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  • Apple agrees to make key App Store changes, create $100M fund to settle developer lawsuit

    rob53 said:
    If a developer emails me about a different payment process I’ll tell them to GTH and trash their app. 
    Developer: "You can save 30% by purchasing using any major credit card."
    Rob53: "Go to hell, I'll pay full price!!!!!"

    Seems completely logical. 
  • Apple testing new Face ID that works with masks, says leaker

    KBuffett said:
    Apple are too slow at implementation
    Maybe you should take charge and fix all their issues. 
  • Outdated Apple CSAM detection algorithm harvested from iOS 14.3 [u]

    Another “exploit” that’s possible (only because there’s a non-zero chance it could happen) but in the real world would never happen.

    As mentioned, users have to save the photo. Not just one photo, but 30 photos. You think you’re going to convince someone to save 30 photos they received from a random person? I get pictures in iMessage all the time from friends/family. I rarely save them as once I’ve seen it (often it’s a joke or meme) I simply delete it. Or I’ll leave it in iMessage if I ever need to see it again.
    Photos in iMessage are saved to iCloud even if they are not manually added to Photos. How do you think they end up on all your devices?
  • Apple details user privacy, security features built into its CSAM scanning system

    lkrupp said:
    In this brave new world where facts are irrelevant and perception and spin is all that matters the horse is already out of the barn and nothing Apple says or does will change the perception being spun in the news media and tech blogs.
    Perception and facts are one and the same. Apple, the company that put up billboards proclaiming that what is on your phone is no one else’s business AND alleged that allowing a backdoor for government would compromise security, will be scanning its users’ photos to determine whether they committed a crime. 
  • Fed expansion of Apple's CSAM system barred by 4th Amendment, Corellium exec says

    Didn’t the NSA violate the 4th amendment when it was caught spying on American citizens who were not suspects of committing terrorism? 
    The surveillance you’re referring to, pursuant to section 702 of the FISA Act, targeted foreign nationals, not “American citizens.” However, the controversy lies in that some of the communications included US citizens on the other end.  Common sense will tell you (well maybe not you) that when you are intercepting communications to or from a criminal, some of those communications will be lawful and will not involve co conspirators. In such cases, law enforcement is required to discontinue monitoring that communication, and section 702, specifically required the NSA to do that. 
