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  • Apple fires back in Epic Games 'Fortnite' saga, seeks damages for breach of contract

    Hopefully Apple will be hit with severe sanctions for filing this frivolous action.  This may even qualify for California's SLAPP law because it's such an egregious and obvious attempt to silence Epic (and ultimately the rest of us).

    This isn't really about Epic.

    This is about MY right to install any software of MY choice on MY iPhone. 

    NOT Apple's iPhone.  MY iPhone.  Apple sold it to me, it's not Apple's any more.  And Apple is illegally denying me the right to run software of my choice on MY iPhone.
  • 'iPhone 12' may not ship with EarPods, power adapter to offset 5G costs

    The top reason that Apple wouldn’t include charger, etc is environmental. The writing has been on the wall for years to not include this stuff. Less stuff manufactured is better. Smaller packing, less weight, less waste. With the amount of phones they ship, it all adds up. On individual shipments, it isn’t a problem. You have to think of the many plane loads that apple uses. More you can fit on a plane, the less fuel is used overall. Less weight means more phones and/or less weight means less fuel used. This is a big thing for Apple and their environmental reports. 

    If apple ships stuff in the box, what should apple ship? You complain about the 5W charger, yet I do most of my charging on 5W chargers. They do very well, I have lots of them and they last a long time. Higher wattage chargers also use more electricity, even on standby. What should it be, usb a or c? I have a lot of usb a stuff with some usb c. Headphones, should they include wired or wireless?

    We have no idea what is going to be in the box or what the pricing is going to be like. But yeah, get upset. 

    "It's better for the environment that we screw the customer!"

    Unless it comes with AT LEAST a price cut from the previous model of at least the value of the charger and earpods purchased separately, Apple isn't doing this crap for the environment.  They're doing it for increased profits.
  • Apple takes Prepear logo trademark fight to Canada

    There's not even a passing resemblance.

    It's nothing like the time a company blatantly ripped off Apple's name and logo.

    (The Apple in question was a record company, and the computer company was Apple Computer Inc.  So they should know something about ripping off trademarks...)
  • Uber, Lyft granted reprieve just hours before shutdown in California

    If they'd rather shut down than pay their employees fairly, they deserve to fail.

    It's ridiculous that they're being given more time.  They've been breaking the law for over a year now.  Hit them for the full labor code violation, make them pay all the back pay they owe and the thousands of dollars in fines per employee.

    The sooner these worthless companies go bankrupt the sooner a new company that will pay drivers fairly for their work will emerge.
  • Review: VOCOlinc PureFlow is the only HomeKit air purifier you need

    What do you bet a box fan, some air filters, and some duct tape would do just as good a job?  And you can even plug it into a Homekit outlet if you really want.  Less than $100, problem solved.

    As a bonus, it'll only be very slightly uglier than this thing.