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  • Apple One fails to solve issues with multiple Apple IDs

    I tend to be the "tech support" person for Apple stuff amongst my friends and relatives and an ongoing frustration is the confusion they get into with the Apple IDs.

    More than a few of them now have iPhones, and typically from carriers rather than the Apple Store. If they don't have an existing AppleID, the store typically creates a "branded" one for them, such as "[email protected]". 

    That's OK until Jane decides that she wants to switch to, say, T-Mobile at which point her email account disappears. But You can't change an AppleID, so she is stuck with AppleID [email protected] for FaceTime and Messages, but email is [email protected].  Friends get really weirded out by this.

    In some instances you can keep the old email even though you've switched carriers, but in other cases you can't. The case I have in mind is where my friend had Verizon land-line and an iPhone (with AppleID [email protected]). He moved house and transferred the landline, but VZ had no cell coverage so he switched to AT&T. Still no problem. But a year or so later Verizon sold their landline business in that region to Frontier, and there was NO possibility to retain the email. 

    tl;dr - when setting up a friend who's new to iPhone, MAKE SURE that they create an AppleID AND the [free] email address that matches it. It doesn't have to be their primary, they don't have to switch, but they should ALWAYS have the iCloud ID available.
  • How to factory reset a MacBook Pro, and when to do it

    mfryd said:
    LeoMC said:
    Why should one waste time, logging out from accounts when the wipe makes sure that happens too?

    It's not logging out of the account.  It is de-registering the computer.  You can have up to 5 computers registered to your iTunes account.  A computer stays registered, even if you wipe it clean.   The easiest way to de-register is from the registered computer.   That's not possible if you no longer have the computer.

    The other alternative is to de-register all your computers, but Apple severely limits are often this can be done.

    Thus, the best course of action is to de-register a computer before you wipe it clean.

    Amen to that. Some years ago I had a Mac that went in for repair - and came back with a new motherboard. 


    No way to de-register the old one and I was already at the limit. So the delete-all sledgehammer was my only tool. 

    Very messy. So take the hint - de-register first.
  • How to factory reset a MacBook Pro, and when to do it

    A little off-topic but it's related so I'll mention it.

    iCloud email addresses are free. But you need to create one from an Apple device and, to prevent abuse, Apple sets a limit of THREE on creation on new addresses. There's not a limit - as far as I know - on creation of AppleIDs with other email addresses. The limit is on new iCloud email accounts.

    And there is NO way to reset that since it's enforced in iCloud-AppleID-land.

    So if you buy an Apple device from someone and, not having an iCloud email account, try to create one but are rejected, this will be why. 

    BTW - I always recommend that new owners of Apple devices create an AppleID with its associated iCloud account. More than a few have been forced to change email accounts for various reasons and, although you can change the associated email address, you can never change the AppleID itself. Friends don't let friends do that.
  • Apple iPhone sales estimates 'aren't any good' says leading analyst

    HEADLINE ALERT !! The headline for this story is SERIOUSLY misleading. "Apple iPhone sales estimates 'aren't any good' says leading analyst" It suggests that the problem is with APPLE'S estimates, whereas the actual problem is with the industry analysts. Please FIX the headline.
    macplusplusMacQcavon b7DAalsethwatto_cobraphilboogie
  • What to do when your Lightning cable won't charge your iPhone or iPad

    A wooden toothpick is a good tool too. More effective than a Q-tip.