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  • I would expect that the laptop would run with the battery out. Although I realized that my battery is already like one year old and is starting to show its age...lasts 3hours at most. So when I move I will just buy a new battery for it. Thanks fo…
  • Quote: Originally posted by HHansen726 I went to use my PB tonight and instead of the chime and screen turning on, I heard two beeps. I went on the Apple Support discussion site and someone suggested I try booting from a disc. That didn't work, a…
  • Accidental Reply
  • My home network: Internet ---> eth0 - Gentoo Linux Box as router/firewall/proxy/file server - eth1 ---> HUB -----> PCs and MACs The Linux server is running Gentoo 2000 build. It has DHCP running aswell as DNS server on it, for routing…
  • Quote: Originally posted by mith IMO, the console FTP client is good when it also implements commands such as lcd, lls, lpwd. Sometimes you need to copy more files from different directories or can't remember the exact name (yes, you can use mpu…
  • If you lose apple mail the next best thing out there is GNUmail which is basically apple mail + tons of features and its an opensource project on sourceforge which i am a big supporter of.
  • absolute BEST = ftp in console. It exists on EVERY operating system in existance. If you learn how to use it you will never be without a client.
  • The thing that made me fall in love with apple was how I don`t have to worry about having to reinstall the system once a year due to all the garbage windows builds up. The reason I went away from linux is for the fact that you have to spend time lea…
  • I swear by GNUmail My mail.app got uninstalled so I went searching for a place to download it but couldn`t find it anywhere. I then ran accross GNUmail. GNUmail is from what I can see mail.app + some added features.