Simple plan to make Skype profitable

in General Discussion edited January 2014
1. Make every call free, even Skype-to-phone.

2. Every caller is streamed a video or audio ad before the call is connected.

3. Skype-to-phone calls get a 10 second ad when first connecting, and a five second ad every two minutes for the entire call.

4. Skype-to-Skype calls get a five second ad when first connecting, and a five second ad after the first two minutes only. No more ads for the duration of the call.

5. Charge ad rates accordingly, to sustain and maximize profitability of the service.

6. Offer a paid service for people who don't want the ads.

Would I use Skype under this system?

Hell yes, I would.

Would you?


  • Reply 1 of 13
    As an advertiser, would I pay more for ads under this system than I would for web ads? Hell yes.

    The audio or video ad could be linked to a banner ad, of course. "Click below and get 10% off on your next purchase at Hardware City, where we make your homes come true."
  • Reply 2 of 13
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    As a user, would I put up with time wasting, irritating, leading and continuously interrupting commercials? Hell no! Fuck that Skype!

    I'd rather go back to using smoke signals.

    Good luck advertising to the universe and beyond. But not to me.
  • Reply 3 of 13
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    As a user, would I put up with time wasting, irritating, leading and continuously interrupting commercials? Hell no! Fuck that Skype!

    I'd rather go back to using smoke signals.

    Good luck advertising to the universe and beyond. But not to me.

    I've added #6 for your benefit.

    I take it you don't watch any network television, as you would rather go back to cave painting.
  • Reply 4 of 13
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    I take it you don't watch any network television, as you would rather go back to cave painting.

    50% correct.

    Sadly, all the caves in this hood have already been occupied by Neandertals...
  • Reply 5 of 13
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    4. Skype-to-Skype calls get a 30 second ad when first connecting, and a 60 second ad every two minutes. More ads for the duration of the call.

    Of course Microsoft would do my edit of your post instead of your much more intelligent idea.
  • Reply 6 of 13
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Of course Microsoft would do my edit of your post instead of your much more intelligent idea.

    ROFL Microsoft® - How would you like us to f**k up this acquisition today?™
  • Reply 7 of 13
    shrikeshrike Posts: 494member

    I think people will simply migrate to the solution that is as cheap ("free"), easier and more pleasant to use. If every VOIP service became ad-supported, the ad-block, ad-push arms race will ramp up.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    No, I wouldn't use it.

    Because of those ads, I'd drop Skype like a hot potato.

    I wouldn't pay to get rid of the ads either... I already pay for my cellphone... I can just use it. (It's ad-free.)

    I use Skype now to talk to friends and family internationally... because it's free. We would all quickly adopt the next free thing if Skype started charging or putting interrupting ads in it. (I could accept non-audio ads in a separate window on the desktop app I suppose... but I'm nor sure how well that would work on a mobile device.)
  • Reply 9 of 13
    tontontonton Posts: 14,067
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    No, I wouldn't use it.

    Because of those ads, I'd drop Skype like a hot potato.

    I wouldn't pay to get rid of the ads either... I already pay for my cellphone... I can just use it. (It's ad-free.)

    I use Skype now to talk to friends and family internationally... because it's free. We would all quickly adopt the next free thing if Skype started charging or putting interrupting ads in it. (I could accept non-audio ads in a separate window on the desktop app I suppose... but I'm nor sure how well that would work on a mobile device.)

    So this is exactly why Skype is not profitable. They don't need users like you at all.

    You want it to be free, without ads. That's fine. Then it won't be sustainable. I'd rather it be sustainable, and have a wider installed base, thank you.

    Remember, this idea is not how to make KIngOfSomewhereHot happy. This idea is about how to make Skype profitable, and still provide a service that people will use.

    Right now I don't use Skype. Why? My parents don't use Skype. My overseas friends don't use Skype. It's too much trouble to get people to install things. Maybe with Microsoft ownership, they can include it in the OS and make it better integrated. Still, Windows Live is already included in the OS, and my parents don't use that, either.

    If Skype-to phone were free and ad-supported, I could call my parents for free, and they could immediately see the benefits of that, without having to change a single thing on their end. Then if they got annoyed by the ads, I could explain the Skype-to-Skype solution to them. They would be much more likely to install Skype (or start using a Microsoft pre-installed Skype) at that point. Win-win-win.

    As for Skype-toSkype, a number of people would put up with five seconds of ads. FIVE SECONDS. The first one would be nothing, far less intrusive than any ad on television. The second (and last) one on a Skype-to-Skype call would be more intrusive, but five seconds is over quick, and then you could chat your day away.

    I guess you've stopped going to the cinema because they play two minutes of ads before the film starts. They didn't used to do that. So you must have dropped them like a hot potato, and started torrenting instead, right?

    Yep, if you want to pay, you can use your cell phone. As long as you're calling the US, rates should be pretty cheap. I can pay as low as US$0.02 per minute to call the US using certain services. There's no reason for me not to use my cell phone when I'm paying pennies. But if I'm calling Germany, that price goes up to US$0.15. Skype is, and would be, much cheaper than that, and there's always the ad-supported offer.

    Good luck getting your friends to install new protocols all the time. All of your friends.
  • Reply 10 of 13
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Remember, this idea is not how to make KIngOfSomewhereHot happy. This idea is about how to make Skype profitable, and still provide a service that people will use.

    I understand that, and they're free to run their business however they please.

    But I have to think that a bunch of people that use Skype, use it because it's free. I already have a "paid" service in my cellphone... so I'm hardly gonna pay twice for the same thing.

    But you're right... Skype may not give a hoot what the millions of freeloaders do regarding Skype service... they're only interested in the folks who are willing to pay. (Unless they consider their ad-revenue ... which they sell based on total number of users.) ... So somewhere in there they'll find a happy medium and run the service that way.
  • Reply 11 of 13
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    So this is exactly why Skype is not profitable. They don't need users like you at all.

    You want it to be free, without ads. That's fine. Then it won't be sustainable. I'd rather it be sustainable, and have a wider installed base, thank you.

    Remember, this idea is not how to make KIngOfSomewhereHot happy. This idea is about how to make Skype profitable, and still provide a service that people will use.

    Right now I don't use Skype. Why? My parents don't use Skype. My overseas friends don't use Skype. It's too much trouble to get people to install things. Maybe with Microsoft ownership, they can include it in the OS and make it better integrated. Still, Windows Live is already included in the OS, and my parents don't use that, either.

    If Skype-to phone were free and ad-supported, I could call my parents for free, and they could immediately see the benefits of that, without having to change a single thing on their end. Then if they got annoyed by the ads, I could explain the Skype-to-Skype solution to them. They would be much more likely to install Skype (or start using a Microsoft pre-installed Skype) at that point. Win-win-win.

    As for Skype-toSkype, a number of people would put up with five seconds of ads. FIVE SECONDS. The first one would be nothing, far less intrusive than any ad on television. The second (and last) one on a Skype-to-Skype call would be more intrusive, but five seconds is over quick, and then you could chat your day away.

    I guess you've stopped going to the cinema because they play two minutes of ads before the film starts. They didn't used to do that. So you must have dropped them like a hot potato, and started torrenting instead, right?

    Yep, if you want to pay, you can use your cell phone. As long as you're calling the US, rates should be pretty cheap. I can pay as low as US$0.02 per minute to call the US using certain services. There's no reason for me not to use my cell phone when I'm paying pennies. But if I'm calling Germany, that price goes up to US$0.15. Skype is, and would be, much cheaper than that, and there's always the ad-supported offer.

    Good luck getting your friends to install new protocols all the time. All of your friends.

    Mobyler ? International FREE calls to any other Mobyler users on 3G or Wi-Fi. Extremely simple setup. No brainer UI. FREE for iPhone and Android.

  • Reply 12 of 13
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,368moderator
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    Mobyler ? International FREE calls to any other Mobyler users on 3G or Wi-Fi. Extremely simple setup. No brainer UI. FREE for iPhone and Android.

    Ah yes, Mobyler. Sounds familiar . Any particular reason you're recommending it over Skype, Qik, Tango, Fring et al?
  • Reply 13 of 13
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Ah yes, Mobyler. Sounds familiar .

    How so? You have experience with Mobyler? Tell us about it.


    Any particular reason you're recommending it over Skype, Qik, Tango, Fring et al?

    No, I'm not recommending it over Skype, Qik, Tango, Fring et al! I don't know where you got that. I'm recommending Mobyler as an alternative to them. I'm an equal opportunity recommender. The more competition between Voips, the better for users.

    You wouldn't want to deny voip users choice, would you?

    So here's another one: Viber – a FREE app to make FREE international calls to other Viber users using 3G or Wi-Fi. For iPhone and for Android (beta by invitation). After installation check your contacts, and you can see which of them is already on Viber.
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