element.style.opacity -= .05 why can't I do that?I'm a JavaScript newbie.<br /> <br /> element.style.opacity -= .05<br /> <br /> That doesn't seem to work at all. It doesn't work with parseFloat eit…
... . Below is my whole function. #Layer1 { \topacity:1; } function fadeOut (elId ... -
What if *this* is Apple's "revolutionary" new product?We've all been speculating about the new "revolutionary" product that Apple will supposedly release, but none of the theories seem truly re…
What about this- [quote] I believe Apple may deliver a new consumer electronics device. Specifically, I envision a slot-loading external Superdrive (burns both DVDs and CDs) home theater component that is Firewire-equipped, Airport equipped, and includes ... -
Programing questionHave an interesting set up but need to know something. <br /> <br /> i have a class, netowrk that has a group of connections, and a group of layer…
... same objects that are in layer1 because that is how they ... -
CSS noob?hey ppl i recently got the Studio MX by Macromedia and am getting pretty good with instruction of placebo but he gets aggrevated sometimes when i kee…
i don't know if it will work but here it is this is my code... if i did it wrong tell me how to do it right then call me stupid • oneoneoen •twotwotwo •threethree •fourfourfour •fivefivefive Mission Statement Our objective ...