I probably shouldn't even have to write this last one, but don't go for their gun or attempt to get violent with the police.

    Most of the people who have gotten shot deserved what they got, due to their incredible stupidity. I don't care what color you are, don't resist arrest. If you do, then whatever happens to you will be your own making, and I couldn't care less what happens to you in that case.
    In other words, be a good slave and act like one, or else.

    I doubt you can even begin to imagine what people who live in civilised parts of the world think of the US and it's police forces.