Apple Store sold me wrong MBP;I need advice!



  • Reply 21 of 26
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    You can get refurb versions of the laptops with ExpressCard a lot cheaper:

    That one is a little slower at 2.4GHz but you probably wouldn't notice the difference between them and is only $1349. You can upgrade the Ram to 4GB cheaply and you will still have ExpressCard.

    One closer to yours would be this one:

    Still $300 cheaper than the one you got - the only difference being the 250GB drive but it's a 7200rpm, which is better than a 5400rpm 320GB.

    Refurbs are pretty much brand new, they just don't come in an original box and they have the full warranty with the options for AppleCare. Given that you've already started using it and seem to be happy with it, it's probably not worth the $300 saving having to go through a week's worth of exchanging, buying and reinstalling.

    Thanks for pointing those 2 machines out to me. I saw them earlier and ruled them out.

    The first one has only 2GB memory but mine has 4GB. It also has 250GB drive but mine has 320GB. Its speed is 2.4 but mine is 2.6. It has NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics processor with 256MB but mine is 9600 with 512MB. Finally I don's see where it has an express card slot. This machine does not compare to mine at all.

    The second is a closer comparison. However, its shortcomings are not worth the $300 in savings. The main downfalls are the smaller hard drive and the slower graphics. In addition it's a refurb available only online. My machine has a larger drive and better graphics. Toss in the fact that I drove the down the street a few a blocks from work to buy it right away, makes the $300 worth it.
  • Reply 22 of 26
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,429moderator
    Originally Posted by coolbreeze View Post

    The first one has only 2GB memory but mine has 4GB.

    The upgrade costs $65.

    Originally Posted by coolbreeze View Post

    It also has 250GB drive but mine has 320GB. Its speed is 2.4 but mine is 2.6.

    As I say, the clock difference is negligible. The HDD cost to upgrade you would factor in if you need the space. If you are planning to upgrade it anyway, it's not so important.

    Originally Posted by coolbreeze View Post

    It has NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics processor with 256MB but mine is 9600 with 512MB.

    Nope it has both 9600M GT and 9400M like yours does, but 256MB VRam (this may be due to the Ram though).

    Originally Posted by coolbreeze View Post

    Finally I don's see where it has an express card slot.

    They all did up until the recent version.

    Originally Posted by coolbreeze View Post

    The main downfalls are the smaller hard drive and the slower graphics.

    All 3 machines have the same graphics, the cheapest had 256MB VRam, your one and the second had 512MB. The smaller HDD in the second one is also 25% faster.

    I would agree that it's best to stick with what you have to save the hassle of transferring data but if you had been at the buying stage, I'd have said either of the refurbs were good options.

    I personally would have gone for the first refurb. I think you'd get the 512MB of VRam by upgrading the Ram to 4GB. Total cost is $1410. You can sell the 2GB that came out and you can use the near $600 saving to get a HDD (500GB 7200 rpm) and an external 24" screen if you like.

    2.4GHz is about 10% slower than the 2.66GHz.
  • Reply 23 of 26
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The upgrade costs $65.

    As I say, the clock difference is negligible. The HDD cost to upgrade you would factor in if you need the space. If you are planning to upgrade it anyway, it's not so important.

    Nope it has both 9600M GT and 9400M like yours does, but 256MB VRam (this may be due to the Ram though).

    They all did up until the recent version.

    All 3 machines have the same graphics, the cheapest had 256MB VRam, your one and the second had 512MB. The smaller HDD in the second one is also 25% faster.

    I would agree that it's best to stick with what you have to save the hassle of transferring data but if you had been at the buying stage, I'd have said either of the refurbs were good options.

    I personally would have gone for the first refurb. I think you'd get the 512MB of VRam by upgrading the Ram to 4GB. Total cost is $1410. You can sell the 2GB that came out and you can use the near $600 saving to get a HDD (500GB 7200 rpm) and an external 24" screen if you like.

    2.4GHz is about 10% slower than the 2.66GHz.

    Wow I guess it would have helped to plan this better. I got in a frenzy when my laptop was stolen. I needed a replacement right away. But I think you are right, at this point not really worth back tracking. Nonetheless, I am happy with my machine.
  • Reply 24 of 26
    Originally Posted by coolbreeze View Post

    Wow I guess it would have helped to plan this better. I got in a frenzy when my laptop was stolen. I needed a replacement right away. But I think you are right, at this point not really worth back tracking. Nonetheless, I am happy with my machine.

    I am so happy I kept my machine!! The express slot is getting lots of use. I would not use the SD slot probably not at all. And I still have not found my exact machine any cheaper.
  • Reply 25 of 26
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post're crazy. The new machine is far superior, which is why I took back my 1 week old MBP to exchange for a new, cheaper and better one. He should have discounted the machine in the least. I believe those models are going for like $500 less than they were. You paid out the ass for a subpar machine, relatively speaking. The new ones are faster, have the SD card slot (which can be used to boot), have almost twice the battery life, etc.

    BTW: "The battery difference is only two hours." Yeah, or like 50% greater capacity. Nice move.


    A major mistake when spending $2000

    Reverse the mistake ? Do you think apple would be so nice to you if you made an $2000 error ? I think not . If you returned the wrong model ??

    The cops would have to be called. Head quarters would demand a full legal report.

    As far as I know Apple did a major screen upgrade this time around.

    Look do this >>>>> make a dvd of about 4 minutes of bright balloons and stuff like that . Burn it twice .

    Go back to the apple store and play both dvd;s at the same time. Both mac should have the same setting>>>>> don't tell anyone which is which .

    If you don't see a much brighter clearer picture on the new MBP compared to your old one. THEN WHO cares.

    If you see no difference than fine.

    But if it was me I would act in another manner.

    APPLE told me that the new machines had a full screen level upgrade and to forget about the refub. SO I bought the new model .

    But as far as I heard >>> I may be wrong .

    SO I bought the new model BECAUSE apple had stated or I read apple has made a quantum had made a leap in the color gamma and made the screen much brighter.<<i am not sure of the tech terms >> Apple told me at around the same time when marvin was also advising me. The topic is here .

    I ended up with the 3.02GHz 500g 7200rpm15inMBP

    And I am thrilled to death with the quality of the movie playbacks and games I play .

    Yet the old model may be fine too.

    You have no right to do a favor for the apple store . Apple should give you exactly what you have now, in this years model /

    THIS IS A very very large << someone switched on you >>mistake

    This is rare with apple but someone<public?> may have bought the old one and then switched it out with the new one and then makes a return and the apple employee see's the same model he thinks and it slips by.

    there is no other way for an old version to get inside a new version box


    Again there is no way an old model gets inside a new model box . The bar code series would not compute .

    That is why they acted the way they did. Apple headquarters would be very un-happy to hear this story from you. And if the apple employees are hiding the story from the mucky mucks it gets worse.

    Maybe you have a refub machine ???

    Maybe that is how it got inside a new years model box .


  • Reply 26 of 26
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    A major mistake when spending $2000

    Reverse the mistake ? Do you think apple would be so nice to you if you made an $2000 error ? I think not . If you returned the wrong model ??

    The cops would have to be called. Head quarters would demand a full legal report.

    As far as I know Apple did a major screen upgrade this time around.

    Look do this >>>>> make a dvd of about 4 minutes of bright balloons and stuff like that . Burn it twice .

    Go back to the apple store and play both dvd;s at the same time. Both mac should have the same setting>>>>> don't tell anyone which is which .

    If you don't see a much brighter clearer picture on the new MBP compared to your old one. THEN WHO cares.

    If you see no difference than fine.

    But if it was me I would act in another manner.

    APPLE told me that the new machines had a full screen level upgrade and to forget about the refub. SO I bought the new model .

    But as far as I heard >>> I may be wrong .

    SO I bought the new model BECAUSE apple had stated or I read apple has made a quantum had made a leap in the color gamma and made the screen much brighter.<<i am not sure of the tech terms >> Apple told me at around the same time when marvin was also advising me. The topic is here .

    I ended up with the 3.02GHz 500g 7200rpm15inMBP

    And I am thrilled to death with the quality of the movie playbacks and games I play .

    Yet the old model may be fine too.

    You have no right to do a favor for the apple store . Apple should give you exactly what you have now, in this years model /

    THIS IS A very very large << someone switched on you >>mistake

    This is rare with apple but someone<public?> may have bought the old one and then switched it out with the new one and then makes a return and the apple employee see's the same model he thinks and it slips by.

    there is no other way for an old version to get inside a new version box


    Again there is no way an old model gets inside a new model box . The bar code series would not compute .

    That is why they acted the way they did. Apple headquarters would be very un-happy to hear this story from you. And if the apple employees are hiding the story from the mucky mucks it gets worse.

    Maybe you have a refub machine ???

    Maybe that is how it got inside a new years model box .



    The box describes the machine exactly. Therefore is was not a "switch-a-roo". However, I have wondered if this was a refurb. That would make me angry. I hope it was not. I think that it was left over when they cleared the store upon the arrival of the newer models at the beginning of the month. Mine was not removed and an employee grabbed it when I requested a machine. I think the employee had no idea what he was giving me.
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