Apple struggles in iPad trademark dispute in China as authorities seize units



  • Reply 61 of 73
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Can't Apple just pay them off it it comes down to that? It's better than all iPads being pulled off shelves in China.

    They could. But Apple's argument is that they (or rather IP Application Development) bought the Global rights from Proview's parent company in good faith and were never told that that was really "global means everywhere that we control which doesn't include China". So why should they have to.

    I say that Apple just give up. Give in. Stop selling the iPad in China. And I mean stop. Not rename it but pull it. Accept the ban and cease all sales by anyone and to anyone in China. Have production shifted to non Chinese factories as well. But also put the Chinese government on guard that they created this ban and it is their job to make sure that no one is allowed to smuggle in Apple iPads from Hong Kong etc. And sue the crap out of the government when they turn a blind eye on blatant rip offs.

    After that money and those jobs are gone, the Chinese government could change their minds about how they ruled in the case and suddenly that appeal could go to Apple. They might be required to pay for the rights but it would be a paltry sum for Apple since they could argue that they should have to pay based on the value of the mark at the time they bought the rest and thus it would be no more than the $50k they allegedly paid for the 'global rights'.
  • Reply 62 of 73
    Originally Posted by decsramble View Post

    Quickest solution would be for Tim Cook to stand up on stage at the launch of the iPad3 and say that due to trademark and work condition concerns this might be their last device manufactured in China and that Apple is actively looking at other options for production including discussions with other consumer electronics companies on the best way to introduce industry wide "ethically" manufactured devices, built in America...

    Never happen. Which is not to say that Apple wouldn't pull their business. But Cook would never announce it like that. It would be setting themselves up for failure because all their competition would know to go corner all the production factories etc. Apple would to do and then tell that they did it. Rather like how they go and buy up tons of parts and then announce the product that uses it. Then when the other boys try to copy it they find that they can't get the supplies they need cause of Apple's deals.
  • Reply 63 of 73
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Karma in what way?! What does any of this have to do with karma?! Apple bought global rights to the iPad name.

    China doesn't like it? They'll move all manufacturing to Taiwan. Who cares.

    Maybe Karma is not the correct word... perhaps ironic.

    Anyways... when one deals with an organization (company, country you name it) that appears to not fully play by the rules, or changes the rules arbitrarily or arbitrarily enforces them, or is susceptible to graft etc... what should one expect to happen?

    Perhaps Apple did screw up or this is just an aberation and the good people of the chinese communist party and 'their' courts will remedy the issue ... we shall see.\

    Say what you will about US business climate... but we have a pretty good reputation of 'playing fairly', having good checks and balances, fair courts, etc... at least compared to some parts of the world. Maybe thats not a good thing?
  • Reply 64 of 73
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Apple bought global rights to the iPad name. they didn't. If they had done that, they would not be in this mess.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    China doesn't like it? They'll move all manufacturing to Taiwan. Who cares.

    That is just plain impossible.
  • Reply 65 of 73
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post they didn't. If they had done that, they would not be in this mess.


    According to Mr Yang [Proview's Chairman], Proview Electronics (Taiwan) agreed in 2006 to sell the ?global trademark? for the IPAD name to a US-registered company called IP Application Development (IPAD) for £35,000 ($55,104). Proview did not at the time suspect the company had any link with Apple.

    However, Mr Yang claims that the trademarks for the Chinese market were not included in that agreement.

    Sounds more like Yang needs to get a better grasp on what the word 'global' means.
  • Reply 66 of 73
    Apple, just threaten to take away all the jobs. That would shut them up real F'ing fast.

    Meanwhile I wish you really did had the balls, leadership, and insight over pure financial greed, to actually do it and bring them back to America...
  • Reply 67 of 73
    Apple needs to tell Foxconn two things:

    1) Get the Brazilian facility online and at capacity ASAP;

    2) Find another country for additional IOS production.

    Note that the latter should not be presented as a threat to the Chinese government, it is simply a risk management move to minimize exposure to problems like this or other catastrophic issues (like an earthquake in China). If located in India, the supply chain would not even be lengthened as much as it is to Brazil.
  • Reply 68 of 73
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Sounds more like Yang needs to get a better grasp on what the word 'global' means.

    Given that the company that Apple contracted with did not own the rights to China, it seems far-fetched to think that the word or phrase used in the contract included the Chinese rights.

    Apple should have known who owned what. Due diligence generally includes making sure that the seller really owns what you want to buy. Otherwise, you end up "buying" the friggin Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Reply 69 of 73
    Serves the whole industry right for taking advantage of lax laws in other countries to get 'better prices'. I'm actually Canadian but companies should manufacture their products in their own country.

    Let's face it, regardless of how much money Foxconn or Pegatron is making compared to Apple, the great majority of that money is just being shipped directly overseas. What did they think was going to happen to their country?
  • Reply 70 of 73
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    [Rant self-deleted]

    (stupid reaction we delete you) (shit rolls downhill to rant self deleted comments posted comments)
  • Reply 71 of 73
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    [Rant self-deleted]

    (.45 full metal jacket traveling at high velocity into your self made legend of a brain)
  • Reply 72 of 73
    Apple should change the name to Padi....
  • Reply 73 of 73
    Originally Posted by Glublick View Post

    Apple should change the name to Padi....

    Sorry, taken by Professional Association Of Divers.
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