what's the world coming to?<img src="http://www.spddallas.com/Irony.jpg" border="0" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> It's screwed up world when:<br /> <br /> 1. the best rapper is a wh…
It's screwed up world when: 1. the best rapper is a white guy 2. the best golfer is a black guy 3. the French calls us arrogant 4. the Germans don't want to go to war 5. and now Lesbians against Bush -
Let's play a Game!!! Who has the most Oil in the world?it's a simple game.<br /> <br /> guess which country has the most oil reserves in the entire world.<br /> <br /> most common answer? Saudia Arabia w…
... oil reserves in the entire world. most common answer? Saudia Arabia ... -
Would you ever consider becoming a World Super Villain?If fantasy could become reality, is there anybody here that would do it? Terrorize trillions of people, kill millions, threaten the world to turn th…
... people, kill millions, threaten the world to turn the notion of ... "just like them"), show the world your omnipotent, true fury, just ... your little part in the world of being "the good guy ... -
How will the world end ?It's official, the world is going to end...( probably the same day...I win the lottery ). <br /> But the question is how ?<br /> Seems like there's p…
It's official, the world is going to end...( probably ... -
World of Warcraft is coming to Mac OS X :DAccording to <a href="http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/2003/05/14/blizzard/" target="_blank">this MacCentral article</a> World of Warcraft has a c…
According to this MacCentral article World of Warcraft has a chance of being a simultaneous release for Mac OS X and Windows. I plan on getting a giga-designs G4 upgrade card (1.25 GHz) and a Radeon 9000 to prepare... What do you guys think? Blueflame -
Fatherly Conversation on world mattersQ: Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?<br /> <br /> A: Because they had weapons of mass destruction.<br /> <br /> Q: But the inspectors didn't fin…
... ! You finally understand how the world works. Now close your eyes ... -
Real World SpeedOkay, the G5s are definitely a technological leap for the mac platform, and in certain respects, home computing as a whole. <br /> <br /> However, Ma…
... the rest of the computing world, rather than surpassing it. Generation ... exciting machine. While the PC world has no single consumer solution ... do exist in the PC world. The big difference is that ... more respect in the computing world: unix and linux users are ... -
World Political Spectrum...Anyone who has paid any attention to what I've said knows I'd be over on the Korean penninsula in a hearbeat the day the Kim Jung Il regime falls, th…
... see, what change in the world political spectrum would want to ... -
So the world is FUBAR, whatcha goin' to do?Many of the discussions in AO revolve around what terrible things are happening in the world, the current trend is what terrible things the Bush admi…
... things are happening in the world, the current trend is what ... you doing to make the world a more decent place to ... to do to make the world a better place? Myself, I ... -
IBM: XLC for MacOS X. XLC is a world class C compiler highly tuned for G5!This just in... I received this information via e-mail and thought I might pass it along:<br /> <br /> IBM just released XLC for MacOS X. XLC is a w…
... MacOS X. XLC is a world class C compiler highly tuned ... -
Sixth world champion F1 title for ShumacherShumacher, win his sixth world champion title of F1, one more than the legendary fangio. <br /> <br /> Except the number of pole postions ( a record …
Shumacher, win his sixth world champion title of F1, one ... -
non-mac question: world clock rss feed?i have searched and searched google, but can't seem to find what i'm after...<br /> <br /> i need a rss feed (or something i can syndicate for free i…
i have searched and searched google, but can't seem to find what i'm after... i need a rss feed (or something i can syndicate for free into a website) of world clock -- a list of different countries and their current time. anyone got any ideas? -
Official World Series TopicThe Matchups: <br /> <br /> *Will be updated as needed* <br /> <br /> <b>World Series</b><br /> <br /> <b>National League Champions Florida Marlins…
... *Will be updated as needed* World Series National League Champions Florida ... @ New York Florida Marlins win World Series 4-2 Note: The ... field advantage for the World Series. The World Series is a best ... and the winners are deemed World Champions. All games are on ... -
The end of the world is 11 years late... and counting :)I drive past this particular poster once or twice a week -- it's near where I work. I just drove past it again today.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://w…
... 61: The End of the World). Looks like Lee Jang Rim ... -
World AIDS Day 2003- 1st December 2003In my time-zone it's already the 1st of december, and so it's already <b>World AIDS Day</b> again.<br /> <br /> Do you wear a red ribbon? I will. Sho…
... , and so it's already World AIDS Day again. Do you ... -
World's greatest Jokers and Madmen Picture ThreadOf course the pictures speak for themselves:<br /> <br /> Here we have "Man of the Year"<br /> <br /> <img src="http://homepage.mac.com/fel…
... Kinda silly to think the world would need a man like ... -
(How well) Do you think this iBook will run World of Warcraft?I figure this iBook will run WoW, perhaps not the best in the world, but enough to get by relatively smoothly. What do you think?<br /> <br /> 1Ghz G…
... not the best in the world, but enough to get by ... -
What's wrong with the world...Starting January 16th, all Macs will come with 10.3.2 and iLife. This means everyone that buys a Mac on and beyond Jan 16th will have a really nice …
... we live in a sad world where people *just want a ... -
World of Warcraft betaFor those who may be interested, World of warcraft beta signups are happening this week. With the relatively small mac gaming community, im guessing…
... those who may be interested, World of warcraft beta signups are ... -
what i think america should do in the coming years (to help the world..and our image)ok, so right now i think everyone would agree that the good old USA has a pretty bad image around the world (if you count the high point of the US im…
... while also improving greatly our world image?? my plan (co- ... thousand towards college... around the world the countries and it's ... clearly outway the bad)... the world would be improved, i ... science projects, we would have "world fairs" where the children showed ... -
U.S.'s responsibility as world's "super" nuclear power...I'm inspired by dmz's post. First of all, I'd like you all to visit this site: <a href="http://costofwar.com/" target="_blank">http://costofwar.com/…
... ...) want the rest of the world to denuclearize. However, "we" are ... aren't we just the world's guiding light... If the ... , this person would be the world's biggest hypocrite. End of ... -
Apple told to halt 'world's fastest' claims for G5<a href="http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1103_2-5180251.html?tag=zdfd.newsfeed" target="_blank">Here's the link on ZDNet...</a> <br /> <br /> Ah. ZDNet. I …
... Power Mac G5 is 'the world's fastest, most powerful personal ... -
Real world pics of iPod minis?I'd like to purchase an iPod mini and I can't decide the color. There are no Apple stores near me (8+ hour drive). <br /> <br /> Does anyone have a…
... ). Does anyone have any real world pictures of any of the ... -
World of Warcraft Mac GuildHey! A bunch of us over at MacNN got into the World of Warcraft Beta and were thinking of starting up a guild called the Reservoir DogCows. Since t…
... at MacNN got into the World of Warcraft Beta and were ... -
OS X is PC World's best of 2004Not sure if this is a duplicate of someother thread...<br /> <br /> PC World has rated OS-X Panther as the best operating system of the year. I gues…
... duplicate of someother thread... PC World has rated OS-X Panther ... -
?It's the end of the world? etc.Or: <b>?catastrophic planetary deterioration Я us?</b><br /> <br /> Recently, I have been castigated by a few good souls for having uttered the…
... are at play in the world's killing fields. (Me wondering ... -
World of WarcraftI wanted to get some feedback on the upcoming Multiuser Online Role-Playig Game World of Warcraft. I actually borrowed a friends PC for 4 months last…
... Multiuser Online Role-Playig Game World of Warcraft. I actually borrowed ... -
World of Warcraft and The Reservoir DogCowsHey, everyone! Now that the third phase of e-mails have been sent out for the World of Warcraft beta, I thought I would come back and give all of yo…
... been sent out for the World of Warcraft beta, I thought ... -
Real-world 1.5 GHz G4 battery lifeHi, I'm looking to hear from users of the 1.5 GHz G4 15-inch PowerBook w/ SuperDrive out there regarding real-world battery life. Apple claims "…
... / SuperDrive out there regarding real-world battery life. Apple claims "a ... -
Do I have to resintall system to get World Book back?Ok, you're probably thinking "Why does he care about World Book?" This is a valid question. I only opened it once I think.<br /> <br /> W…
... "Why does he care about World Book?" This is a valid ... . I then got out the World Book CD that came with ... you can't take the World Book CD around to other ... the entire system to get World Book back? If that is ...