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  • Hands on with the new features in watchOS 5.1.2

    New updates often do extra background processing to update data for new features or improvements.

    Also what does that have to do with the Apple Watch?
  • Hands on: How to use the ECG app on Apple Watch

    MacPro said:
    Amazing tech, looking forward to them adding blood pressure monitoring too if at all possible just with the watch.
    It is theoretically possible to compute blood pressure from timings from the pulse monitor and the ECG, and especially if calibrated from a doctor’s visit should be pretty accurate. Really hoping Apple is working on it. 
  • Microsoft surpasses Apple, retakes crown of world's most valuable company

    avon b7 said:

    Apple is on an 's' cycle - through its own choice - which only makes the sale look worse when compared to rival flagships that are pushing the pedal to the metal. So while Apple takes a breather on innovation and brings the A12 and little else to the table while still including a 5W charger in the box, others are innovating on everything and showing no signs of slowing down. That means 'new' tech is flowing down the lines into the middle ground at an incredible pace and upping the value proposition of those phones.
    The problem with your story is that it isn’t true. Saumsung owns the high end Android market and the S9 is underselling the S8 which undersold the S7. The Note 9 looks to be wildly successful comparatively yet is under selling the Note 8. The innovation you claim Android is showing isn’t proving a high end sales maker while Apple continues to out sell everybody in the high end market with their “paused innovation” and “‘s’ cycle”. Which for the buyers of the Max and XR, this definitely isn’t. 
  • Future path of Apple's App Stores at stake in Monday's Supreme Court arguments

    cropr said:
    frantisek said:
    I think App Store is about security.
    That Apple is approving/checking apps before they are allowed to put on the App Store is a great thing, but it is not necessarily related to the distribution model which is the core question here.   With digital signatures it is technically very easy to set up a system where Apple approves apps before the apps are distributed/hosted via a non Apple app store. 

    And they should provide this service to third party app stores for free?
  • Future path of Apple's App Stores at stake in Monday's Supreme Court arguments

    cropr said:
    jdgaz said:
    I think the walled garden is a benefit.
    For Apple it is, for the user this is unclear, for the developer it is definitely not
    How quickly they forget.

    In the world before the iPhone, there were multiple mobile App “store” web pages, charging at least 50%, with differing policies and requirements for developers, and didn’t allow free distribution. Some didn’t provide hosting. None provided server side services such as push notifications and Game Center.

    A unified store charging a flat 30% and handling hosting, distribution, and payment fulfillment was a revolution.
