Using the "define" function as a converter?Hello, Is it possible to add a "dictionary" so that when I want to "define" a currency on safari on iPad or iPhone, or some imperial measures, then …
... that when I want to "define" a currency on safari on ... -
Wouldn't it be cool if the digital hub was really a hub?I think that making the digital hub a physical hub would be a great thing to chane the market with. I think that people no longer want to choose bet…
... I shouldn't try do define it, but I did anyway ... -
When will Apple innovate again?This is Future Hardware, so I don't want discuss OSX or iApp here. First, let's define "innovation."<br /> <br /> Innovation - " The a…
... iApp here. First, let's define "innovation." Innovation - " The act of ... -
"Now" it is time for an Apple hand-held computer.Years ago we debated whether or not Apple should license the Palm OS and make a pda. Mr. Jobs articulated reasons not to do so. The maturing pda ma…
... something in the wings to define the new handheld form-factor ... -
iTaskI like iCal, but there are many things I do that lie outside the traditional calender model. More than just identifying appointments, etc, I need to …
... appointments, etc, I need to define tasks. A task would typically ... -
Sherlock DictionaryDon't know if anyone else has noted this, but I found this while poking around in Sherlock 3 today...it's good for a laugh.<br /> Open Sherlock 3 and…
... "Microsoft" in the word to define field...it won't come ... -
MacDICT under OS XI love the OS 9 program MacDICT. It's so very easy to use - from the provided Control Strip module, choose a function such as "define" or …
... , choose a function such as "define" or "translate" and enter the ... -
What is prebinding?Please define this for me. Thanks.
Please define this for me. Thanks. -
OK so what the hell are liberals?I generally think of myself as left leaning and one of the things that irritates the crap out of me is that so called liberls have allowed the right …
... have allowed the right to define them for at least two ... feel they are liberals to define themselves. What do you beleive ... beliefs. It's time to define ourselves rather than simply defend ... -
Can Ann Coulter EVER Legitimize Herself?Ann Coulter (<a href="http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0206/27/cf.00.html" target="_blank">Crossfire Transcript</a>):<b…
... "New York Times" seems to define the religious right, anyone who ... -
National Security Strategy of the United States of AmericaSo it's all been right under our noses the whole time.<br /> <br /> The strategy recently developed and currently in execution is one of global US do…
... freedom." The authors do not define it, except by implication. The ... -
FreeBSD equivalant of iftab?I just nuked my FreeBSD box and now I need to help someone who's on a FreeBSD box.<br /> <br /> grr.<br /> <br /> On OS X/Darwin you can define the i…
I just nuked my FreeBSD box and now I need to help someone who's on a FreeBSD box. grr. On OS X/Darwin you can define the ifconfig arguments at boot in the /etc/iftab file. Where can you do this in FreeBSD? Thanks! [ 11-26-2001: Message edited by: jutus ] -
Mail.app questionGeez, first few posts are just me begging for answers, I miss being able to find solutions.<br /> <br /> Anyway, I tried to set up mail.app to check…
... because I am allowed to define many email addresses under the ... -
Active/Passive CDROM Setting ?I notice that my CDROM's reading speed is quite variable. When the CD is spinning at full speed (thus making a very loud noise) the reading of files …
... ... Is there a way to define wether you want your CDROM ... -
Creativity and Innovation: what the Pc users do not understand.Creativity: More than something that can define our place in the world and sometimes even outlive us,its also how we advance as individuals and how w…
... : More than something that can define our place in the world ... -
Sony offers Commercial CDs with recordable sections<a href="http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/News/Details.asp?RelatedID=2352" target="_blank">Sony's Postscribed CD's </a>…
... an order person can also define ID data, it is realizable ... -
DoCoMo adpots mp4 for 3G streaming!<a href="http://www.onlinereporter.com/charts/tor327/tor327.html#2" target="_blank">Hoe Lee Shit.</a><br /> <br /> […
... to create the specs that define an interoperable implementation for streaming ... -
quotes.......... to these days.....<br /> <br /> There never was a good war or bad peace<br /> -Benjamin Franklin-<br /> <br /> The more you can increase fear o…
... the past if you would define the future. -Confucius- Military intelligence ... -
Customizing my iBookHello People.<br /> <br /> I would like to share with you the beauty of having a customized Laptop. On this laptop there is no dock, the finder is of…
... with Opt+Tab and you define keys F7 to F11 With ... -
Help with "do shell script" in ApplescriptThis is my script:<br /> <div><pre><div class="quoteHd">Code:</div><br> do shell script "chmod +x /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app.DISABLED…
... help? Maybe a way to define the process number and then ... -
Apple @ Create show in New YorkInteresting that Greg Joswick, Apple hardwre Vice President will open the Create show with his feature presentation. If Panther is the new focus wha…
... team?s mission is to define the future of personal computing ... -
Bans on gay sex overturnedFor those with an LA Times account :<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-scotus27jun27,1,6866713.story?coll=l…
... continued. "Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not ... -
Will Panther's MAIL Finally Beat Microsoft's ENTOURAGE?I really enjoy the full features of Entourage right now, and still think that it has the current iteration of Apple's Mail program beat. The accumul…
... Entourage cool things like a "define" option when you command-click ... -
Idea for Safari and MacOS X ServicesWouldn't it be cool to right click on a word in Safari and see a Define command that used <a href="http://www.dictionary.com?" target="_blank">www.di…
Wouldn't it be cool to right click on a word in Safari and see a Define command that used www.dictionary.com? Or even a system-wide Service that did this throughout OS X? edit: the link works even with the question mark! -
Is Anti-Zionism the same as Anti-Semitism?To spin off the other racism thread, the question at hand came to me as an interesting one. If you define Anti-Zionism as being against the prolifera…
... an interesting one. If you define Anti-Zionism as being against ... -
Defining homosexualityI brought this up in a previous thread in which the best rebuttal to my argument someone could summon was to call me a retard. Hoping there are more…
... . I Last question- If we define someone's gender by their ... remain? After all, if we define people this way, then there ... -
iMacs, never been more pointless...With the advent of the new iBook G4 there are so many good laptop options, from iBook 12/14 to PB12 and PB15 (Combo), we might even throw in the 15&q…
... /upgradability/monitor selection woes that define the AIO's major limitations ... -
ArsTechnica, Siracusa's Definitive Mac OS X 10.3 ReviewIt's thorough, to say the least:<br /> <br /> <b><a href="http://www.arstechnica.com/reviews/003/panther/macosx-10.3-1.html" target="_blank">Mac OS X…
... Apple's need to properly define what brushed metal is supposed ... -
Services Menu, how does it work?I'm looking to find a tool to manage the Services menu, and wasn't able to find much of anything on my own. Any pointers would be much appreciated.<…
... having a problem with the 'Define in OmniDictionary' service: Instead of ... -
64-bit addressingThere is a guy on the Apple forums that wonders why this code does not compile. I tried it and it compiles with the variable A declared as long but n…
... : #include #include #define X 128 #define Y 128 #define Z 128 #define T 129 ...