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  • Fired Apple employee who aired workplace concerns gets approval to sue company

    jdw said:
    Because they enjoy having them.
    Some enjoy having unprotected you-know-what, but that isn't good for them most of the time either.  

    "Do it if it feels right" isn't the best policy in life.
    Why is it any of your business to criticize people with tattoos? I would never get one myself but it isn’t any of my business what someone else enjoys. You remind me of my sister who when she sees someone across a restaurant with a tattoo has to bitch about it.
    It then anyone‘s business, when someone ludicrously injects untested poisonous ink under their skin, and then tries to sue others for supposedly creating a toxic environment.

    Just as stupid as all the tattooed, smoking, drinking, drug consuming, fast food eating people being “concerned” about the supposedly “toxic” ingredients of well tested vaccines 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • 'M1X' MacBook Pro set to arrive in 'several weeks'

    Not happy about the lack of touch bar.
    The Moment the revised edition was made with a separate physical ESC key, everything was fine.

    The only instance where the touch bar wasn’t an asset but a drawback was during a Boot Camp Windows recovery boot, when one was supposed to press an Fn key before the touch bar drivers to enable it acting as function keys was loaded, but that was easily fixed by temporarily attaching an external USB keyboard.

    If Apple does indeed do away with the touch bar entirely, and not just some entry level models, it’s a pity.
    caladanianwilliamlondonspock1234d_2fastasleepjibbyronlforgot usernameh2p
  • Epic appealing Apple's 'resounding victory' in App Store trial

    The thing with mandating outside in-app payments - it enables devs to deploy a free app but require an IAP to unlock functionality. Thus if using the mall metaphor, as landlord Apple provides the developer retailers with a free mall and customer base, while getting $0 in rent.

    Unless Apple can still require a % of the IAP, regardless of what mechanism is used for the transaction? Still, gets more complicated for users than a single point of purchasing, credit card storage, billing customer service, etc. 
    In effect not much changes: I e.g. have a Netflix subscription since long before the AppStore. I never paid for it through the AppStore, Netflix’ app is free to download, and I can still log into my account and use all paid features without Apple getting a dime.

    Given that this was long an option without Apple making a fuss about it, I don’t expect massive changes. Probably app developers can show a link to a web site where people can sign up for services, rather than relying on people figuring it out on their own. Not exactly a big deal.

    Allowing sideloading would have been overdue. While I agree Apple should be able to decide what App it wants to associate with its brand in a branded AppStore (e.g. no porn), they should not have the right to decide what uses users put their devices to, after they paid squarely and fairly for them. But without sideloading, Apple’s brand decisions become decisions on what users my do with their devices, and THAT needs to stop.
  • Kuo: 'Apple Watch Series 8' might integrate temperature measurement feature

    IR temperature sensors are fairly common, the problem is the accuracy when attached to extremities where ambient temperatures can affect measurements. That’s why normally measurements are made in ears, the forehead, etc. and not on the wrist.
  • VMware ditches plans to support EXSi on 2019 Mac Pro

    So, is the product not running, or just not “certified” i.e. not tested as nausea?

    I know from other software that runs just fine on a particular platform without being “certified”…