Breastfeeding, T-Rex highlight proposed shortlist of 51 emoji set to debut in 2017

in iPhone edited November 2016
The Unicode Consortium on Thursday announced an updated shortlist of 51 new emoji characters that could see release next year as part of Unicode 10, with additions ranging from familiar yellow faces to animals and various food items.

Today's proposal from the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee (PDF link) is a more complete representation of the character set scheduled for introduction wth Unicode 10. The consortium in May published a provisional list of eight prior emoji candidates, including "Face With One Eyebrow Raised" or "Colbert emoji," all of which are included in the most recent lineup.

Highlighting the new additions are "Breastfeeding" and two dinosaurs -- "T-Rex" and "Sauropod" -- while other examples include "Person with Headscarf," "Mage," "Elf," "Genie," "Zombie," "Brain," "Pretzel," "Canned Food" and "Bearded Person." Foodies were also considered, as food section proposals include "Coconut," "Broccoli" and "Cut of Meat," among others.

As for faces, emoji users are likely to see "Face with Finger Covering Closed Lips," "Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes and Hand Covering Mouth" and "Grinning Face with Crazy Eyes" debut next year. Other future hits include "Face with Open Mouth Vomiting" and "Shocked Face with Exploding Head."

The Unicode Consortium says a final emoji list will be released alongside Unicode 10 in mid-2017.

Apple is traditionally one of the first smartphone platform stewards to incorporate Unicode's latest emoji library in public release, and has in the past made recommendations to expand the standard. Most recently, the company integrated full Unicode 9.0 emoji support in its latest iOS 10.2 beta, suggesting iPhone and iPad users will soon gain access to the character library.


  • Reply 1 of 28
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Person with headscarf, lol. So, misogyny, slavery and the mistreatment of females is A-OK with these lunatics, but don't you dare have a gun emoji, that is unacceptable.

    What a bunch of freaks. :#

    Whoever is behind choosing and coming up with some of these emojiis are seriously demented and screwed up people.

  • Reply 2 of 28
    anomeanome Posts: 1,544member

    OK, who had the headscarf in the pool? I was sure someone would go for the breastfeeding first.

  • Reply 3 of 28
    apple ][ said:
    Person with headscarf, lol. So, misogyny, slavery and the mistreatment of females is A-OK with these lunatics, but don't you dare have a gun emoji, that is unacceptable.

    What a bunch of freaks.

    Whoever is behind choosing and coming up with some of these emojiis are seriously demented and screwed up people.
    surprise -- they're suggested by groups of people. people who don't look just like you and didn't come from wherever it is you came from. 
    edited November 2016 minicoffeeRosynaSolijony0dreyfus2mobiusbonobobsmiffy31ai46doozydozen
  • Reply 4 of 28
    apple ][ said:
    Person with headscarf, lol. So, misogyny, slavery and the mistreatment of females is A-OK with these lunatics, but don't you dare have a gun emoji, that is unacceptable.

    What a bunch of freaks. :#

    Whoever is behind choosing and coming up with some of these emojiis are seriously demented and screwed up people.

    Sounds like you are the freak.

  • Reply 5 of 28
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Sounds like you are the freak.
    I don't force any women to cover up and I don't rank them to be worth 1/2 a man and on the same level as a dog. I actually treat most women pretty decently. :#
    entropysmacseekerrazorpitperkedelJanNLtallest skil
  • Reply 6 of 28
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    I'm gonna hate scrolling through this useless crap. enough emojis!

     I've come up with a system where you can have endless emoji and still keep a streamlined emoji keyboard with only the essentials. Basically only have the obscure ones show up in predictive text when you type the word. This gives more emoji flexibility while keeping the interface simple and faster.

    having a little "+" like the iMessage apps on the keyboard also helps. In case you want to add some obscure emoji to your keyboard.

    apple ][ said:
    Person with headscarf, lol. So, misogyny, slavery and the mistreatment of females is A-OK with these lunatics, but don't you dare have a gun emoji, that is unacceptable.

    What a bunch of freaks. :#

    Whoever is behind choosing and coming up with some of these emojiis are seriously demented and screwed up people.

    I'll take one of those girls over the gross American skanks any day. 

  • Reply 7 of 28
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    These emojis will probably be popping up on all of my Apple devices soon enough, and I suppose that I don't have much of a choice in that matter, but to protest what I see as sexism, misogyny and the acceptance of violence against women, I will simply hijack certain emojis and use them for purposes that they were not originally intended for.

    For example, that headscarf emoji reminds me of something else, so from now on, I'll be using the headscarf emoji when referring to Jawas.

    The similarities are quite striking and Star Wars fans should be happy with that emoji, since I don't believe that there are any official Star Wars characters in the set yet.

  • Reply 8 of 28
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    cali said:

    I'll take one of those girls over the gross American skanks any day. 

    You clearly have some serious issues.

    Are you sure that you wouldn't be happier in a country like Saudi Arabia, and not the USA?
  • Reply 9 of 28
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,255member
    I hate emojis.
    To me they symbolise Apple's current priorities. 
    edited November 2016 perkedel
  • Reply 10 of 28
    I think about 80% of them need to be culled out of the OS. There's too many to scroll through now.
    perkedeltallest skil
  • Reply 11 of 28
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    I think about 80% of them need to be culled out of the OS. There's too many to scroll through now.
    There are a lot, but you use one and it'll then show up in the Recently Used collection, or you start typing in a word and then predictive text shows you the emoji you want.
  • Reply 12 of 28
    I think about 80% of them need to be culled out of the OS. There's too many to scroll through now.
    Agreed. Even the category titles are of little help. This is getting to be a bit much. 
  • Reply 13 of 28
    Soli said:
    I think about 80% of them need to be culled out of the OS. There's too many to scroll through now.
    There are a lot, but you use one and it'll then show up in the Recently Used collection, or you start typing in a word and then predictive text shows you the emoji you want.
    I find that the predictive text ones -- except for the most obvious (e.g., "congratulations") -- are, for the most part, annoying than helpful. 

    Also, I dislike the way that many of the emojis show up looking different in different email clients, e.g., Apple Mail versus Gmail versus Outlook. I had thought there were some universal standards for appearance, but apparently not. 
  • Reply 14 of 28
    Rve Rve Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    The headscarf is not just a piece of cloth. It's a political statement, a vision of society. A fascist symbol. Why not include some nazi logos while they're at it?
    apple ][
  • Reply 15 of 28
    apple ][ said:
    Person with headscarf, lol. So, misogyny, slavery and the mistreatment of females is A-OK with these lunatics, but don't you dare have a gun emoji, that is unacceptable.

    What a bunch of freaks.

    Whoever is behind choosing and coming up with some of these emojiis are seriously demented and screwed up people.
    surprise -- they're suggested by groups of people. people who don't look just like you and didn't come from wherever it is you came from. 
    Generally speaking, I'm a liberal, and with that in mind I have the following to express:

    The headscarf (hijab) on a woman is a symbol of support for the Islamic movement. The root of the Islamic movement is the Quran. The Quran is replete with messages of animosity towards non-followers. In madrassahs all over the world Muslims are taught that those who anger Allah are Jews, and those who have gone astray are Christians.

    In chapter 5, verse 51 it says this: "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."

    The above isn't qualified, it is a blanket statement, and the Quran is promoted as a book relevant to all people for all time.

    And it gets a lot worse.

    The Quran is a pretty uncomfortable read for non-followers (and women) and given the Islamic movement is based on the Quran, it is certainly not benign to secular democratic liberal societies. Many Muslims fit in to these societies only be ignoring the Quranic main theme of condemning non-believers. Muslims in movements like the Islamic State don't ignore the Quranic brutality and animosity - hence heir vile disposition and behaviour.

    Many liberals approach one's Muslim membership as an inherent quality - thus criticising it is deemed 'racist'. But of course there is no gene for Islam, or Christianity or Judaism, or any creed. Religion is an ideology and it's a CHOICE (once one is an adult) as to whether one wishes to be a member and promote it.

    By treating the Muslim membership as an inherent quality, Liberals are undermining those people who were told they were Muslims but decided to leave once they were adults and actually considered what the creed espoused and rejected it. Many Muslim apostates are treated appallingly within Muslim communities where adopting Western dispositions and values are often deemed a betrayal and a crime - that's within the West; declaring apostasy in Muslim political jurisdictions is effectively a suicide announcement.

    Liberals should be supporting apostates, not undermining them.

    As to emojis in general, especially the recent and growing volume, in terms of communicating, they are often a time-wasting distraction.
    edited November 2016 boredumbapple ][son3
  • Reply 16 of 28
    Rve said:
    The headscarf is not just a piece of cloth. It's a political statement, a vision of society. A fascist symbol. Why not include some nazi logos while they're at it?
    You sound like some over-offended SJW snowflake. Go down to the beach and protest about women who aren't topless. Oh those poor, oppressed western women who can't show their breasts because men tell them not to.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 17 of 28
    Ok, even more icons to scroll through... when will we get a simple search function? Not suggestions (that's a first step), but a plain old search function. I'm so tired of trying to find the needle in the haystack - or am I missing something?
    edited November 2016 randominternetperson
  • Reply 18 of 28
    hucom2000 said:
    Ok, even more icons to scroll through... when will we get a simple search function? Not suggestions (that's a first step), but a plain old search function. I'm so tired of trying to find the needle in the haystack - or am I missing something?
    On Mac OS you can use the Character Viewer from the Input menu.  It has a search field, which finds emojis too.
    You might have to switch on the Input menu in the Keyboard Preferences.
  • Reply 19 of 28
    Storm982Storm982 Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    @apple][ Nuns wear head coverings as well. Are you saying that they are oppressed also? The head covering is a tool for modesty regardless of race and religion. It's for people to focus on the women herself and her other assets. It's unfortunate that the groups have mistreated women who happen to have their heads covered wether by choice or force. We all need to stop grouping people together incorrectly and prolonging the ignorance that surrounds us in so many different aspects. Educate yourself before making misinformed comments like you have. Also I like the new different emojis we keep getting. I just don't want them to be key focus on new iOS upgrades. They should be more like little easter eggs you stumble upon.
  • Reply 20 of 28
    apple ][ said:
    Sounds like you are the freak.
    I don't force any women to cover up and I don't rank them to be worth 1/2 a man and on the same level as a dog. I actually treat most women pretty decently. :#
    Yet you seem to think that wearing a headscarf is more of a threat to you than a gun?
    In many parts of the world outside the USA wearing guns or the carrying of firearms is just not allowed/very illegal.
    Remember these Emojii are for use everywhere on the planet not just in that backwater that is the USA.

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