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  • The next Apple CEO: Who could succeed Tim Cook?

    tht said:
    I thought Jeff Williams had a deputy that is the de facto COO. The person who does the day-to-day running of Apple which allows Williams to be the C-suite operations strategist and allows him to lead all the other things he has to manage. The blood-glucose sensor for the Apple Watch is one of those high payoff R&D tech projects that warrants a push.

    It's definitely Jeff Williams in the immediate future. He will be acting CEO if Cook decides to take a one month vacation. Sometime after 5 years? Who knows. A lot can happen in 5 years, like the retirement of most of the 60+ year olds on this list. Not mentioned on the list is Mike Rockwell, who led the Vision work, and is in control of all the special technology projects at Apple, no?

    Too bad Scott Forstall is done as a tech manager. I think in hindsight, it was a huge fork in the road when Cook decided to keep Jony Ive over Scott Forstall. There have been excesses in "design" from Apple in the past 10 years while there would have been differently things happening everywhere. Swift would be different if Forstall was SVP of software at Apple. The iPads would have more PC features. Machine learning would be further ahead.

    I'd like to see a more computer oriented product person be the CEO. 
    Or even AI oriented.

    Their chips are good for AI but they are way behinder for Speech Language Processing. Until they make a chip that has a separate section for SLP, they will be behind. Even when they do make room for one, they will need to retroactively make an AI that is backwards compatible with their non SLP chips, which will be a dogshit AI experience.

    Time for innovation really.. It is long overdue. 
  • Wedbush: AI & pent-up iPhone 16 demand outweigh concerns over China sales

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    That is what Tim Cook is trying to do with early references to WWDC and the seemingly frantic activity within Apple to get something out the door. 
    What frantic activity are you talking about?
    There are numerous AI products and projects that they have been working on for years. Just because it’s not a known consumer product does not mean that they haven’t been working on AI, or whatever Apple wants to call it. 

    This sounds like more of some reporter or analyst just deciding that because Apple has not made any references to AI, means they haven’t been working on anything related to the technology and were caught flat footed. 
    'seemingly' frantic. 

    Lack of any real shipping equivalent product. 

    Tim Cook going on record as 'pre-announcing' AI moves for this year. 

    Some people (with apparent insider information) here saying that Apple was basically putting the pedal to the metal to get AI baked into some products. No. Not just the ML stuff. 

    Car project shut down with claims that many employees will be transferred to AI teams.

    No one can know for sure of course but the lack of any equivalent shipping product (to what has been sucking all the news time up) is obviously telling. 

    Saying Apple has been 'doing ML for years' is saying nothing. So has everybody else.

    What markets react to is, tangible, shipping products and Apple is still to deliver where others are already advancing. 

    As things stand, WWDC will see important AI announcements. Why do you think Tim Cook put that particular piece of information into the public domain? 

    Apple went from not even wanting to utter the letters 'AI' last year to planting them straight up into this year's WWDC! That is some change of tack. 

    Once those announcements are made, what will happen? Will they start rolling out products immediately? Will they wait for this year's product refresh/iOS release? Will they be ready or released as beta? 

    September/October is still a long way off but competitors have been shipping AI related solutions for a while now and that is why we see almost daily news pieces on this or that advance and right across the technology board. Almost in parallel, we see news pieces that reflect on Apple's missing AI products. 

    We see those because they haven't been released. 

    MWC concluded just days ago and it was all about 5.5G and AI. 

    Generative AI is everywhere. It's now moving into the video realm. 

    Tiny Large Language Models are here. 

    Work on existing LLMs is advancing at an incredible pace. 

    Where has Apple been for the last two years in this area? Claiming they are working on it and always have been is saying nothing. 

    Everybody has been working on it. The difference is that all the big players except Apple have something to show for it. 

    That's why it's been in the news for what seems like forever now. 

    Sounds like all fluff to me. Nothing substantial from what you are talking about. 

    AI is about a large amount of data and being Apple, they have to make sure their core values of privacy is adhered to in using that data. That means not selling your data or using your data to identify you or to sell you stuff. So making sure that data is clean takes time. Do you think anything that a lot of these new products that are using AI has made takes into account your privacy? Nope. 

    Not necessarily about a large amount of data. 

    Apple can´t have such large amounts of data on device. We are talking about tiny iPhones.
    What Apple strives for is their offline AI function on device. 
    Everything will be customized on iOS. The attractiveness of this customization is that iOS will be no longer controlled by Apple, but by you. 

    Apple has personal data. Apple can offer a customized AI service incl. healthcare. 
    OpenAI or other Open Source enterprises do not have those information. Therefore, they would not know what advices they should give you. 

    Having large data does not mean necessarily that you are unstoppable. See Alphabet with Gemini what they f*cked up. 

    But I don´t think Apple will highlight at WDCC what I mentioned above. I don´t expect too much. 

    Wedbush.... We don´t know what to expect at WDCC, but saying it will drive their sales and boost the stock price.... Speculation at finest. 

  • Abandoned $10 billion Apple Car project referred to as 'Titanic disaster' by employees

    Absolutely.. A disaster. 

    Having worked in the German automotive sector, I know quite many people scouted by Apple. 
    They were chassis engineers, quality engineers etc. dealing with auto manufacturing components. 

    At that time, Apple was serious to make a car and convinced those classic engineers from my employer (My supervisor was contacted by Apple at that time as well). 

    Now, Apple gives up and all those hardware engineers, who made a huge decision to relocate their families and themselves from Germany to SV, are now what?

    They may get higher salaries, higher compensations etc., but they came to realize highly motivated projects with a lot of challenges. 

    Apple occupies TTL over 160.000 employees and the number of those engineers is invisibly limited. Here, everybody is asking "so what?". 

    But it is so sad to see my former colleagues working there without..... realizing their dreams. 

  • Apple AI is the focus of an investing firm after Apple Car's death

    Apple has no problem to build EVs. All Chinese "stuffs" do. So, why not Apple?

    It is about margins, capex, FCF, earnings etc. 
    And besides, it is all about distinguished user experience and fully autonomous driven cars (lv.4 or 5), but it is not possible. 

    I work in the automotive industry. I can tell you that the automotive industry is a low maring dinosaur. And claim costs are higher than development costs. You know that there are a lot of defect cars and claims. 
    I would not know how Apple would handle those claims.

    It just signals that Apple is struggling for their future projects. It is brave to give up a big project. It takes courages to do that, but what will the next growth story be?

    Just integrating "some AI stuffs" on iPhones? 

    Let's.. Many seem to bet against Apple nowadays and predict their legacy going down.

    Maybe, they are right..... or not.. 

    I am convinced that we need a new CEO who is dynamic and drives more innovative activities. 
    After Job's death, the execution and operating phase was initated. Tim Cook is excellent at that, but now, the executing phase seems to be over. We are turning again to an innovation phase. 
    Is Tim Cook still the right CEO? Yes, No, Maybe.. 
  • Decade-old Apple Car project may be completely dead

    All employees are shifted to Generative AI.
    It shows how urgent it is to develop Generative AI. 
    It shows how the pressure is to bring out some functions related to Generative AI. 

    Apple is far behind at Generative AI. 

    Apple Car has never made sense. 