Apple led effort to remove rifle emoji from Unicode 9.0, report says



  • Reply 61 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    lilsmirky said:
    I also don't want my children to get shot because a psychopath walks in a college with a firearm.
    So maybe stop campaigning for schools to be gun free zones. You know what a gun free zone is? A free fucking range.
    Let's lock those things away and let's hand them to people who are trained to use them in a proper way
    So, by the definition of the Constitution, every single person.
     (e.g. police officers and soldiers). 
    You're a Marxist sociopath (yes, the word is correct) with delusions of genocide. You will never have your way.
    Firearms don't belong in our homes, in our schools, in our phones.
    Come and fucking get them, then. I'm waiting. You have absolutely no argument whatsoever. Gun ownership prevents crime. End of discussion.

    lilsmirky said:
    we could argue about that
    We could, but you'd be wrong.
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 62 of 101
    davendaven Posts: 701member
    lilsmirky said:
    Firearms cannot be part of our culture
    You don't have a goddamn clue what our culture is. You're an embarrassment to the ideals of America. Don't buy a fucking gun if you don't want one. You have absolutely no right to make anyone defenseless but yourself.
    You should do something about your anger problem.
  • Reply 63 of 101
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    daven said:
    You don't have a goddamn clue what our culture is. You're an embarrassment to the ideals of America. Don't buy a fucking gun if you don't want one. You have absolutely no right to make anyone defenseless but yourself.
    You should do something about your anger problem.
    It's ok to be angry, because anger motivates people into action.

    Take a look at this year's presidential race. I'm glad that people are angry. :#
    tallest skil
  • Reply 64 of 101
    tallest skil said:
    So maybe stop campaigning for schools to be gun free zones. You know what a gun free zone is? A free fucking range.
    I'm not campaigning for schools to be gun-free zone. I'm campaigning for a gun-free Country. See the difference? :smile: 

    tallest skil said:
    So, by the definition of the Constitution, every single person
    A Constitution that thankfully we have the right to change.
    tallest skil said:
    You're a Marxist sociopath (yes, the word is correct) with delusions of genocide. You will never have your way.
    If you say so.
    tallest skil said:
    Gun ownership prevents crime. End of discussion.
    You should know better.
    edited June 2016 wetlandercrowleybaconstangsingularitymobius
  • Reply 65 of 101
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    apple ][ said:
    daven said:
    You should do something about your anger problem.
    It's ok to be angry, because anger motivates people into action.

    Take a look at this year's presidential race. I'm glad that people are angry.
    Me too. It makes them think irrationally, and end up with a sociopathic candidate who will lose, taking the rest of his party with him, once the brain fever has worn off and people sober up.  :#
    edited June 2016 davenwetlandercrowleybaconstangmobius
  • Reply 66 of 101 must step in line with the thinking of Apple...they are correct in everything they do...they can think for one should be able to communicate with anyone about anything related to a gun...just ask Siri.
    tallest skilSpamSandwichstaticx57
  • Reply 67 of 101

    welshdog said:
    There exist no laws in any country that would have prevented the Orlando massacre. Paris has some of the strictest gun control laws in the western world and those laws did nothing to prevent multiple gun attacks. So forgive me if I'm cynical of Obama's breathless proclamations that "assault weapons" are to blame for terrorist acts.

    Still, french people are 50 times less likely to die by gunfire than the average US citizen.
  • Reply 68 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    daven said:
    You should do something about your anger problem.
    You should have a fucking argument. Inalienable right.

     lilsmirky said:
    I'm not campaigning for schools to be gun-free zone. I'm campaigning for a gun-free Country. See the difference?
    Yes, instead of wanting to kill children, you want to kill everyone.
    A Constitution that thankfully we have the right to change. 
    No, you do not have the right to change the second amendment. Just as you don't the first. That you don't comprehend this is terrifying.
    Nope, try again.
    I've already posted proof that you're wrong. Read the discussion before entering it.
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 69 of 101
    tallest skil said:
    Yes, instead of wanting to kill children, you want to kill everyone.
    I believe people in Japan are feeling fine right now.
    No, you do not have the right to change the second amendment. Just as you don't the first. That you don't comprehend this is terrifying.
    Of course I do. Really sure you cannot amend the Constitution? Wow.
    I've already posted proof that you're wrong. Read the discussion before entering it.
    Done. Your readings don't seem to check with facts :wink: 
    edited June 2016 wetlandercrowleysingularitybaconstangmobius
  • Reply 70 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    lilsmirky said:
    I believe people in Japan are feeling fine right now.
    Their murder/suicide rate is the same as ours. Try again, but this time actually read my link. You're just embarrassing yourself. You have no honor.
    Good thing I didn't say that.
    Done. Your readings don't seem to check with facts  ;)
    They do, as every single thing there is cited, sourced, and cross-referenced.
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 71 of 101
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    wizard69 said:
    So is Apple going to start removing games with violence from the App Store. Or iTunes media that contains violence?

    Btw, the Orlando killer was investigated by the FBI 3 times. Why isn't that what everyone is focusing on? How the hell did the FBI let this guy go?
    It is OBama's policy to install fear into the US by importing Muslim terrorists to make it easier to implement Marshall law.    Make no mistake here the democrats aren't much different than the organizations that gave us WW2 Germany.
    The Orlando shooters family immigrated to this country when Ronald Reagan was the President. He was an American citizen...not so sure about you and your grasp on reality.
    edited June 2016 wetlanderdavenbaconstang
  • Reply 72 of 101
    Strange to see so many bloviate bovine excrement in one place.
  • Reply 73 of 101
    lilsmirky said:
    I believe people in Japan are feeling fine right now.
    Their murder/suicide rate is the same as ours.
    As a matter of fact, it is not. It is 13 times higher in the US than in Japan.
    I will end here this farce, it is clear that you are not open to dialogue. Your defensive replies and rude manners are a sad proof of this. Truth is out there for those who want to see it for themselves, though. Peace :smile: 
  • Reply 74 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    lilsmirky said:
    it is clear that you are not open to dialogue.
    Yes, because I’m right and you’re wrong. I’ve already proven it. Why the fuck should anyone have a dialogue with someone who refuses truth when presented it? There’s no dialogue to be had. You’re just plain wrong.

    split said:
    He was an American citizen...
    Were his parents citizens at the time of his birth?
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 75 of 101
    jcs2305jcs2305 Posts: 1,337member
    wiggly said:
    Dude calm down. Have you ever used a gun to help anyone? Of course you didn't. You're so scared of every one you don't even go out.
    Great argument.

    Ask Jerry Waller how safe he and his wife feel having had a gun in the house. Having a gun is NOT a guarantee of your safety. 

    This article is about a gun emoji not your rights. It's ridiculous to remove this considering there are already allow knives, pistol and bomb emojis as long as I can remember. I actually think Apple just voted against it, not actually removed anything. 

    Anthony Antell had a gun as well... What exactly did he "deter" with it ?  I am not against guns, grew up with them in the home. Have them in my home now. What I'm not a fan of is people being so over the top about their right to own,  that a conversation about an EMOJI spirals into a back and forth about rights and how liberals are responsible for the pusification of the world. Agree or disagree it just gets tiring...
  • Reply 76 of 101
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,105member
    Except this was not the rifle used in the mass shootings. Apple are such pussies.
  • Reply 77 of 101
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,105member
    apple ][ said:

    daven said:
    The killer was born here. Think before you post.
    Irrelevant. Their ideology was foreign, from elsewhere.

    And their ideology is complete garbage, and it's going to end up in the dumpster soon.
    Homophobia is foreign? smh. At least you had the sense to change out that stupid Trump avatar. 
  • Reply 78 of 101
    Absolutely. that's the best gun control move. Congratulation on idea. Remove also knives if there are any. Forks too.
    tallest skilbaconstang
  • Reply 79 of 101
    So is Apple going to start removing games with violence from the App Store. Or iTunes media that contains violence?

    Btw, the Orlando killer was investigated by the FBI 3 times. Why isn't that what everyone is focusing on? How the hell did the FBI let this guy go?
    Same way Hillaruy Clinton runs for president while being investigated by FBI.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 80 of 101
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    jcs2305 said:
    Ask Jerry Waller how safe he and his wife feel having had a gun in the house.
    [guy who was unarmed when he was shot] What’s your point?
    Having a gun is NOT a guarantee of your safety. 
    Yeah; they’re not animate. You have to use them.
    This article is about a gun emoji not your rights.
    Okay, you don’t understand the point. Got it. If I were you I’d read the discussion before entering it.
    Anthony Antell had a gun as well... What exactly did he "deter" with it?
    So again, you don’t get it at all. My link earlier has a complete rebuttal.
    a conversation about an EMOJI
    It’s not about an emoji.
    how liberals are responsible for the pusification of the world.
    There’s no discussion to have there; it’s definitionally true. Wear shoes; don’t try to carpet the world.
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