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  • 'iPhone 13' will bring ProMotion 120Hz display, foldable coming by 2023 says Kuo

    The camera system at the front could also be upgraded to have autofocus for the first time.

    What does this mean?  I'm pretty sure I haven't been manually focusing my iPhone camera like it's a 1980s Pentax 5000.
    The front camera does not have autofocus. It is a fixed focus lens set to infinity. 
  • Final Cut Pro trademark hints at possible subscription offering

    Another line item on my credit card statement every month? How fast can you say 'delete'...?
    Well good for you.

    For many apps, the business model of selling an app for a one time fee, then supporting that customer forever is unsustainable. There comes a point where most people who need the app already own it (as is likely the case with FCP), then 100% of a developer's resources are devoted solely to maintain that app for eternity.  There are relatively simple apps that require little maintenance, which may work under this business model, but apps like FCP, Office, Adobe, most certainly do not.

    For a customer, the cost is not much more.  There was a time when Adobe cost upwards of $3,000, and it lasted a few years. You could maybe stretch it 8 years, but that still ended up being almost $400 a year. Now you pay $30 a month (with the regular sales they have), and the app is updated every few months (rather than every 8 years).  

    If the app is regularly updated with new functionality, the subscription model is well worth it. If you pay 99 cents a month for a calculator, then clearly that's a ripoff.  

  • Questions raised about M1 Mac SSD longevity, based on incomplete data

    This raises the question of WHY does Apple solder their SSDs into the mother board?
    Who gains?
    --  I see no material benefit to Apple
    --  I see no benefit to Apple's customers

    But, as this points out:  there is potential risk and harm
    --  The drive can wear out
    --  The laptop could die -- at which point the data on it is unrecoverable.
    --  The user could have a need for more storage -- but is locked into what was originally purchased.

    Returning to removeable, replaceable storage (even Apple has to do it) solves a lot of problems but (as far as I can see) causes none -- at least none that are material.
    This has been debated ad nauseam, and yes there are benefits, including smaller packaging and improved cooling, increased power efficiency, better reliability, reduced costs, and higher transfer speeds.  Apple is not soldering components simply to annoy you. 

    Of course, the downside of soldering is it stimulates unfounded paranoia in the uninformed. 
  • 'Sign in With Apple' target of Justice Department antitrust probe

    nealc5 said:
    I love Sign in with Apple.  Use it all the time. I don't want to give developers access to my entire Facebook or Google contacts. I suspect that Facebook and Google pay developers for this personal data, and Apple doesn't, so developers don't like it.

    Apple is trying to protect my privacy. They should be applauded, not investigated.
    Antitrust law has nothing to do with privacy, and the fact that Apple furthers your personal interests doesn’t mean the justice system should ignore violations of antitrust and other laws. 
    MplsPwilliamlondonavon b7byronl
  • 'Sign in With Apple' target of Justice Department antitrust probe

    netrox said:
    Oh hell no. I don't want to share my email address to anyone. If I want to buy a product, I want my transaction to be as anonymous as possible. 
    And how is that relevant here?