Nokia kicks off Windows Phone 7 campaign with Antennagate teaser spot



  • Reply 81 of 134
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    True. Plus, does anyone know if these "ads" are even going to air anywhere? They kind of look like website teaser stuff of the sort that never gets beyond that page. I guess they might be a hint as to the tone of a general campaign, but where would they go with this? Sly innuendo is best in small doses. If they actually ran a TV campaign wherein they come right out and say that all the other smart phones are fragile and theirs isn't, they're really asking for trouble.

    The teaser ads look like web-based ads, but on their website they have Chris Parnell acting restless and bored. It appears he's waiting for the time to end so he can start reporting on some "news." To me that sounds like a bigger campaign is about to be unleashed.
  • Reply 82 of 134
    jacksonsjacksons Posts: 244member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Ha! My mistake... I just assumed the phone was called "Lumina" instead of its real name "Lumia"... no slur intended...

    But, it shows how successful the ads were -- viral or not -- I didn't even get the name right.

    Old IBM Postulate: It doesn't matter how badly you screw up -- they'll remember your name, not what you did!"

    Jay Lerner: "The French don't care what you do, actually -- as long as you pronounce it properly!"

    Ugly American: "When in a foreign country, speaking to a native who doesn't understand what you are saying -- speak more slowly and louder..."

    See... now YOU are caught up in the viral campaing. You successfully learned the name. Nokia would be proud. Again... Well Done!
  • Reply 83 of 134
    jonoromjonorom Posts: 293member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    .... and Apple iOS is sitting on their success of 2007-2009, not innovating a bit, its like the Mac in the early 90s, it started as teh king of the hill, but Amega, BeOS, Windows, OS/2 and such were competing, and Apple just sat smugly until Windows 95 came out and wiped the floor with Macs of the day.


    Apple in the early 90's was not "the king of the hill". It had a quality OS, for sure, but it had low market share, non-competitive pricing and weak network effexts. None are true of iOS today.

    it is highly unlikely that Windows Phone will "wipe the floor" with iPhones of today. In fact, your assertion is ludicrous.

    Try again?
  • Reply 84 of 134
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    I hate to admit this -- in my opinion this phone is a child of a horrible arranged marriage -- but the Lumia 800 is nothing short of amazing in terms of build quality, UI, look and feel. I played with one last weekend and despite my initial skepticism I was left with a very nice impression not only from the hardware but also from WP. No wonder if Nokia is grasping for straws while trying to attract attention to this product...

    Now, That's the kind of word-of-mouth or referral advertising that they need -- that they should promote!

    It appears to be honest -- and that's refreshing!

    We're an iPhone household, and I don't visit a smart-phone vendor unless absolutely necessary...

    But, you've piqued my interest... when it becomes available, I may go check one out!

  • Reply 85 of 134
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Jacksons View Post

    See... now YOU are caught up in the viral campaing. You successfully learned the name. Nokia would be proud. Again... Well Done!

    By your definition, then, a tech-site circle-jerk is a successful viral ad campaign!
  • Reply 86 of 134

    How old is this note from?
  • Reply 87 of 134
    psych_guypsych_guy Posts: 486member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    If you want to be thorough you'd have to include these quotes from Anandtech too:

    "The original iPhone 4 design was flawed. Although Apple downplayed the issue publicly, it solved the deathgrip antenna problem with the CDMA iPhone 4."

    Along with this one:

    "When we reviewed the GSM/UMTS iPhone 4, we investigated and explained why its design made it especially prone to unintended attenuation when held a certain way. Apple remedied the situation somewhat by giving away free cases, but only in the case of the CDMA iPhone 4 was the fundamental design issue remedied by adding receive diversity with a second cellular antenna at the top."

    And don't forget this:

    "When we reviewed the CDMA iPhone 4, I made mention of the fact that this was the first iPhone 4 I felt comfortable using without a case... unlike the GSM/UMTS iPhone 4."

    Yup, all from Anandtech.

    Despite what Anandtech and CR reported, I would rather go with what public opinion was and not measured by "squeaky wheels who get the grease" in the media. About how many phones were returned because of the antenna issue? 98%? 99%? 100?% Not even close, because it wasn't that big of an issue. There may have been a measurable issue with the antenna, but the consumers who bought it and use it on a daily basis, for the most part had no problem with it.
  • Reply 88 of 134
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member

    For the record...

    I think that Microsoft has a better chance of long-term success in the mobile market place than Android or RIM...

    IF... and this is a very big IF... they stop trying to force this Windows 8 "Wedgie" OS on both the desktop and tablets/phones.

    Instead, they should:

    -- preserve the Windows 7 OS on the desktop (Windows 8 Desktop is just Windows 7 plus Metro)

    -- abandon Windows 8 Intel for tablets... not going anywhere for a few years (if ever)

    -- consolidate WoA (Metro only) on tablets and Smartphones

    Then, provide every encouragement/incentive to developers to rethink and re-implement desktop apps for WoA Metro (and which collaborate with the desktop versions).

    The key to this for MS is that they have a large repository of legacy desktop apps that can be re-implemented for WoA (including their own Office suite).

    Apple OS X is second in the repository of legacy desktop apps -- Google and Rimm, virtually, have nothing to build upon.

    MS needs to take this decision quickly -- because Apple and third parties are already re-implementing desktop apps on iOS that collaborate with their desktop equivalents on OS X.

    A year from now, the decision won't matter.

  • Reply 89 of 134
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,310member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    For the record...

    I think that Microsoft has a better chance of long-term success in the mobile market place than Android or RIM...

    I actually agree with this. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Android become an afterthought on smartphones and tablets within the next 5-10 years. (I do think it will live on as the interface for other devices). But I think Google has already planned for a mobile landscape without Android at some future point.
  • Reply 90 of 134
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Nokia! Who cares anymore. This ad campaign looks like something MS would do, and they are probably the one behind it.
  • Reply 91 of 134
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Now, That's the kind of word-of-mouth or referral advertising that they need -- that they should promote!

    It appears to be honest -- and that's refreshing!

    We're an iPhone household, and I don't visit a smart-phone vendor unless absolutely necessary...

    But, you've piqued my interest... when it becomes available, I may go check one out!

    I agree, taking shots at iphone (no matter if they are warranted ones, because the 4 antennae was indeed an engineering mistake later fixed in 4s) in crap ms looking reality type ads don't help promote their brand. Reminds me of the bang bus type notebook ms adds, with the implicit moto yeah we know we are crap but we are cheaper... Why don't they stick to promoting what they still do best. Voice quality is undoubtedly in my experience still much better than iphone, as they hold better technology and patents in this than apple.
  • Reply 92 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    First let me say that Windows Phone 7 is a good OS, in many ways it appears superior to iOS, and I have had the ability to hold and use a production Lumia 900 and it is fantastic, far more comfortable in my huge hands than the dainty little iPhone, but that said, this is embarrassing, MS/Nokia have a great product, they dont need to waste peoples time telling them why "apple sucks" particularly on a 2 year old flaw that was addressed in manufacturing revisions!

    Nokia and MS could be a serious contender, I could see it taking a large bite out of android and a smaller but still significant bite out of iPhone, but they have to show how the OS is better, not how the competition screwed up 2 years ago...

    You are absolutely correct, there is no reason for Nokia to play these sorts of games. Nokia has a good OS with very attractive hardware. I own a Nokia 800 because of it and I replaced my iPhone with one to be used as my personal phone. I think Nokia has a real chance with their new 900 and there was no reason for this kind of advertisement.

    This sort of childish behavior can only hurt companys, why do it.
  • Reply 93 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Nokia! Who cares anymore. This ad campaign looks like something MS would do, and they are probably the one behind it.

    You know what I bet they are. Nokia no longer has any foot hold in the states. I'm sure now that Microsoft and Nokia are in bed with each other, Nokia is using the same add agency. I'm not defending Nokia in any way here because I detest these kinds of adds but this smells like a Microsoft thing. I have never seen Nokia go after anyone here in Europe. It must be an American thing. Not saying anything bad abut Americans just say that kind of advertisement doesn't fly here.
  • Reply 94 of 134
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    I agree, taking shots at iphone (no matter if they are warranted ones, because the 4 antennae was indeed an engineering mistake later fixed in 4s) in crap ms looking reality type ads don't help promote their brand. Reminds me of the bang bus type notebook ms adds, with the implicit moto yeah we know we are crap but we are cheaper... Why don't they stick to promoting what they still do best. Voice quality is undoubtedly in my experience still much better than iphone, as they hold better technology and patents in this than apple.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but after looking at the Apple website, it appears that the iPhone 4 is still available for sale, so I'm not sure how changes to the 4S are going to fix issues on the 4.
  • Reply 95 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by megacookie View Post


    How old is this note from?

    Yes, they are still in business and are still the largest phone manufacturer in the world. Its OK to dislike something but at least show a little respect when doing so.

    Welcome to Appleinsider, I hope your stay here is a pleasent one. I'm the den mother here and if you need fresh towels just let me now.
  • Reply 96 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but after looking at the Apple website, it appears that the iPhone 4 is still available for sale, so I'm not sure how changes to the 4S are going to fix issues on the 4.

  • Reply 97 of 134
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    You know what I bet they are. Nokia no longer has any foot hold in the states. I'm sure now that Microsoft and Nokia are in bed with each other, Nokia is using the same add agency. I'm not defending Nokia in any way here because I detest these kinds of adds but this smells like a Microsoft thing. I have never seen Nokia go after anyone here in Europe. It must be an American thing. Not saying anything bad abut Americans just say that kind of advertisement doesn't fly here.

    That can't be right. Microsoft already held a funeral for the iPhone. Even they won't speak ill of the dead right?
  • Reply 98 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by JONOROM View Post


    Apple in the early 90's was not "the king of the hill". It had a quality OS, for sure, but it had low market share, non-competitive pricing and weak network effexts. None are true of iOS today.

    it is highly unlikely that Windows Phone will "wipe the floor" with iPhones of today. In fact, your assertion is ludicrous.

    Try again?

    Well yea the post is a little silly but you have to admit, iOS is kind of stagnating a little. Yes we keep getting updates that add features but nothing has really significantly changed in a long while. Now that Apple has come forth and said that the iPad for instance is cutting into their normal computer sells I would like the OS now be able to completely take over a computer. If you know what I mean. Starting with a file manager maybe, just saying don't get crazy, just floating an idea around. Maybe even getting rid of iTunes for good.

    Relic closes her eyes for the negative onslaught that is about to happen.
  • Reply 99 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    That can't be right. Microsoft already held a funeral for the iPhone. Even they won't speak ill of the dead right?

    Oh my gosh that's right
  • Reply 100 of 134
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    This is a tech site... in case you hadn't noticed!

    Most of us, here, are aware of the pending
    Lumina ATT intro -- from articles here and other tech blogs.

    Originally Posted by Jacksons View Post

    And you should REALLY try to spell it right Mr Techy: L-U-M-I-A

    Hey, cut him a break! I bet he is an old Chevy guy at heart.
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