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  • Apple threatens to close Epic Games developer account on Aug. 28

    rain22 said:
    This isn't going to bode well for Apple. They just proved the case them for anti-competitive practices. 
    Epic's strategy seems too well planned. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other financial and political supporters behind them. 
    That or they are stupid. But I have a feeling Apple is getting gamed here somehow. 

    Epic admits that it breached the developer agreement, and the agreement states that it may be terminated for any breach.  Terminating a contract when the other party breaches the contract is not "anti-competitive."   
  • Apple threatens to close Epic Games developer account on Aug. 28

    Rayz2016 said:
    Epic should sell actual tokens that gamers receive through the post. 

    Apple doesn’t apply fees to physical sales. 
    You may want to actually read the App Store Guidelines.

    • 3.1.5(a) Goods and Services Outside of the App: If your app enables people to purchase goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry.
    • 5.3.3 Apps may not use in-app purchase to purchase credit or currency for use in conjunction with real money gaming of any kind, and may not enable people to purchase lottery or raffle tickets or initiate fund transfers in the app.

  • California school students are getting 1 million iPads for back-to-school

    gerard said:
    It’s ironic the about face that the U.S. public school system has taken  Just a few years back they claimed using iPads was not benefiting students. Now Apple is making a killing selling them to schools. 
    The State of California school system has never claimed iPads don’t benefit students. 
  • Apple device management firm Jamf prices IPO at $26, seeks to raise $468M

    Rayz2016 said:
    Imagine buying stock in a company that’s a year away from being Sherlocked.
    How do you mean?
    Apple recently bought Fleetsmith.

    So I can see why JAMF would want to IPO as soon as possible, and why I won't be buying any of their shares.
    What does Apple buying Fleetsmith have to do with JAMF wanting an IPO?

    The answer is nothing.   The JAMF board didn’t wake up on June 24 to the news of Apple buying Fleetsmith, then 2 weeks later have an IPO plan in place. It takes the average company at least 6 months to execute an IPO from the time the decision is made. 
  • Luxshare iPhone factory purchase is bad news for Foxconn, Pegatron

    lkrupp said:
    This fucking factory is still in China and Apple needs to move away from China ASAP. The UK just abrogated its extradition treaty with Hong Kong, raising the hackles of the totalitarian regime even further. The next retaliation by the communist dictators may include Apple this time around. They could wipe Apple off the face of the earth with the stroke of a pen and there would be nothing anyone could do about it except scream and holler. Or they could hold Apple hostage and the ransom would be allowing Huawei back into western markets.
    Are you ok? 