iPhone OS 3.0 to expand homescreens; new video walk-through



  • Reply 21 of 56
    silenciosilencio Posts: 134member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    If the iPod is the source of the music, you can do many other things while playing music, inlcuding running apps. I listen to music on the train everyday to work while checking the NY Times app, for example. As long as the app doesn't create its own sounds / music, it generally won't affect the iPod playing in the background. Same thing with videos, but then again looking at your email while trying to watch a video sort of defeats the purpose, right?

    Also, the Pre (i THINK) uses apps that are more web-based (less powerful) and less processor-intensive. I could be wrong though.

    That's exactly right. The apps running on the Pre should be pretty lightweight, but who knows how their multitasking will work in the real world in terms of performance and battery life.
  • Reply 22 of 56
    gmcalpingmcalpin Posts: 266member
    Has anybody tried Moleskinery?

    It's got folders, and you don't even need to have a jailbroken phone to use it (anymore).

    I haven't used it myself (don't have an iPhone), but I'm seeing a lot of complaining about the lack of folders ? but since a $3 app gives you that feature, I'm not sure what the big deal is. The implementation looks pretty good to me...

  • Reply 23 of 56
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by Somebody OnThe Nets View Post

    Hah... true. I'd just like a setting implemented for that so I wouldn't have to click on phone every time I close up. It's really no big deal, I'd just love that as a feature.

    Anyways, can't friggen wait till June. It'll be like a new phone.

    You can set the double press of the Home button to go to the phone app, little easier than looking an tapping the phone each time.
  • Reply 24 of 56
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymoustache View Post

    Nothing happens when I hit the play button on the video in the post and I get a "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /iphoneospreview/ai.flv on this server." error when trying to view the FLV at http://images.appleinsider.com/iphoneospreview/ai.flv

    I get the same thing. I don't understand why AI doesn't just upload to YouTube or use QT when so many of their readers are using iPhones and Touches.

    Originally Posted by success View Post

    A big fault with the iPhone from what I've read is not being able to have more than one app open at a time. How come this is so easy on the Palm Pre? Why can't you use an app while listening to music? Check my mail with a video in the background?

    I don't have an iPhone so I'm curious as to what happens when you receive an email with a video. Can you watch the video in the email? If so then it would seem that you should be able to have two apps open at the same time.

    The "no background apps" does not mean there are no background apps. In fact there are plenty. The Phone and SMS run constantly, as well as my Push email. They will continue to run if I am using the iPod app with Safari and the built-in countdown timer (which I do use often).

    Apple is just not allowing 3rd-party background apps. How long would your battery last or how well would a video play if you had a 3rd-party app that was eating up all your spare CPU cycles and maxing out your RAM in the background? What if it was a well designed app, but now you want a half dozen of these apps running constantly? It won't be able to reasonably handle such a load. I'll know what is causing my battery to drain in an hour and what is causing Safari to take several minutes to start up, but will the average user?

    The background notification server is a much better solution for the growth of the platform. With it I can potentially have an unlimited number of apps tied to it, with the server forwarding on any data that needs to be sent with only one additional process running to do all this.

    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    Also, the Pre (i THINK) uses apps that are more web-based (less powerful) and less processor-intensive. I could be wrong though.

    The only time I've noticed where I would like to have multiple third-party apps running is a Pandora type music thing, while reading the NY Times, for example. Better yet, the upcoming Sirius XM app.

    You are correct GTL215, The Pre appears to be using nothing more than glorified webpages that uses HTML5's local caching feature. They are using a newer version of WebKit, which the iPhone v3 and Safari 4 use, which means that Apple could offer this same feature as well.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by gmcalpin View Post

    Has anybody tried Moleskinery?

    It's got folders, and you don't even need to have a jailbroken phone to use it (anymore).

    I haven't used it myself (don't have an iPhone), but I'm seeing a lot of complaining about the lack of folders ? but since a $3 app gives you that feature, I'm not sure what the big deal is. The implementation looks pretty good to me...


    First, you're not supposed to use the forum to advertise products.

    Secondly this is not available in the app store so it *does* require the phone to be jail-broken.
  • Reply 26 of 56
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Somebody OnThe Nets View Post

    Personally managed Folders... can't wait till they finally bring that to the phone. I actually like Spotlight, but also feel that folders would be a nice addition to a future update. That way we can have the Dock work like a "real" dock by being able to put folders that give list view on the dock.

    Even just a way to make a shortcut to jump to a given screen might be helpful, which would be enough like the folders concept in practical use.

    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    I have no doubt this is coming. Apple wants users to keep buying apps. Apple doesn't want any user to think that buying a lot of apps diminishes the iphone experience. Concealing apps in "folders" also takes the focus off just how many apps you already have, which some people might use as a reason not to buy even more. Not to mention that as more companies copy the iphone, the more likely it is that Apple will revamp the interface in order to continue to differentiate it from the pack.

    I think folders would have the reverse effect if it really is concealing, you might not know how many apps you have, so you might not feel so bad about buying more. I don't know why you think the opposite would happen, unless you think people would use a high number of apps as some kind of twisted badge of honor. As it is, flipping through lots of screens is just plain tedious, and I think that too discourages from having a lot of apps.

    Not that it matters a lot to me, I have two screens and have bought maybe two apps, though I might actually keep more apps on there if I had a less tedious way to manage and access them.
  • Reply 27 of 56
    gmcalpingmcalpin Posts: 266member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    First, you're not supposed to use the forum to advertise products.

    Secondly this is not available in the app store so it *does* require the phone to be jail-broken.

    1) Asking about a product I haven't tried and am not affiliated with in any way is not "advertising."

    2) Yes, it IS available in the iTunes App Store. Although it's apparently called noteskinery now, and apparently it's for organizing notes, not applications — my mistake.
  • Reply 28 of 56
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Even just a way to make a shortcut to jump to a given screen might be helpful, which would be enough like the folders concept in practical use.

    I just realized that a few days ago. I thought that was the point of the dots at the bottom. Oh well. It can't be that hard to make a "jump to".
  • Reply 29 of 56
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Kasper View Post

    Apple is proposing the use of Spotlight for this (as a quick application launcher)... But I agree, there needs to be a better way to access the home screens and re-arrange the icons on the home screens. I wouldn't be surprised to see this turn up later in the beta process.



    Spotlight makes app searching fast and simple. I'm really enjoying the addition.
  • Reply 30 of 56
    dhkostadhkosta Posts: 150member
    Originally Posted by anonymoustache View Post

    Nothing happens when I hit the play button on the video in the post and I get a "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /iphoneospreview/ai.flv on this server." error when trying to view the FLV at http://images.appleinsider.com/iphoneospreview/ai.flv

    I don't know what to tell you about that, but your username is very clever.

    I know it's nearly the same concept as the "folders" everyone's talking about, but I'd much prefer "stacks" on the iPhone. With a nifty mechanism like pushing it up to slide open a stack. Or pushing on it and having it explode and splatter my apps all over the screen...
  • Reply 31 of 56
    Can anyone rip the FLV to somewhere else for the people who can't see it? In a player would be nice but a raw FLV would be fine...
  • Reply 32 of 56
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    A big fault with the iPhone from what I've read is not being able to have more than one app open at a time. How come this is so easy on the Palm Pre? Why can't you use an app while listening to music? Check my mail with a video in the background?

    I don't have an iPhone so I'm curious as to what happens when you receive an email with a video. Can you watch the video in the email? If so then it would seem that you should be able to have two apps open at the same time.

    You can listen to music from the iPhone iPod and use any other app such as Safari, email, or any other third party app that don't use sound. However, you cannot run third party apps such as AOL radio or IM apps in the background. Push notification services by Apple will solve the IM apps problem only.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The Palm Pre uses web apps that aren't fully native like the iPhone. We still need to see what the Palm Pre can actually do when its a real product.

    On the iPhone you can have 148 apps loaded. How many of these apps should be allowed to run in the background before it renders your phone unusable? How do you choose which apps most important to run in the background?

    Originally Posted by success View Post

    A big fault with the iPhone from what I've read is not being able to have more than one app open at a time. How come this is so easy on the Palm Pre? Why can't you use an app while listening to music? Check my mail with a video in the background?

  • Reply 34 of 56
    jjpupjjpup Posts: 3member
    What if you have 100 game apps, how are they arranged in his game folder? You will always have clutter, with more apps and more power clutter is inevitable. Besides, the point of the home screen is more than you realize. It's an advertising tool to show people who don't have an iPhone how many colorful pretty apps you have.

    Originally Posted by jwyatt View Post

    A friend of my has a jailbroken iphone with a nice app that allows him to create app folder icons and then place apps of the same category into them ie. games in one folder, business in another.

    He only has about 8 apps (folders) on one homescreen. He selects "games" which opens a screen with all those apps; really nice, no clutter and no constant swiping to find the right app.

    Was new to me and I wanted it.

  • Reply 35 of 56
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jjpup View Post

    What if you have 100 game apps, how are they arranged in his game folder? You will always have clutter, with more apps and more power clutter is inevitable. Besides, the point of the home screen is more than you realize. It's an advertising tool to show people who don't have an iPhone how many colorful pretty apps you have.

    They are arranged any way he chooses. The point of folders is to organize. If you find having 100 game apps spread over 7 to 11 pages as organized as creating a folder called games with other folders to organize various types of games just as disorderly then we some very different ideas on organization.
  • Reply 36 of 56
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think folders would have the reverse effect if it really is concealing, you might not know how many apps you have, so you might not feel so bad about buying more.

    That's what I meant, just awkward wording. The entire post was supposed to emphasize that "folders" would be a win-win for Apple.
  • Reply 37 of 56
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,101member
    Originally Posted by tmoore44 View Post

    Quit using cheesy background music with your videos. It sucks and kills the message. Sorry for the critique but I can't take it anymore!

    I totally agree. I got fed up with it after watching halfway though it. I was expecting someone to narrate to discuss the features. Absolutely lame.
  • Reply 38 of 56
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    That's what I meant, just awkward wording. The entire post was supposed to emphasize that "folders" would be a win-win for Apple.

    I got it, pixelcruncher. JeffDM disagreed but said exactly the same thing.
  • Reply 39 of 56
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by jowie74 View Post

    I got it, pixelcruncher. JeffDM disagreed but said exactly the same thing.

    I think both of you (and by extension all those talking about how "folders" would be better) are wrong.

    The various screens we have now are pretty much the exact same thing as folders, they just don't look like folders. The only difference is that they don't allow for nested folders, otherwise they are exactly the same.

    Most people talking about folders always say:

    "I just want one folder for games, one for web apps, ..." etc. (or words to that effect).

    This is no different than the multiple screens we have now. If the iPhone allowed for folders, it wouldn't make sense to put one to a screen, so they would all be on one screen. This idea of having all the apps in folders on a single screen, is usually put forward as a way of "stopping all the flipping back and forth" (which although it only takes a second or two apparently infuriates some people). That means multiple folders on a single page with (presumably) tabs or buttons to switch between them.

    How is this significantly different from multiple screens with the buttons at the bottom to switch between them? If they made those tiny dots just a tad bigger, it would be basically the same thing.

    So, with NO design change at all, we almost have folders already, and with a tiny, tiny design change to the buttons at the bottom of the screen, you would have all the functionality of folders for apps.

    I think people complaining about folders are just not able to see that they already have them.
  • Reply 40 of 56
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I was expecting Apple to use cover flow to solve this issue.
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