Apple suppliers say iPhone 5 demand still strong, iPad mini cannibalizing 9.7" iPad



  • Reply 21 of 60


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    "He also added that demand for the iPad mini remains strong, suggesting consumer preferences are simply shifting to the smaller form factor"...

    A device that's primarily hand-held, providing near-identical functionality to a larger/heavier/more costly one is doing well in a smaller/lighter/cheaper package... You Don't Say?

    Well some people, on here, certainly never thought it could ever happen!!

  • Reply 22 of 60
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    My iPad mini is my favorite so far and I own all versions of iPad. I'm a developer and need to test on each. The form factor is the best part. It's light and portable and feels like you are carrying a booklet and not a small notebook. Surprisingly I don't miss the reduction in size and it still feels like a full iPad to me. If they add an A6X chip and Retina, nothing could touch it. Make it $499 and it will sell like hotcakes. (which is a silly phrase because I'm not sure hotcakes sell much faster than pancakes, french toast or other breakfast pastry)
  • Reply 23 of 60
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member

    It's not cannibalizing anything. iPad mini still sells all those apps, games, music, books and movies. Apple wins anyway. Apple even talked about this on their financial call. They want more people to have iPad. Doesn't matter which one.

  • Reply 24 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    quadra 610 wrote: »
    <span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18px;"> but total iPad sales for the holiday quarter may prove lower than market watchers expect, as the iPad mini cannibalizes sales of the new fourth-generation iPad.</span>

    <span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18px;">lol wut?</span>

    <span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18px;">So in other words, iPad sales will be just fine. An iPad Mini is still an iPad. What difference does it make (other than perhaps in profit) which model it is?</span>

    <span style="line-height:18px;">We don't say that "Mac sales for the holiday quarter may prove lower than market watchers expect, as the the Macbook Air cannibalizes sales of the new Macbook Pro."</span>

    <span style="line-height:18px;">What, will Apple be releasing separate numbers for the iPad and iPad Mini?</span>

    If I'm reading this right, the theory is iPad mini is cannibalizing sales of iPad and there are supply constraints with the mini therefore overall sales will be less?
  • Reply 25 of 60
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    I wonder if the 11" MacBook Air cannibalizes sales of the 13" MacBook Air. As far as I can tell, not significantly.

    How can you tell? What's your scoop? Where are the stats? And the 11" was launched at the same time as the 13", was it not? I'd be interested in how you evaluate cannibalization in such a scenario. (I don't think you can count the first Air as it was a very different beast at a very different price point).

  • Reply 26 of 60


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Perhaps Apple underestimated iPad mini demand? I'm actually surprised at how well the product has been received. I fully expected the iHaters to whine about no retina, A5 chip, etc. but in almost every review I've read th design, form factor battery life and ecosystem out weighted lack of retina. In fact David Pogue at the NY Times said if he was stranded on an island and could only have one gadget with him it would be the mini.

    If Apple can find a way to get retina into this form factor with the same great battery life other tablets will be in a world of hurt. Especially if the 5th gen iPad gets thinner and lighter. Game over.

    Hates will always find a way to bash Apple. I read this from an investment blog the other day:

    • Before the iPad Mini: Apple is losing ground to the 7" tablets made by Android vendors

    • On the day it came out: no retina, more expensive than Android, will fail

    • After the iPad mini: too cheap, causing margin compression, hurt regular iPad sales


    Haters are like that... always hate with or without a reason.

  • Reply 27 of 60

    Actually this matters a lot, in fact I've said here many times, a lot of people will be buying the iPad mini instead of the bigger iPad, and this will hurt both the total revenue and margin. I'm not suggesting Apple should not have produced the mini, but I'm just saying it's bad for AAPL, at least until Apple figures out a new way to sell premium high margin iPads again. 

  • Reply 28 of 60

    Wrestled with this two nights ago. Gave my (still awesome) iPad 2 to my daughter and went with the New iPad. I love the form factor of the Mini but the beautiful Retina screen and significant horsepower increase was enough to sway me.

  • Reply 29 of 60
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post

    Actually this matters a lot, in fact I've said here many times, a lot of people will be buying the iPad mini instead of the bigger iPad, and this will hurt both the total revenue and margin. I'm not suggesting Apple should not have produced the mini, but I'm just saying it's bad for AAPL, at least until Apple figures out a new way to sell premium high margin iPads again. 


    I am sure Apple ain't sweating this one. The day they start AAPL direct their efforts is they day the boat starts sinking.

  • Reply 30 of 60


    Originally Posted by baeder View Post

    So, maybe Apple knew something about pricing the iPad Mini after all? Everyone wanted them to price it lower to garner market share. Or, that at such a price it HAD to have a Retina display. Yet, it seems to be doing just fine, and IF it is canabalizing the full size iPad at least it will still be making a good profit!

    Agreed. The mini cannibalizing iPad 4 sales would be a problem if Apple priced it super cheap like a lot of the tech writers and fans said they should. They made the right choice as far as price point.

  • Reply 31 of 60
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    mazda 3s wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but where is the source link for this story? AI quotes all this information, but doesn't provide a source to where they got it from.

    I think those notes are provided as part of a subscription service. I hope the more investment oriented forum members can clarify that more.

    With that being said, I sold my iPad 3 32GB WiFi about a month before the iPad mini announcement in order to get top dollar for it. I then bought an iPad mini 16GB WiFi at the end of November. I used it for about 4 days, and ended up taking it back to the Apple store.
    I kept trying to tell myself "the screen doesn't bother me, the screen doesn't bother me, the screen doesn't bother me". But after looking at the iPad mini's screen, and having to keep zooming in to make text legible on websites (something I never had to do with my iPad 3), and just the overall poor quality of text wore me down. Also, jumping back and forth between my iPhone 5 and the iPad mini made the text legibility issues even more apparent.
    The screen was fine for me in games and most apps. But the Safari browsing experience (what I use an iPad most for) just killed it for me.
    Don't get me wrong, I loved the thinness and light weight of the mini, but I won't return to the form-factor until it gets a Retina update.

    I think I get what you mean, but I think it might be Fall, if not fall 2014 before there is a Retina iPad mini. iPhone 5 and iPad mini do have a similar number of pixels.
  • Reply 32 of 60
    ecsecs Posts: 307member

    Although it seems a poor-in-facts story, I must say I find the iPad weight too heavy for wearing it the whole day. Its weight falls not too far away of the Macbook Air, with the difference that the MBA runs OSX. On the other hand, the iPad Mini is much lighter, and you can wear it with you comfortably. With these two offerings, I find the iPad Mini much more comfortable for wearing it with you. If you hold both on your hands, you'll realize what I'm talking about. Of course I'd like to have the screen size of the big iPad with the weight of the iPad Mini, but, if it's technically impossible, I might prefer sacrificing screen size for the comfort of a lighter weight.

  • Reply 33 of 60

    My thought has been that they could have priced the mini cheaper, yes. But..I feel they priced in the cost of the retina beforehand. It took them two iterations before they got retina on the iPad Maxi (I had to) where it was still able to keep their margins. No price increase from non-retina to retina. I see that same thing happening for the mini. Yes they could have done retina now but at what the reasoning that the mini needed to run current iPad apps with no problems out of the gate. I'm with JeffDM that the retina mini won't be until 2014 but I'm thinking spring instead of fall. People will be itching for it.


    And I should add that I love my mini. Easy, light..screen doesn't bother me and I have a 5. My original iPad (I know..long tooth) doesn't really get used anymore.


    I believe it was this size that Apple wanted to do all along. I think it was easier for them to come out with the iPad Maxi first and then shrink it (smaller, lighter, lower cost) instead of the upsell they would have needed by coming out with a 7.9" first and enlarging it to 9.7" (bigger but heavier and more costly).

  • Reply 34 of 60
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Perhaps Apple underestimated iPad mini demand? I'm actually surprised at how well the product has been received. I fully expected the iHaters to whine about no retina, A5 chip, etc. but in almost every review I've read th design, form factor battery life and ecosystem out weighted lack of retina. 


    The reason is very simple: Apple doesn't design products for cheapskate tech nerds who hang around in web forums wailing about how they'll jump to Android if the next iPhone doesn't have a sixty-inch screen, a fifty-year battery life, runs OSX, fits in a matchbox, and costs $29.99


    Apple designs products for busy people with... er... lives.

  • Reply 35 of 60
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    I agree with predictions that the Mini will BE the mainstream iPad. The big guy will still sell well, but it will come in second. I may even go the Mini route myself (with retina... in about a year I hope).

    Which means, I REALLY HOPE that all iPads, including the Mini, gain a 128 GB option! I like massive games too much. I hoard them. It is unhealthy, but so be it.
  • Reply 36 of 60
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member


    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think I get what you mean, but I think it might be Fall, if not fall 2014 before there is a Retina iPad mini. iPhone 5 and iPad mini do have a similar number of pixels.


    They have a similar number of pixels, but the screen density is what makes the difference. Living in a vacuum, the iPad mini's screen is great -- great color reproduction, good viewing angles. I think the problem in my case is that I came from an iPad 3 which made the text legibility issues even more apparent.


    Add on top of that I have my iPhone 5 where text looks as sharp as a tack, then I move over to the iPad mini and text doesn't look anywhere near as clear and crisp. I can only compare it to the difference moving from my iPhone 3GS to an iPhone 4. It was a phenominal leap. When I made the switch to the iPhone 4, my wife still had a 3GS. Using her phone was like torture to me (not literally of course).

    Apple spoiled me with Retina... that's all I can say.


    With that being said, the iPad mini form-factor is AMAZING! I loved everything about it from an ergonomics aspect. The weight, the thinness... I didn't even mind the reduced border around the screen. Like I said, I'm sold on the form-factor; add Retina and I'll be back for more. Until then, I'm getting an iPad 4.

  • Reply 37 of 60
    Wu does he think he is? Pulling such estimates from his ...
  • Reply 38 of 60


  • Reply 39 of 60
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    I played around recently with an iPad Mini. Didn't do it for me, colour saturation on the screen was visibly inferior to the Retina iPad. But it was its size that was the main issue for me. Even though you can hold it with one hand at its edges, its still too wide to be held that way for an extended period of time so I found myself automatically turning it round to landscape format all the time. It did feel very solid though. But I'm still going to get an iPad 4. A second generation version with a wider bezel for more comfortable holding in portrait format with no smudges on screen and improved quality display might sway me next time around.
  • Reply 40 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    rayz wrote: »
    The reason is very simple: Apple doesn't design products for cheapskate tech nerds who hang around in web forums wailing about how they'll jump to Android if the next iPhone doesn't have a sixty-inch screen, a fifty-year battery life, runs OSX, fits in a matchbox, and costs $29.99

    Apple designs products for busy people with... er... lives.
    what you said. :smokey:
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