Apple document brags iPhone set the tone for trade show company did not attend

in General Discussion edited January 2014
An internal Apple document entered into evidence on Wednesday touts the iPhone's "quiet" presence at the 3GSM Congress Trade Show in 2007, an event at which the company didn't even have a booth.

The document, first reported by CNet, was presented by Samsung at the Apple v. Samsung trial in an effort to show that Apple looked to other company's handsets in making its iPhone design choices.

In the presentation, Apple points out a number of quotes from executives at high-powered companies like Vodafone and Orange, all of which put the iPhone in a good light. For example, the CEO of Vonage was quoted as sayng, "The iPhone launch is embarrassing for the mobile industry as it got more publicity than any handset got in the last 10 years...and it?s not even on the market yet."

Taken from the same slide, titled "iPhone present, but not present?," are bullet points touting the impact the handset had on the convention despite not making an appearance.

From the slide:
  • Although Apple was not present showcasing the iPhone, we were quietly setting the tone and were mentioned in each media, operator and handset vendor discussion
  • Everybody guessing what the iPhone business model or European operator support is
  • All operators giving very positive comments as they do not want to spill their chances
    of ranging the iPhone
  • GSM Association regrets that Apple didn?t announce the iPhone at the 3GSM World Congress 2007 or even have a presence with a booth
  • 1 in 10 words during the 4 days trade show were either iPhone, Apple or DRM
Among the subsequent pages were wrap-up reports for the various smartphone manufacturers who attended the trade show, including Motorola, RIM and Samsung. Of particular interest was a side-by-side dimensions comparison of the much contested Samsung F700 and the iPhone, although the slide did not draw any conclusions or offer recommendations as to how to make Apple's device more like the Korean company's unit.

Apple Presentation
Slide from Apple's 3GSM presentation comparing the iPhone with Samsung's F700. | Source: Apple v. Samsung court documents

The Apple presentation is vaguely similar to an internal Samsung document which also showed side-by-side comparisons of the iPhone and the Galaxy S, though that report was a comprehensive 132-page study of the two devices' differences. Many of the slides in the Samsung document offered suggestions to change various UI features to be more like the iPhone, however it does not serve as a smoking gun for Apple's attorneys as they still have to prove willful trade dress infringement.

Apple v. Samsung continues this week with final witness testimony and will go to jury deliberation after closing arguments are heard next Tuesday.


  • Reply 1 of 19

    Another "Me too!" tactic from Samsung?

    "It looks JUST like the document we (Samsung) had internally, but it doesn't say 'COPY THAT!' like our does."

  • Reply 2 of 19
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Interesting document. It's a company briefing on the trade show, with slides on all the major manufacturer phone releases, and a [U]size[/U] comparison of the iPhone with the F700, the iPhone with the LG Prada, and the iPod Nano with the F300.

    It doesn't at all resemble the Samsung document that dissected the differences between the iPhone and the SII and gave detailed recommendations on how to make the SII more like the iPhone.

    It does give a fascinating insight into at least some of the corporate thinking at Apple, with not even a hint that Apple wants to copy anything. This is evidence that Samsung submitted?
  • Reply 3 of 19
    845032845032 Posts: 76member


    Originally Posted by studiomusic View Post

    Another "Me too!" tactic from Samsung?

    "It looks JUST like the document we (Samsung) had internally, but it doesn't say 'COPY THAT!' like our does."



    There is no samsung's interal document state that 'COPY THAT!'.


    "Direction of improvement" does not mean "Copy".

    If they took the idea of iOS, modified it, improved and added to it.

    It is OK.

  • Reply 4 of 19
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member


    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    Interesting document... This is evidence that Samsung submitted?


    I wondered that too.


    All said and done, this is a trial by jury, I still think (almost) any outcome is possible. Regardless, Apple will stand on its innovation.

  • Reply 5 of 19
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    Another "Me too" from Samsung. It won't work. Apple did not do this on 131 slides:



    iPhone: Day of the week/date updates daily on Calendar icon.

    S1: Day of the week/date don't update daily on Calendar icon.


    Direction for improvement: Make day of the week/date update daily"



  • Reply 6 of 19

    From the document:


    Some are all beauty, sex appeal and no brains (meaning no outstanding features). The new LG Prada and Shine, Motorola KRZR K3, and Samsung U300 are perfect examples.




    So Samsung wants to admit as evidence that Apple was doing research on the mobile phone market to understand how best to enter it? And this document was from AFTER they'd already finalized and announced the iPhone. And this is in contrast to Samsung's internal document showing how they could improve future, unannounced handsets to make them follow Apple's lead? Samsung, what are you doing? :(


    Oh, and don't read this document unless you want to relive the nightmare of handsets before the iPhone. It's truly scary what we put up with for too long.

  • Reply 7 of 19

    Samsung really is scraping the bottom of the barrel here. And their legal team is hopeless; Apple's lawyers already stated that the F700 does not infringe, so why do they keep bringing it up as a comparison? Unless they're claiming that the iPhone is infringing on the F700 design, which is not only a totally different matter, it also has already been disproved in earlier proceedings.

  • Reply 8 of 19


    Originally Posted by brisance View Post

    Samsung really is scraping the bottom of the barrel here. And their legal team is hopeless; Apple's lawyers already stated that the F700 does not infringe, so why do they keep bringing it up as a comparison? Unless they're claiming that the iPhone is infringing on the F700 design, which is not only a totally different matter, it also has already been disproved in earlier proceedings.

    I think they're trying to claim prior art, despite the F700 being announced and coming to market after the iPhone's announcement and coming to market, respectively. Or they're trying to prove Apple's design is an obvious design the market was moving towards, for the umpteenth time negating the fact that Apple design patent is about a lot of specific design details culminating in one broad design choice.


    Disclaimer: I don't have all the fact so I don't know, I'm only speculating. And I'm definitely not taking a side on this case for two reasons: (1) I don't have enough information to make a decision as a juror would be able to and nor do I care to do enough research to obtain that information because (2) this case is about older models that Samsung has moved away from design-wise and no matter which side wins, the penalty to the other side will hardly be impactful to either's bottom line for more than a single fiscal quarter or two.

  • Reply 9 of 19
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    This document proves... what, exactly? Just like with all the other shit Samsung has shown to demonstrate that Apple looks at the competition, all meaningless FUD meant to confuse and a desperate attempt at LOOK THEY DO IT TOO!

  • Reply 10 of 19
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    This is a backdoor way to introduce the F700, hopefully Apple's lawyers have enough sense not to fall into the trap by making any reference to it's appearance, which could open up a whole new line of questioning to Samsung's team.

  • Reply 11 of 19

    I think we are all missing the point here. Yes, let the lowlife lawyers hash it out. But, Stevo said, "In the tech industry you have to innovate, and that means be ahead by about 10 years." At that time he felt Apple was about 5 years ahead.



    Android, Samsung, Google, Amazon, Nook, HP, Dell and MS are still very poor copies of Apple's HD and SW.



    P.S. You heard it here first...a 15" iPad as thin as an iPod Touch with 10 hour battery life! Could you imagine sitting on your couch or on a train, plane with that on your lap? Or better, yet making a presentation?

  • Reply 12 of 19

    This is just a market research report.  It is actually quite extensive and correctly sizing up the competitions at the time.   And this is not a "design report"

  • Reply 13 of 19
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member


    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    ... P.S. You heard it here first...a 15" iPad as thin as an iPod Touch with 10 hour battery life! Could you imagine sitting on your couch or on a train, plane with that on your lap? Or better, yet making a presentation?


    I too am looking forward to a larger iPad. That said, I'd take the smaller one too! (I've given lectures from my iPad in place of my trusty MBP.)

  • Reply 14 of 19
    filliefillie Posts: 25member
    I find this document very suspect.

    On left hand column on every page has date:
    12-15 feb 2006

    [=][/] 3gsm 2006
    [=][/] 3gsm 2007 first shows F700

    In my own opinion, I don't see Apple getting date wrong, rather Samsung adding further confusion to jury making them think F700 was showcased well before iPhone.
  • Reply 15 of 19


    Originally Posted by Fillie View Post

    I find this document very suspect.

    On left hand column on every page has date:

    12-15 feb 2006

    [=][/] 3gsm 2006

    [=][/] 3gsm 2007 first shows F700

    In my own opinion, I don't see Apple getting date wrong, rather Samsung adding further confusion to jury making them think F700 was showcased well before iPhone.


    There was a god-awful lot of typos... almost as if English was not the native language of the preparer. I can't see this getting so far as to me shown to management in this condition.

  • Reply 16 of 19

    Your Honor, here is proof-positive that we, at Samsung, did NOT copy the iPhone…we copied the MEIZU!!!

  • Reply 17 of 19
    So Samsung "competes" by analyzing the iPhone in 132-page studies, while Apple competes by saying how much they hated their phones and setting out to build the phone they always wanted?
  • Reply 18 of 19
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    845032 wrote: »

    There is no samsung's interal document state that 'COPY THAT!'.

    "Direction of improvement" does not mean "Copy".
    If they took the idea of iOS, modified it, improved and added to it.
    It is OK.

    If that's what Samsung had done, Apple would have no complaints.

    Instead, the evidence continues to pile up that while Apple was innovating, Samsung had a consistent process of making extensive efforts to make their product look as much like the iPhone as possible.
  • Reply 19 of 19


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post



    There is no samsung's interal document state that 'COPY THAT!'.


    "Direction of improvement" does not mean "Copy".

    If they took the idea of iOS, modified it, improved and added to it.

    It is OK.

    You are right... It does not say "Copy that".   But in every other phrase version... it SCREAMS  make ours like this cause its better.   


    PS. I am sure that the document has been translated....  There may not be a word in Korean that directly translates to "copy".  Just the thought of copy that seems to cover the entire ASIAN MAINLAND.  

    Just a thought.  :-)

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