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  • Huawei caught using DSLR photos to promote its photography contest

    Typical 3rd tier company trickery — “If our cameras can’t produce those results . . . just find a camera that can and use those photos.”

    As SickersMagoo noted above — Credibility.”  Once you can fake it, your good! 

    tmaymwhiteBeatsBart YStrangeDayshypoluxajbdragonAndy.Hardwakemagman1979jony0
  • Avoidable chain of events with cloud payments & unreturned trade-in led to disabled Apple ...

    Typical of people today who NEVER want to accept the responsibility for their own mistakes.  It seems to me, after reading this article, that Mr. Curtis failed on numerous occasions, starting with his failure to read the Apple Terms Of Service agreements that he had to accept in order to move forward.  This started with his basic Apple account, followed by the AppleCard agreement — and it ended with his “forgetting” to notify Apple of his bank account t number changing.  This leaves out the whole “I forgot to send my trade-in Mac” back per the agreement between Apple & him.

    My question remains:  Is it that slow of a news day that this moron got this much coverage for HIS avalanche of stupidity?
    omar moralesiyfcalvinviclauyyckingofsomewherehotbuttesilverdjkfisherronnwatto_cobra
  • 'Ted Lasso' returns -- as a Barbie doll

    According to the Mattel web site: “BEHIND THE DESIGN “Ted is so sweet, kind, and perpetually joyful. We captured this Ted-ergy and sculpted 12” of plastic fantasticness wearing AFC Richmond’s finest,” says designer Suim Noh.
  • Profile of Apple procurement exec details iron fist supplier negotiations

    And this is why a “failed negotiator” in his business life should never be POTUS!  

    He’s literally negotiating the future of the country, not just his imaginary empire.
  • Apple security chief Thomas Moyer indicted in concealed firearm permit bribery case

    “ Jensen reportedly managed to get Moyer to promise that Apple would donate 200 iPads, worth about $70,000, to the Sheriff's Office. Undersheriff sung also extracted from Chadha, the insurance broker, a "promise of $6,000 worth of luxury box seat tickets to a San Jose Sharks hockey game."

    In California, it is illegal to carry a concealed firearm without a CCW license that can cost between $200 and $400.

    So these 2 CLOWNS (Moyer & Chadha) risked their careers and wanted to avoid paying between $200 & $400 to legitimately get their CCW legally?  They should be imprisioned for pure greed and stupidity.

    What a pair of Morons!

  • Ring's app caught spying on users, sharing data with third-parties

    Yikes, here we go again. My parents have these and admin them on Android phones. Tried to get me some for Xmas, I took a hard pass, specifically for this reason. 
    I do want some security cams for my home, but won’t install until I do enough research to put together a proper closed circuit system that doesn’t rely on 3rd party cloud monitoring. 
    These are our homes we’re talking about, I don’t get how people just turn their privacy over so easily. I guess the convenience out weighs the risk?
    1 Word - FaceCrook!