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  • VMware Fusion 13 adds Windows 11 virtualization for Apple Silicon Macs

    Still no macOS virtualization on Windows or Linux hosts regardless if old Intel or ARM. Go figure.
    Sure there is. Install Windows or Linux on your Mac, install VMware Workstation on it, then set up a macOS VM. Works fine, at least on Intel machines.
    maciekskontakt said:
    As I said only as host - macOS is not a client and never was. ... Otherwise, you are nobody in IT especially in virtualization space where banks use it extensively. I am chief architect at one of NYC banks.

    ... I was using virtualization products then on Mac OSX and not only Fusion or Parallels. Still only host system not capable to be client.
    That's a funny misuse of terminology for someone who claims to be so deep in IT. The proper term is guest, not client. And as I mentioned above, VMware virtualization products have historically been perfectly happy to run macOS guests, as long as it's on Apple-branded hardware. Admittedly, I haven't tried this myself since somewhere in the Workstation 12s, so it may have been removed.

    As for my credentials, I have been network lead, infrastructure lead, enterprise architecture lead, enterprise reliability lead, and a few other positions at various companies. Now focusing more on real engineering, which has been a nice change of pace. Every company I've worked or consulted for in the last 15 years has offered employees a choice of workstation, including Macs. That includes several financial companies.
  • Paid checkmarks on Twitter roll out in new subscription plan

    DAalseth said:
    So anyone with a credit card can now get the Blue “official” checkmark. 
    Oh this keeps getting better and better. 
    Doesn't even need a credit card or any kind of real verifiable information. On iOS, it's an in-app purchase.

    It has already been used by new accounts to get the blue check, then they change their name to "Twitter Support" or similar and send out cryptocurrency scams. "Twitter Blue is free for anyone holding Bitcoin! Just visit this site and give it your cryptocurrency wallet credentials to prove you have some!"
    DAalsethdave marshronnstevenozmangakattenFileMakerFellerzigzaglensOferdewmechia
  • M2 Extreme Mac Pro due in 2023, MacBook Pro still in 2022

    blastdoor said:
    If the Mac Studio cooling solution can handle the ‘extreme’ I hope they make it an option. Personally, I don’t need whatever extra expansion a Mac Pro might provide — I just want the CPU power. But I’m curious to see what else the Pro offers beyond the SOC. 
    The cooler they use for the M1 Ultra in the Mac Studio is massively overspecified. In every test I've seen, fully loading all the processor and GPU cores, the chip gets up to about 55ºC and the fans never leave idle. I'm guessing they left a ridiculous amount of thermal headroom for people who want to bring it on-site to edit video live or whatever outside of a 22ºC office.

    I suspect the real challenge wouldn't be the cooler. The M1 Ultra is HUGE. Putting a whole other M1 Ultra next to it probably isn't possible in the Mac Studio enclosure.
  • Apple Music's Spatial Audio spreads to Mercedes-Benz vehicles

    jimh2 said:
    jimh2 said:
    I don’t know who wants audio manipulation that is nothing but a gimmick like the various surround sound modes (stadium, game, orchestra, etc). Hopefully they will not take away the audio option of listening to music as the artist intended it to be heard. 
    Have you actually tried it? I’ve only experienced it with buds, but it was a game changer for watching TV. Hoping that if I invest in an Atmos soundbar I’ll have the same experience. 
    I do not need to try as it is manipulating the audio to something that is not what was recorded and approved by the artist (I am referencing two-channel listening with speakers or headphones). I will say that Spatial Audio is just like the other altered audio methods in that is sounds different which is not necessarily better and that in time the original presentation will sound better than the manipulated one until your ears grow tired of it. I'll admin that TV and movie watching are different though and they do benefit from some manipulation though no home theater can match a commercial theater.
    Spatial Audio is just Apple's branding for Dolby Atmos. You can't get it from just stereo. It's a whole different audio format with up to 128 separate streams which have both sound and positional information (including the ability to change position over time). It is an explicit mastering intent by the artist and studio, so it is exactly "what was recorded and approved by the artist".

    This is like saying Super Audio CD or DVD-Audio tracks are manipulated up from stereo. Or, for that matter, like saying ProLogic or other matrix encoding standards work by accident. Nonsense. Most are explicit mixing targets, and all are explicit mastering targets.
  • Lufthansa AirTags ban based on incredibly bad regulation interpretation

    tommikele said:
    Interesting, in three articles I just found, Lufthansa denies they have banned AirTags despite what that tweet says.
    Lufthansa's actual statement is paraphrased as "We aren't banning AirTags. ICAO is banning them, and we're just adhering to their directions." German companies and processes tend to be extremely bureaucratic, and statements like this are a natural result.

    All the re-reporting on the statement has focused on the first part and left out the second.