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  • Leaked sample of Intel's Broadwell-EP Xeon E5 chip may hint at Mac Pro specs

    There's hoping. Just as possible that the nMP won't be refreshed for another six months and nobody is ever going to buy one again.
    tallest skil
  • Apple TV, iOS will simplify cable provider authentication with single sign-on

    Still no support for Siri in most countries outside of north America for tvOS. This is really embarrassing. Untie Siri's language setting from the bloody iTunes account already. I'm not asking for Siri to understand Swiss German dialects after all, I just want to be able to speak to it like I have been doing on my iPhone for years — in English. Alas, Cookie doesn't want me to be able to use his much hyped features, more than a year after buxing the aTV 4 with the promise of further Siri regions coming soon. Frack you...
  • Apple rejects indie game The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth over child violence

    Apple doesn't get games. Steve didn't, despite announcing that he was going to make Macs the best gaming machines in the world back in 1999, and Tim doesn't get it either. Years behind in OpenGL development for OS X, restricting games on Apple TV to ones that can be played with the supplied remote only, failing to snatch up Bungie when they could, losing support from Blizzard for Overwatch. Going mobile on desktop and phasing out dGPUs isn't helping.

    I've lost hope by now. It's really sad to say that after 20 years of loyal Mac gaming, but my next gaming PC is arguably going to be just that. A PC.
    lord amhran
  • This week on AppleInsider: 'iPhone 7' rumors, iPhone 6s production cuts, stock market troubles & mo

    I've generally been defending Apple's decisions since 1995, but some of the recent developments have led me to believe that the company is at the inevitable turning point big corporations ultimately get to. They've become big, like microsoft in the 90s. Big and arrogant, prioritizing form over function at the disadvantage of the customer. Software quality has been degrading for years, products are being released in unfinished states, the professional market has bern totally neglected for the better part of a decade.

    The Apple of the future is going to end up being a fashion brand with overpriced but not superior products, like Louis Vuitton, Tommy Hilfiger or Burberry (hint hint).

    Tim has to be very careful what kind of decisions he makes now, if he wants Apple to remain the most useable and user friendly manufacturer of electronic entertainment and productivity equipment.
    The trend is certainly not pointing in the right direction. And I do feel that the stock market is feeling uncertain too. I know I am.

    It's sad, because frankly if Apple becomes unattractive and its products mere fashion gadgets with good looks but horrible usability, we're stuck with no other, better options right now. Android is a mess and Windows, while better than with 95 or Vista, is still dragging awful amounts of legacy behind, hampering stability and usability in equal amounts.

    You can play this card only for so long Apple. Eventually people with stop buying products that are inferior and overpriced and settle for the cheaper, lesser evil. Cave, cave!

    tallest skil
  • BlackBerry CEO bashes Apple's data privacy policies

    This is surprising coming from a company that used to promote their products for having the highest security. Back when they still had an actual business, that is.