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  • Apple gearing up for fall launch of new two new AirPods models

    I wear hearing aids, and the last thing I’d want is replaceable batteries as opposed to rechargeable batteries. People I know who wear hearing aids with replacement batteries hate them, because the batteries last less than a day and are a pain to replace - as well as costly. Just give me a charger that works and can be used while traveling outside the US.

    Current hearing aids don’t seem to be designed for the user to adjust the frequency response. When I want to do that I need to visit the service provider and pay for an appointment. It sure would be easier if I could do it on my own using my Mac. Also, like mine, not many hearing aids have “find my hearing aid” capability. That seems pretty basic, but the hearing aid manufacturer of my devices said the blue tooth used by the devices is different than the one used to find objects. Could be bs. I lost one of my hearing aids in my garden shortly after I bought them. The ONLY way I could find it was to play music loudly from my iPhones and crawl on my hands and knees until I could faintly hear the music. I am told that people lose their hearing aids “all the time.” Replacements cost over $1,000. That’s probably why there’s no interest in a “find my hearing aid” feature.
  • The new MacBook Pro: Why did Apple backtrack on everything?

    One of the features I really miss is the dual purpose headphone jack that also served as a toslink optical connector. My complete music library is digitized, and I use my MacBook Pro to play it through a high quality stereo system. Apple may have saved a dollar on each Mac by eliminating this ability, but it made my life more complicated. I also miss the headphone jack on iOS devices. That may have been deleted to force customers to buy wireless headsets. I see that as another Ivey error.
  • iTunes Match is not working for a growing number of users

    I gave up on iTunes Match about two years ago. It kept corrupting my music files, and I would often end up with duplicate files. I would also import high quality CDs into iTunes and the Match program would replace them with lower definition files. Lastly, if when I entered my CDs into Match, and did something as minor as leaving an extra space between two words in an album or song title, Match would either not recognize the album or would replace it with something different. I literally spent DAYS talking with tech support to function and eventually decided the aggravation was not worth the convenience.
  • Apple Pay commission fee a massive hurdle for banks in Israel

    Perhaps if the banks used Pegasus spyware sold by the Israeli firm NSO, they could tap into Tim Cook’s phone and learn about Apple’s negotiating tactics. After all, that is the method the Saudis used to track journalist Kushogi when it had him murdered, and the same the Saudis used to hack Jeff Bezos’ phone because the Saudi prince didn’t like the news coverage from the Washington Post, and the same spy software the Mexican government used on the phones of journalists who reported on government corruption.

    Just sayin’.
  • Editorial: Samsung hasn't copied Apple TV+ yet, but it's only a matter of time

    Samsung probably will offer a knock off of Apple TV. 

    I have been reading about Samsung’s corporate philosophy for years. Not only does Samsung copy Apple products, but the company copies patented designs and technology of several small companies even though it knows it is doing so illegally. That is Samsung’s definition of R&D ( research and development). It researches the ideas of other companies and incorporates that theft into its own products. Samsung does this because it has the financial resources to drag out patent infringement law suits for several years. Smaller companies can’t afford to continue their law suits, so Samsung either reaches a settlement for pennies on the dollar, buys the companies or their technology after driving those companies’ market value into the ground, or simply keeps the lawsuits going for years until the competitors - whose ideas Samsung stole - go bankrupt.  THAT is how Samsung has become a top business in Korea.

    It is a rare thing when Samsung gets into a lawsuit with a company that has comparable financial resources to fight back. That is one way in which I admire Apple. It actively fights back against Samsung's theft of intellectual property. I made myself a vow a few years ago to NEVER buy anything made by Samsung. Doing so only encourages unethical and illegal behavior, but it stifles technology advances and puts other competitors out of business.

    Samsung is a shark who swallows minnows, but with respect to Apple it is two sharks competing for food.
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