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  • Apple kept iMessage off Android to lock users in to iOS

    and as a result i’m forced to use WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, all of which have serious drawbacks over iMessage, but are cross platform.

    There are a few, rare scenarios when the use of Signal over iMessage makes sense, but by and large, it doesn’t mean people stay on Apple devices, but that Apple users are forced to use lesser products to remain interoperable 
    forgot username
  • Apple issues seventh betas for iOS 14.5, iPadOS 14.5, tvOS 14.5, watchOS 7.4

    Can you guys finally publish build numbers along with the news?

    e.g. my AppleTV has the beta profile installed, but doesn’t find an update. Maybe it did automatically update, maybe the servers have a lag. 
    I don’t know which is the case, since you don’t list the build numbers of the new releases.

    Same issue when I have the GM installed, and then the final release is out. Sometimes it’s the same build, sometimes it’s not, because minor changes were made. Without build numbers being published, it’s impossible to tell.
  • Minnesota the latest to introduce bill that allows developers to bypass App Store billing

    Very easy: have two modes for iOS: one akin to macOS, where the user has full control, another one that’s jailed.

    support and warranty is applicable only in jailed mode.

    in full access mode, any app can be installed, with the corresponding consequences for security and privacy.

    give users the tools and the choices…

    …but give Apple sovereignty over its own AppStore 
  • Apple jumpstarting 6G development with new hires

    georgie01 said:
    Unsurprising, but also surprising. 5G isn’t even of particular significance right now. I keep 5G off on my iPhone 12 Pro to save battery because there is currently no gain from using 5G.

    I know technologies are developed well before they become useful, but I feel like this charade is getting old. LTE never lived up to the potential in the US but they pushed into 5G. And 5G isn’t generally reaching LTE+ potential speeds (except for mmWave). Maybe 6G will live up to the promises of LTE+ :)
    The problem isn’t technology, it’s the way spectrum is auctioned off in the US: it only requires deployment/coverage, it doesn’t mandate services quality. And as such TelCos make cells as big as possible to reach the contractually mandated coverage, and then only improve service quality when and where absolutely necessary.
    As a result people are stuck with crowded cells with sub-par performance.

    Other jurisdictions set not only coverage but also service quality standards, as part of the frequency auctions; if telcos don’t meet both, they forfeit spectrum for which they paid a lot of money. That properly incentivizes them to actually live up much better to the promise of a technology.

    Similar issues with road construction: in many jurisdictions a company bidding for building a road has to warrantee it for a certain amount of time, e.g. a decade. If it doesn’t hold up and requires maintenance, the company must provide it free of charge (and likely has to be insured to prevent shell companies from conveniently going out of business after construction is done). At least in many US jurisdictions the company with the lowest bid gets the job, no warranties required. Correspondingly shoddy/cheap is the road construction, with a few years later already having cracks and potholes all over.

    In short: Blame the political process, not technology…
  • 'iPhone 13' more likely to get improved ultra-wide camera, says Kuo

    As far as lenses go, Kuo has also previously predicted that the two higher-end "iPhone 13" models will feature an Ultra Wide lens that is f/1.8. Instead of the current fixed 13mm focal length, the "iPhone 13" is also rumored to include variable autofocus.

    So this paragraph mixed stuff up.
    A new lens can differ in
    - Aperture (fixed or variable through the use of an iris e.g. f1.8)
    - Focal length (fixed or zoom, e.g. 13mm in 35mm-Film equivalent)
    - focusing method (choice of fixed, manual or auto focus)

    The phrase “
     Instead of the current fixed 13mm focal length, the ‘iPhone 13’ is also rumored to include variable autofocus.” is utterly meaningless.

    The phone could have instead of a fixed 13mm focal length a zoom lens with a variable focal length.
    Or it could go from fixed focus (employing depth of field and possibly deconvolution to ensure sharpness) to using autofocus.
    It could do both, and on top of that it could get a bigger aperture.
    But as phrased, it jumbles up three independent concepts into a meaningless mess of two sentences.

    So: exactly WHAT are the differences supposed to be between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13? And which model iPhone are we talking about anyway? Mini, regular, Pro, Pro Max?