False Apple Advertising

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014

I recently purchased a Macbook Pro, 13 inch. I also qualified for the education pricing. Apple advertises that I am now eligible for a "Free" iPod Touch. However, that is not correct. I still have to pay a fee to receive an iPod Touch. This fee manifests itself in the form of tax dollars (I had to pay tax on the $ 229 dollar iPod); thus, it is False to advertise something as being "Free."

Free is this: I pay for a computer and then get an iPod touch. "Free" means that you do not have to part with any dollars in order to get something.

In Apple's defense, it does put a little asterisk (*) at the end of the sentence that advertises the free iPod, and that then leads to terms and conditions, which state that $ 229 dollars is the max I can get from the rebate. Nevertheless, charging me the tax negates the concept of Free.

Whatever the legal ins and outs of taxes, the concept of getting something for nothing--Free--is never, by it very nature, compatible with those extra dollars.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    Still, a few £ for an iPod touch isn't too bad.

    I've just ordered one and have got a free ipod touch and £60 of a printer! Plus 3 years of applecare for £50. Bargain :o)
  • Reply 2 of 10
    floorjackfloorjack Posts: 2,726member
    You should complain to the government about paying the taxes on your free iPod. See how far that gets ya.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Just wow, its amazing when one looks at a persons first post - it really tells one alot about that person.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,019member
    Originally Posted by macintoshtoffy View Post

    Just wow, its amazing when one looks at a persons first post - it really tells one alot about that person.

    Dude...he has a point. I bought a MBP and found out that first I had to buy the iPod and then get a check mailed to me. That's really not "free." That's a reimbursement. Since my wife had one already, I said screw it. Sure, I could have sold it on ebay and then gotten a check, but that was just hassle.

    For me it was more of an inconvenience than false advertising, but two points are valid:

    1. It's not technically "free," even monetarily speaking.

    2. It's a bit deceptive to make someone buy it, then pay them back for it.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Dude...he has a point. I bought a MBP and found out that first I had to buy the iPod and then get a check mailed to me. That's really not "free." That's a reimbursement. Since my wife had one already, I said screw it. Sure, I could have sold it on ebay and then gotten a check, but that was just hassle.

    For me it was more of an inconvenience than false advertising, but two points are valid:

    1. It's not technically "free," even monetarily speaking.

    2. It's a bit deceptive to make someone buy it, then pay them back for it.

    How is it Apple's fault that the US is fractured where every state does its own thing - the 'free ipod' was done on the basis where there is no sales tax. If you want someone to blame, blame your states ridiculous tax policy - not Apple.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,019member
    Originally Posted by macintoshtoffy View Post

    How is it Apple's fault that the US is fractured where every state does its own thing - the 'free ipod' was done on the basis where there is no sales tax. If you want someone to blame, blame your states ridiculous tax policy - not Apple.

    First, your tone is totally over the top. I'm not blaming anyone. I didn't even start complaining. I'm just saying he has a point. The sales tax issue is secondary to me. The real issue is that to get your "free" iPod, you have to buy it at full price first. This is really not a free iPod. It's a nearly free iPod after rebate, which is what their ad should say in fine print. "Terms and conditions apply" really doesn't cut it as far as I'm concerned.

    I don't think it's a big deal...but Apple should change their marketing to reflect that it's a rebate. Or, they could just hand someone a free iPod. That would be easier.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    What do you expect... this is Apple were talking about, they don't give anything away, plus... they lie about everything.

    You think your upset now, just wait till that cheaply made ipod catches on fire
  • Reply 8 of 10
    This is up there with Apple claiming macs can't get viruses... the hell they can't get viruses.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Apple does provide it for free. The government, however, does not, and expects you to pay a percentage of what it feels the product is worth. Even if Apple decided to throw in the difference, the government would see that as additional value and charge you that much more.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    intenseintense Posts: 106member
    interesting post since free can have so many meanings ... overall you got your iPod for what ... an 80%+ discount ... ? again, everyone has their own definition of free
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