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  • Apple's brawny 5G iPhone family will require larger, pricey motherboards

    BTW, I have coax cable internet at 259Mbps down, not 10 - all fiber would get me is faster uploads.
  • Apple's brawny 5G iPhone family will require larger, pricey motherboards

    Too many here are still conflating 5G with mmWave and higher speeds as if that is a it offers. 

    1. 5G supports all the existing frequencies and the same range as 4g, but with lower latency and more devices at lower speeds, supporting an IoT future and reducing congestion impacts in crowded spots like sports stadiums.
    2. 5G supports mmWave which provides for higher speeds but much shorter range, and will likely only be rolled out in urban areas where high population density will get the most advantage return, but will make little.difference to individual end users who will still be limited by Internet throughput and server capabilities at the other end. 

    BTW, I have coax cable internet at 250Mbps down, not 10 - all fiber would get me is faster uploads.
  • Editorial: How Apple beat Samsung in the 2010 global ARM race

    They took the only course available.

    No, while Intrinsity and Hummingbird might have been off the table, pursuing a course of designing their own successor was available to them, through purchase of another chip designer or starting from scratch, one they eventually attempted with Exynos, though that seems like it might be winding down now as a failed attempt. But who knows where they might be if they had started a few years earlier to found their own design path. 

  • Samsung issues patch for Galaxy S10 fingerprint sensor problem

    Nope - saw a video that showed exactly that in detail. Enrolled a new set of fingers, saw them work, saw wrong fingers not work, put piece of film over reader/screen, wrong finger works.
  • Samsung admits a screen protector defeats Galaxy S10 fingerprint sensor

    netmage said:
    That explanation is interesting but doesn’t explain how the same screen protector unlocked her friend’s phone. 
    Sure it does. Her friend's finger oil is on the fingerprint sensing area on her phone. After applying the screen protector, it too is entombed.
    Since this is an in-screen scanner, it seems unlikely to have a well preserved fingerprint instead of a smudge from using the touchscreen, but this line from another article says it worked with an invalid fingerprint on the screen:
     failing to unlock with an untrained fingerprint as they should, but then, when the user places a clear silicone phone case over the top of the sensor, that finger can unlock the phone”