And The Oscar Goes To...?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
<a href=""; target="_blank">The nominations</a>.

Who do you think will win?


  • Reply 1 of 68
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Black Hawk Down, Memento and Monster's Ball shafted.

    LotR with 13 nominations? It should perhaps win some of the more technical awards, but best picture?

    This is a set-up...A Beautiful Mind will run with the Best Picture Oscar.
  • Reply 2 of 68
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Memento was friggin' shafted.

    I piss on the Oscars (yet again, Shakespeare in Love and goddam Titanic for best picture, and Gladiator!?)

    I'd rather have my own awards ceremony where I pull names out of a hat.
  • Reply 3 of 68
    I used to think that way and then I saw Frances McDormand win for Fargo. I think it was over that Titanic bitch too who thought she had it locked up.
  • Reply 4 of 68
    Moulin Rouge is the best film I've seen all year. Take every element of filmmaking into account, and it was the best, followed very closely by Lord of the Rings. Story, sound, cinematography, music, effects, originality, imagination, innovation, acting, character development, balance, and on and on. These two films had it all.

    (For credibility sake, I've seen all of the nominated films except Iris)

    Eugene, just my 2-cents: Black Hawk Down was not a great movie, IMHO. It was shot well, it had great action/effects/editing/sound, but that's about it. Zero character development. Too many characters. Cheesy lines. In the end, I really didn't care.

    Planet of the Apes was NOT nominated for Best Makeup. The movie was poor, but it certainly deserved a nom for Best Makeup.

    Gene Hackman deserved a nom for The Royal Tenenbaums. And what about Ghost World? No nom for Buscemi or Birch.

    Thank god Cameron Diaz didn't get nominated here. Don't know how she snagged those other awards this year.

    Also disappointed that Naomi Watts didn't get a nomination for Mulholland Drive. That was one of the best performances I've seen in the last few years.

    Anyway, I could rant forever, but you're probably tired of my thoughts already.

    My major picks:

    Actor: Russell Crowe

    (like him or not, he was damn good)

    Supporting Actor: Ben Kingsley

    (tough call, but Sexy Beast was amazing)

    Actress: Nicole Kidman

    (Halle was good, Sissy was good, Nicole was amazing)

    Supporting Actress: Jennifer Connelly

    (Keep in mind I haven't seen Iris, but JC rocked in her role)

    Animated Feature: Monsters, Inc.

    (Shrek was schlock)

    Cinematography: The Man Who Wasn't There

    (this is the TOUGHEST category this year)

    Directing: Peter Jackson

    (who else has the balls to tackle LotR?? amazing work.)




    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: RosettaStoned ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 68
    [quote]Originally posted by RosettaStoned:

    <strong>Moulin Rouge is the best film I've seen all year. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You must have seen only one movie <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 6 of 68
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    No kidding, Moulin Rouge?

    I disagree about Shakespeare in Love, Groverat. I was pissed Saving Private Ryan didn't win, but I hadn't seen Shakespeare in Love at that point. It was damned good.

    Altman will win Best Director for Gosford Park just because he is due.
  • Reply 7 of 68
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Amelie for the best foreign film. I love this film, he is different from many films, humor,tenderness , no violence and not boring. very original in many ways : refreshing.
  • Reply 8 of 68
    I didn't see Amelie but they say it borrowed from our own Ally McBoring TeeVee show.
  • Reply 9 of 68
    timotimo Posts: 353member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott H.:

    <strong>I didn't see Amelie but they say it borrowed from our own Ally McBoring TeeVee show.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There are similarities but those similarities are not really what Amelie was about.

    You should see it, Scott_H, it was really entertaining. I give it a solid B+.
  • Reply 10 of 68
    Looking back I didn't see many movies this year.
  • Reply 11 of 68
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    The Oscars always make me so angry.

    Memento should have been up for best picture instead of A Beautiful Mind.

    Sean Penn and Denzel Washington don't deserve to be on the same list as Russell Crowe and Tom Wilkinson.

    Tilda Swinton should have a Best Actress nomination for The Deep End. What the hell is Renee Zellweger doing on that list?

    Guy Pearce should have a Best Actor nomination.

    Ethan Hawke?! Get real. Did the voting Academy members actually see Training Day? Or was it a different Training Day from the one the rest of us saw?

    Where's the nomination for Gene Hackman in The Royal Tenenbaums?

    The nomination for Jude Law in A.I.?

    I have no complaints about Best Supporting Actress.

    And why isn't A.I. rewarded for one of its redeeming features - the stunning cinematography?

    It's sad that Lord of the Rings and Moulin Rouge are up against each other. Both are amazing movies, and will steal statues from each other in several categories.

    And I'm willing to bet here and now that Peter Jackson won't get Best Director. Despite making three films at once, over fifteen months, from a book everyone in Hollywood declared "unfilmable", and keeping his huge cast and crew completely happy, this won't be considered "an outstanding achievement in directing". He'll be overlooked, and I'll be venting my spleen yelling at the TV in anger. Poor Peter. It doesn't matter what you think of the movie, his achievement is outstanding.
  • Reply 12 of 68
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:

    <strong>The nomination for Jude Law in A.I.?


    True. He was great in that roll and almost saved an otherwise blah movie.
  • Reply 13 of 68

    I agree with you about Tilda Swinton. She definitely deserved the nom. As for Renee, I think the Academy was trying to show some "variety" in their nominations. Still no excuse.

    I disagree without on your points about Memento. I LOVED Memento, but IMHO, Guy Pearce does not deserve the nom. I think his character came more from the great script and directing than acting. Also, if I were to give a Best Picture nom to Memento, I would pull out Gosford Park, not A Beautiful Mind.

    I completely agree with you about A.I. It was one of the top 5 movies I saw this last year, and Jude Law was fantastic. It deserved more technical award noms than it got, that's for sure.

    To me the biggest movie overlooked was Mulholland Drive. If you haven't seen it and it's still playing in your neighborhood, GO SEE IT. I think it plays much better in the theater than it will on DVD. AMAZING film, amazing acting. If you really need another reason to go see it, go for the lesbians.

    I think Lord of the Rings will do quite well, whereas Moulin Rouge may really get snubbed. Like I said above, Moulin Rouge was the best film I saw this year followed closely by LotR, but with no Best Director nom (Baz) or Best Song or Score, it's chances are less.

    The more and more I watch Moulin Rouge, the better it gets. Also easily one of the top 5 DVD sets released in the last year. Spectacular-spectacular!!


  • Reply 14 of 68
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    It's maybe just me, but I thought Guy Pearce was outstanding. I felt he was a little overlooked in L.A. Confidential, too.

    You may be right about Gosford Park. I really enjoyed the movie, but I have issues with A Beautiful Mind. Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly were amazing, but the movie was most definitely painted by numbers. Or shot. Or whatever.

    I honestly believe A.I., though badly flawed, is one of Spielberg's best movies.

    I agree with you about Mulholland Drive. It's a great movie, but I don't think I can pick one single element that's especially deserving.

    And lesbians aren't really my thing.

    Moulin Rouge has been overlooked a bit. It's certainly in my top five of the year, and you're right, it does seem a little unfair Baz Luhrmann has been ignored. I guess the problem is that this movie more than any other has divided audiences and critics. You either love it or hate it, there doesn't seem to be any middle ground.

    Of course everyone knows that the movies most likely to win an Oscar are those which are likely to generate another few $million for the studios in the theater or on video/DVD...

    Me? Cynical?
  • Reply 15 of 68
    Christ, this is the worst line up of nominees ever...I may just stick my own in for good measure...

    Best Picture: Hedwig and the Angry Inch

    Jeez, if they thought Moulin Rouge was good they should see this film...awesome. I'd like to see The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring win...but it will be A Beautiful Mind...

    Actor: Will Smith...sorry, Philly native...gotta pick him.

    Actress: Renee Zellweger. Bridget Jones's Diary was a good film of it's class. She's a good actress too.

    Supporting Actor: Ben Kingsley

    Sexy Beast was great...if you haven't seen it.

    Supporting Actress: Marisa Tomei...she's just cute as hell...didn't see the movie.

    Director: Peter Jackson. Why not? Two more films in the can so why not give it to him now? Ron Howard will win though...

    Animated Film: Monsters, Inc. This is a new award it'll be a toss up with Shrek...unless Disney bribes the judges.

    Foreign Film: Amelie. One of the most beautiful films I ever seen.

    Visual Effects: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring...nuff said.
  • Reply 16 of 68
    Amelie, The Royal Tenenbaums and I Am Sam were the best movies I saw this year.

    Sean Penn was amazing in that role.

    I know a lot of people probably don't "get" The Royal Tenenbaums. I guess the same was true for Rushmore (Wes Anderson's last movie). When I was walking out of the theater for Tenenbaums people were saying "What the hell was that?!" or "Thats NOT what I expected at all!!". They hated it

    Ah well
  • Reply 17 of 68
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    My picks (LOTR:FOTR should clean house)

    Best Film: Beautifull Mind

    Best Director: Peter Jackson

    Best Adapted Screenplay : Fellowship of the Ring

    Best Costume Design: Fellowship of the Ring

    Best Art Direction: Fellowship of the Ring

    Best Makeup: Fellowship of the Ring

    Best Score: Fellowship of the Ring

    Best Sound: Fellowship of the Ring

    Best Visual Effects: Fellowship of the Ring

    And the Bigest snub of the Century:

    Best Animated Film: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: Falcon ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 68
    Obviously Falcon has not seen Moulin Rouge.

    Also, Final Fantasy was not nominated for Best Animated Feature. But Jimmy Neutron was....

    My Secret Ballot for Best Animated Feature: Glitter

    Oh wait....


  • Reply 19 of 68
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I will reiterate. Altman is going to win best director.

    1) The only reason Gosford Park is even nominated for Best Picture is to prop Altman's nomination up for Best Director.

    2) Altman is long overdue for a Best Director Oscar.
  • Reply 20 of 68
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    I was happy to see Monsters, Inc got a handful of nominations. they'll likely win most of em as well
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