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  • EU tax investigation concludes, Apple hammered with $14.5 billion bill

    h2p said:
    cnocbui said:
    So am I; I'll take all companies in Ireland paying an appropriate and equal rate of tax so the government can lessen it's shafting of me on my tax.  Ireland will get all of what Apple pays up, there is no mechanism for them to claim a share.  That would be game-over for the EU.
    I would appreciate your help, as an Irish Citizen, cnocbui.

    If the EU is analogous to the Fed's in the US with the Supremecy Clause in force. Then the EU is ordering the back taxes owed (at least partially) to them (EU). Otherwise, Ireland is arguing against itself regarding the back taxes. If so, I'd suggest the Irish Tax Authority, say "We are forced to collect these back taxes (celebrate very, very quietly) and Apple, while appreciate your investment in Ireland -- please stay; please expand, etc. -- you've got to pay up."

    Isn't there some mechanism for the EU to get a piece of this judgement? They are doing the ordering? Perhaps there are penalties due to the EU Commission?
    This judgement is against Ireland.  Ireland is being ordered to collect taxes the EU Commission believes it should have been collecting all along.  If the money is collected, the only beneficiary will be Ireland.  None will be sent to the EU.  Apple will only owe tax to Ireland.

    There are some amazing facts being ignored in all the indignant outrage this has generated.  There are no fines or penalties involved - none.  The worst case scenario is that Apple will be no worse off financially than if they had simply been paying Ireland's 12.5% corporate tax rate all along, like most other companies in Ireland.   So even after paying €13 B, Apple will still have gotten a very good tax deal as Ireland has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the EU.
  • With $231B in cash, Apple's $14.5B EU tax hit doesn't concern Wall Street

    sog35 said:
    cnocbui said:
    sog35 said:
    cnocbui said:
    If I go into a shop and buy an iPhone, I will pay 23% vat.  Apple is asked to pay 12.5%, but they are the ones being 'robbed'.  Amazing.
    But Apple pays 25% tax rate company wide.
    Plus Apple owners pay 20-35% taxes on dividends or stock sales.

    Combined Apple shareholders pay 40-50% tax rate.
    And that still isn't enough for you welfare sucking pigs?
    Go somewhere and cool off.

    1)  I don't receive welfare, I pay tax.
    2)  Apple does not pay 25% corporate tax in Ireland, or even half that, otherwise we would not be having this conversation.
    3)  Apple shareholders are mostly in the US.  They have free will and would know what the US tax rates are.  Your argument is that I should effectively pay more tax to subsidise US shareholders so they can profit at my expense; sorry - pass.
    Ireland is benefiting from Apple's presence. 
    That cannot be denied.
    That is why Ireland is backing Apple in this issue.

    So sorry you are wrong. Ireland is benefiting big time.

    If Apple leaves Ireland you would be paying EVEN MORE TAXES. So ungrateful. So lucky that the USA saved your ass during WW2.
    Apple is benefiting from being in Ireland more than Ireland is benefiting from them being here, that's how business works.

    And since I never said Ireland doesn't derive some benefit from Apple's presence, I am not wrong.

    Ireland was neutral in WW2, so the USA saved someone else's ass, but generally, historians credit Russia with most of the credit for defeating Germany.  And, you presumptuous little snot, just for absolute factual accuracy, my father saved my ass through his own actions in WW2 by being a fighter pilot in Britain's Fleet Air Arm where he went on to be both an instructor and a squadron leader.
  • With $231B in cash, Apple's $14.5B EU tax hit doesn't concern Wall Street

    sog35 said:
    cnocbui said:
    If I go into a shop and buy an iPhone, I will pay 23% vat.  Apple is asked to pay 12.5%, but they are the ones being 'robbed'.  Amazing.
    But Apple pays 25% tax rate company wide.
    Plus Apple owners pay 20-35% taxes on dividends or stock sales.

    Combined Apple shareholders pay 40-50% tax rate.
    And that still isn't enough for you welfare sucking pigs?
    Go somewhere and cool off.

    1)  I don't receive welfare, I pay tax.
    2)  Apple does not pay 25% corporate tax in Ireland, or even half that, otherwise we would not be having this conversation.
    3)  Apple shareholders are mostly in the US.  They have free will and would know what the US tax rates are.  Your argument is that I should effectively pay more tax to subsidise US shareholders so they can profit at my expense; sorry - pass.
  • Turkey's deputy PM encourages Apple to move in wake of EU tax ruling

    I say Apple should tell the EU they'll be relocating to Britain now that they're out and Apple should simply refuse to pay that extortionate and fraudulent bill. 
    And this is why you don't work for Apple.

    Apple would go from a corporate tax rate of 12.5% to 21%.  Then when the UK has exited the EU, the EU will charge 20% on tens of billions worth of Apple's goods imported into the EU from the UK.

    Makes paying 12.5% seem like a bargain.
  • With $231B in cash, Apple's $14.5B EU tax hit doesn't concern Wall Street

    If I go into a shop and buy an iPhone, I will pay 23% vat.  Apple is asked to pay 12.5%, but they are the ones being 'robbed'.  Amazing.