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  • Apple pulls the plug on macOS Server

    One of the nicer features of OS X Server back in the day was the UI for management of DNS. It wasn't for extremely complex situations but it was very handy for small to medium sized networks and it was a lot easier than hand editing text files.
    rob53elijahgdarkvadermarc gdocno42watto_cobra
  • New Mac mini reference spotted in Studio Display firmware

    mattinoz said:
    Why would M2 pro jump to 12 cores from 8 and 10?

    if m2 and pro are updated same time then wouldn’t they be both likely same core count 2+6 with Pro having use of all Gpu cores on the die say 12 then M2 with the 8 Gpu core bin. 
    It would mirror what we have now. The current M1 is either a 8 core or the 7 core binned version found in the entry level Macbook Air. The M1 Pro in the 14/16" Macbook Pros is a 10 core CPU model (8 performance cores, 2 efficiency). The rumor in this article would have an M2 Pro add two more efficiency cores to the mix.
  • Elon Musk pulls out of joining Twitter's board of directors

    I think Elon Musk realized that being a board officer would put him under even more constraints on the use of Twitter than he currently has. Musk's problems right now come from the fact that he can't say anything he wants about a public company about Tesla without running afoul of SEC rules. Joining Twitter's board wouldn't change fact, he'd be under even more communication constraints since he'd be a fiduciary officer who is supposed to be looking out for the company's best interests. It's not that he cannot publicly disagree with the rest of the board, but there would be limits as an officer as to when and how that is done. It's better for him to remain on the outside.
  • It's time for Apple to retire the Apple Watch Series 3

    jwdawso said:
    Who buys this watch? Did you ever consider that it’s mostly parents for their kids, and that the features and the size are well suited for them?
    We bought a Series 3 for our teenage daughter a couple of years ago when her Series 1 failed. And it is very slow. It's easily the hardest Apple device to upgrade when Apple drops a software update. And it used to be worse....often because of the limited memory and storage, I would often have to install the watch as a clean install, update the OS and then restore settings from iCloud. This took least the latest revisions allow updates without the long extra steps that frankly most users wouldn't know how to do.

    Fun fact: The Apple Watch Series 3 is the LAST 32-bit device Apple sells. iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, and tvOS have all been 64 bit only for many years. Only WatchOS has had to deal with this one build for 32 bit compatibility.
  • Ethical hackers prove having a Mac doesn't make you immune to cyberattacks

    And this is exactly why when there is an update from Apple, large or small, that I take every single device from my family members and patch it that day. For friends and family I help out with but don't see often, their machines are on auto-update. It's that important to keep up with patches since nearly all of them have security fixes these days.