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  • New China restrictions limit minors to three hours of gaming a week

    They obviously don’t want to breed a generation of lazy youths with attention deficit issues…

    …when parental responsibility doesn’t work, government intervenes in China 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • Google pokes fun at Apple's Jony Ive design videos in new headphone jack ad

    How can people say “get over the headphone jack debate, it’s old tech” when Apple can’t even manage to get lossless audio to it’s highest end flagship headphones?

    The highest end headphones plug into the highest end DAC/headphone amps by, *drumroll* a headphone jack.

    So at least until the point when Apple manages to deliver lossless audio to its own headphones, this debate is fully justified, because as of now, you need an airplay2 target that supports lossless audio, and a DAC/headphone amp, and third party headphones, if you want to fully enjoy your music on headphones: a rather roundabout way, as compared to having a headphone jack in the device.
    (Yeah, well, maybe a USB DAC plus camera adapter might work, too… not any more elegant, though)
  • San Francisco doctor charged with possessing child pornography in iCloud

    crowley said:
    entropys said:
    narwhal said:
    I imagine this will inspire people who have those types of images to either delete them all or move to Android. And I assume Google will implement the same checks at some point so they don't become known as that type of platform. (Maybe they already are.) I can't really see this tech as being helpful to China, Russia, or other dictatorships since people tend not to store self-incriminating photos on their devices. Wait, China might want to find images of Tank Man or Tiananmen Square, since those things never happened. Well, never mind.
    Google, Microsoft, et all already have this…there just wasn’t any butthurt or whining about it. 



    So? Isn’t a reason to be an Apple user is they are not like those companies? Why I believe Apple even markets itself as thinking different.
    I don't believe "Think Different, shelter child abusers" is what they had in mind.
    Privacy is topic and value agnostic, for technical AND ethical reasons. 

    Either you have privacy, or you don’t.

    Under communism being a capitalist was a capital offense.
    Under the Nazi regime being a Jew was good enough for a death sentence.
    Under certain African countries’ laws there’s death penalty on gay sex.

    Exactly how would you want privacy that both ethical and yet allows governments to catch what they consider criminal while not restricting Apple’s business to select few western countries?

    There’s only one stance: It is not Apple’s problem to fix. Apple is a tool maker, and modern computing devices are in essence brain prosthetics. Apple’s duty is to protect user’s privacy, not to catch bad guys.

    A gun manufacturer should make the most deadly guns; it’s not incumbent on them to decide who may or may not be shot.
    A maker of pen and paper must make sure, it writes well, the writing is lightfast and smudge proof; it’s not their task to prevent dubious texts from being written.

    And makers of printers should never have been allowed to print nearly invisible markings on printed output, that allow tracing the origins of printed pages. (Same goes for document formats… Which is why critical things should only be done in plain ASCII, human readable files without “ASCII-encoded BLOBS”)

    In an utterly wrong interpretation that it’s the tech industry’s task to make law enforcement’s jobs easier, privacy is being eroded small step by small step until its gone.

    Time to switch to GraphemeOS ….
  • Apple exec said iCloud was the 'greatest platform' for CSAM distribution

    No matter how much “deescalating and explaining” Apple does: it cannot change the fundamental fact, that once the infrastructure is in place, there’s no TECHNICAL limit for what it can be used, but there may be LEGAL limits in Apple’s ability to tell people when the use or the reporting or the databases change based on a variety of governments’ “lawful requests”.

    It isn’t Apple’s job to know or prevent criminal behavior.

    Sony doesn’t have cameras that try to detect what pictures you take, paper vendors aren’t concerned with the fact that you jot down notes of an assassination plot on the paper you bought, the post office doesn’t care if you mail a USB stick with snuff videos on it.

    It’s not Apple’s job to know, care, prevent, or report crime, unless as a service at the request of the owner (“find my stolen phone!”)

    So Apple’s very thinking is flawed, as they hold themselves responsible for something that’s fundamentally none of their business, literally and figuratively.
  • Civil rights groups worldwide ask Apple to drop CSAM plans

    The organizations that know how dangerous this is, put pressure on Apple. Bravo!

    Apple can get out of this: yank out the feature, and implement E2E encryption for all data, including iCloud backups.

    Apple can say, that they were emotionally swayed in their attempt of solving this problem, but were convinced that it could and likely would be abused, and that they through the resulting discussion were convinced to double down on user privacy.

    They can. The question is: will they?