Taylor Swift turns to promoting Apple Music's curated playlists in new video ad

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV
Once having threatened to boycott the service, pop singer Taylor Swift on Friday appeared in a video ad for Apple Music, showcasing the service's curated playlists.

Swift is seen preparing to run on a treadmill, choosing a playlist called "#GymFlow" from Apple Music running on an iPhone. She begins to run and dance to the song "Jumpman" by rappers Drake and Future, only to get distracted and fall flat on her face.

Prior to the launch of Apple Music in June 2015, Swift briefly threatened to keep her bestselling album 1989 off the service, in protest of the company's royalty policies. Apple initially planned not to pay any royalties on tracks streamed during a listener's three-month trial, which generated complaints not just by Swift but by a number of independent labels.

Swift's reaction was the catalyst for change however, prompting Apple to reverse course the same day as she posted an open letter on the topic. Later that week, she announced that 1989 would be available on Apple Music.

Earlier today, another major pop artist -- Kanye West -- apparently relented to market demand by allowing his album The Life of Pablo to appear on both Apple Music and Spotify. The record was initially an exclusive to Tidal, of which West is a part owner, and the rapper once claimed that it would "never never never be on Apple." Earlier this week however, singles from Pablo began showing up on rival services.


  • Reply 1 of 21
    fotoformatfotoformat Posts: 302member
    I bet the insurance-cover guys were biting their fingernails to the quick, watching that stunt play out!
  • Reply 2 of 21
    ipilyaipilya Posts: 195member
    honestly... I didn't see that coming
  • Reply 3 of 21
    slprescottslprescott Posts: 765member
    At first this ad seemed boring and then... wow.  Funny!  Did she do the stunt herself, or did they somehow cut to a stunt double for the fall?
  • Reply 4 of 21
    snailersnailer Posts: 51member
    This ad falls flat.
  • Reply 5 of 21
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Let's be honest, she didn't boycott or threaten to boycott Apple Music. That's like saying I'm boycotting a company because they didn't want to pay me for work. 
  • Reply 6 of 21

    I find it amusing the Taylor Swift and "Shit-for-brains" West are making news together ... again.

    Personally, I could enjoy listening to that woman recite the alphabet. 
  • Reply 7 of 21
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    The final crash was unnecessary imo even though it has impact - It looks real to me. In fact it looks bloody painful. I have nothing against it but the best part for me is TS digging Drake as she jogs. 
    edited April 2016 moreck
  • Reply 8 of 21
    jensonbjensonb Posts: 532member
    Taylor's a good choice for a funny ad, she's super goofy so it's pretty easy to buy her doing something dorky like this - and apparently it's based on something that actually happened. And yeah, I have no trouble believing that.

    Cool to see the Apple/Taylor Swift partnership appears to be here to stay. I'm a huge fan of Taylor so I'd be very happy to see more exclusives from her like the 1989 World Tour Movie appear on Apple Music.
  • Reply 9 of 21
    See? Eddy Cue made a new BFF.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    I don't think the fall was necessary. Might have been a better commercial without it and ending with her breaking a sweat.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    appexappex Posts: 687member
    Nope! Not good.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,300member
    Running on a treadmill.. As if she needs to lose any more weight. 
  • Reply 13 of 21
    latifbplatifbp Posts: 544member
    Almost as bad as her music. 
  • Reply 14 of 21
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    Rough crowd.... Was hilarious as shit!
  • Reply 15 of 21
    I got Kanye on right now.
  • Reply 16 of 21
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Funny spot. Gorgeous woman, physical humor: what's not to like?

    (other than those lyrics...)
  • Reply 17 of 21
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    hexclock said:
    Running on a treadmill.. As if she needs to lose any more weight. 
    Stage shows are brutal: need to stay in top shape for those live performances. 
  • Reply 18 of 21
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    cali said:
    I don't think the fall was necessary. Might have been a better commercial without it and ending with her breaking a sweat.
    I can't disagree more with you. I actually laughed at the ending of that spot. It was totally non-Apple like, and I did not see the fall coming (having almost done that once my-self on the hamster wheel of Winter).

    I fully echo jfc138's post.
  • Reply 19 of 21
    booboobooboo Posts: 49member
    Ok, I have to admit it, I burst out laughing with this spot. And I love the Apple Music playlists I've been playing.

  • Reply 20 of 21
    That commercial is hilarious. 
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