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  • The new Apple Watch Series 7 diagnostic dock is wireless

    Hm, wondering how easily the watches, and consequently an entire AppleID account and its data, can be compromised with such a tool…

    Apple needs to allow security researchers access to these. 

    It’s not like one can assume that everyone working at Apple is trustworthy by virtue of being an Apple employee.
  • Apple hires new HomePod Software Head to boost lackluster speaker sales

    cgWerks said:
    It has to either be smart, or sound good.
    And, if it is in that 'sound good' category (like discontinued HopePod) then it needs an audio input so it isn't a one-string-banjo.
    I'm not sure why Apple is having such a hard time with this.
    Yup; thankfully *I* can do everything with AirPlay; but just the ability to also use it as a bluetooth speaker outside the Apple ecosystem, would have gone a long way…
    …an actual speaker input, such as to be able to use it as an active speaker, would have helped, too.

    The biggest issue is, that for a mono speaker it’s overkill: if you want quality, you want stereo or surround. As such, they should have predominantly been marketed and sold as stereo pairs, with singles being the exception, not the norm.
  • Apple fires leader of #AppleToo movement

    Good riddance! Another entitled brat who tried to politicize the workplace, and get a fat payout as a result.

    In a country like Russia, they would have a car accident.

    In the US they will sue, until the company will settle for a large sum of money under an NDA not admitting any guilt, just to avoid the damage to the reputation the continued legal action causes. You can bet that’s the endgame of her and her lawyer.
    She’ll try to claim whistleblower status (even though there was nothing to blow a whistle about) and then sue for wrongful termination.
    Some woke idiot in Hollywood, likely from competing corporations like Netflix or Amazon Video, might even offer a dramatized movie deal, where “based on actual events” something despicable is covered up in a company called Prune Computer, Inc., just different enough that Apple can’t sue for defamation…

    Bad behavior gets rewarded these days, because due to entitlement, wokeness, nobody dares to tell such people anymore: “You’re a loser, pack up your sh*t and f*ck off!”

    A generation that wants communist equality, at a capitalist level of wealth, while being lazy and irresponsible.
  • A new bill will try to stop big tech from preferring its own services over rivals

    High time these laws get passed.
    The current situation limits users’ control over their own devices and leverages dominance in one market into another market, the picture book definition of abuse of monopoly power.
  • Apple explains security & privacy risks of side-loading in detailed new paper

    Apple can’t have it both ways:

    1) For legitimate reasons they want to control what apps are associated with an Apple branded AppStore, as they affect the Apple brand. 
    OK, so then, since Apple has no right to act as a private industry censorship authority, they must allow users to install what Apple considered unsavory apps some other way on the devices the bought and own.


    2) Apple wants to control privacy and security, then it must allow for more fine-grained access to resources (e.g. access to MAC addresses if the user confirms and the app can demonstrate a legitimate use during the application process) and permit all apps to be listed in their AppStore.

    Also, there are some restrictions, like the ban on emulators, which in the context of sandboxed apps makes no sense. If someone ports e.g. Previous to iPadOS allowing legacy NeXT apps to run within a sandboxed emulator, exactly what are privacy implications supposed to be?

    As it stands, sideloading aka installing apps, should always be possible; Apple can warn against the potential risks, but the decision must remain the users’.

    I’m glad Apple doesn’t manufacture cutlery: it would be spoons only, because knives are dangerously sharp, and forks and chopsticks might get someone’s eyes poked… 