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  • 'iPhone 13' A15 chip performance continues dominance over Android rivals

    why do people believe these kind of things?
    iPhone prototypes out of factory don’t usually run full iOS capable of using these benchmarks. Only hardware flashed by Apple with the correct iOS version could do this, and those prototypes wouldn’t be circulating in China or Korea, at least not in July, so many months before release - those would be in Cupertino!

  • Patreon doesn't pay Apple's 30% App Store commission, and its CEO isn't sure why not

    I don’t think it’s that hard to understand why! Patreon is also used for different purposes that are not related with digital content to be consumed on a device.
    thtmark fearingaderutterRayz2016foregoneconclusionjony0
  • TSMC will prioritize Apple 'iPhone 13,' car builder chip orders

    lkrupp said:
    Is Apple TSMC’s biggest customer? Most profitable for them? Why prioritize Apple over other PC manufacturers?
    Apple is the biggest costumer and probably is the only one who is willing to pay more for access to the latest technology from TSMC.
  • Apple resolved M1 Mac SSD wear reporting issue in macOS 11.4

    Yep, I already spotted this. Swap memory usage is also way down.
    Was the Write value corrected to a lower value?
  • Epic Games expert says iOS could be like macOS without security drawbacks

    elijahg said:
    ppietra said:
    Aren’t people forbidden from lying in court? At the very least he is blatantly trying to deceive the judge...
    He says that review is not necessary because of iOS's built-in defences like sandboxing, and then goes on to say that the Mac is as secure as iOS.
     Guess what, SANDBOXING is not enforced on the Mac, like many other security features that he says are what makes iOS secure, are not enforced on the Mac. So clearly the Mac is not as secure as iOS using this supposed expert own criteria for security... Which makes his all argument that iOS could be like the Mac so false!!!!!
    Yes, it is by default. Unlike iOS however, the user can bypass it on a per-app basis.
    No it isn’t. Only applications acquired through the Mac AppStore are required to be sandboxed. Applications from outside the AppStore are not required and a lot of people install apps on Macs from outside the AppStore, which is the all argument that the Epic is trying to make.