Offbeat: Paranoid lawsuit attempts to link Apple to Italian mafia

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A new lawsuit from a Beverly Hills, Calif., man alleges that Apple conspired with the Italian mafia to secretly track him, transmit threatening messages to his iPod, and insert the word "herpes" into the song "Still Tippin'" by Mike Jones.

Not just his iPod, Gregory McKenna is convinced that many things in his life were bugged, including his bedroom, living room, upstairs bathroom and Toyota Camry. McKenna alleges in his lawsuit that two iPods he owned ? an iPod shuffle bought on eBay and an iPod mini purchased in an Apple Store ? were affixed with receivers that allowed the Mafia to transmit threats to him.

McKenna believes that these well-coordinated "threats" from Apple and the mafia were accompanied by an uncanny sense of rhythm: Recordings of mafia members saying "I'm going to kill him" supposedly played in unison with a song on the man's iPod mini in 2008.

"The recording of death threats and other evidence," the suit reads, "prove that APPLE INC. conspired with the Mafia and other Defendants to manufacture, distribute, and sell illegally bugged iPods and other electronic equipment to Plaintiff to perpetuate the stalking, extortion, and torture."

Filed Wednesday in a U.S. District Court in Missouri, the 124-page complaint lists Apple among a host of other defendants, including the St. Louis County Police Department, a local auto mechanic, and "unknown agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Perhaps the most outlandish Apple-related tale in the lengthy suit is a supposed subliminal message heard in the song "Still Tippin'" by rapper Mike Jones. McKenna alleges the word "herpes" was implanted into the song "to humiliate, degrade, and cause emotional stress."

In the version of the song McKenna claims he heard, the modified lyrics were: "Tippin' on four fours, wrapped in four vogues, HERPES. Tippin' on four fours, wrapped in four vogues. Tippin' on four fours, wrapped in four vogues, AHH."

The suit alleges he heard the modified version of the song on his Apple iBook G4 computer, Apple PowerBook G4, Apple iPods, and in three different vehicles, including his mother's Honda Accord.

The bizarre tale begins in 2000, when McKenna claims he was threatened by the Italian mafia at a Missouri night club. The suit alleges that the mafia tried to force the accuser into becoming a New York City fashion model.

"We're going to kill you if you don't model for us in New York," the suit says McKenna was told.

"Media sources report that the modeling industry has an infamous "shadow Mafia" that forces models to work for pay after fraudulently putting them into excessive debt, coerces them into the illegal sex trade, and then disposes of them," the suit reads.

The man claims he attempted to call the St. Louis County Police numerous times, but they would not respond to his pleas. His intricate tale includes numerous unnamed FBI agents, a plethora of hidden illegal recording devices, and constant references to "stalking, extortion and torture."

A high-profile, publicly traded company, Apple is hit with many lawsuits, sometimes from accusers who likely suffer from mental disorders. In 2007, a known frivolous suit filer claimed that Steve Jobs had employed O.J. Simpson as a hitman for the last two decades.


  • Reply 1 of 96
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Is there a link between this guy and the guy who wanted SJ to participate in acid trip tests?
  • Reply 2 of 96
    Do the Coen brothers read this site?
  • Reply 3 of 96
    pembrokepembroke Posts: 230member
    Could this possibly be the slowest news day on record?
  • Reply 4 of 96
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by pembroke View Post

    Could this possibly be the slowest news day on record?

    AI has sunk to new lows
  • Reply 5 of 96
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Stranger things have happened.

    But probably only to the plaintiff in question!
  • Reply 6 of 96
    petermacpetermac Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    Stranger things have happened.

    But probably only to the plaintiff in question!

    Now that made me laugh, so yes, the article is worth its place already.
  • Reply 7 of 96
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,725member
    I want to hear these songs!
  • Reply 8 of 96
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
    haha that's one weird lawsuit, i never thought i'd find a post about mike jones on appleinsider. it sounds to me like this guy could have underlying mental health problems that are causing these voices.

    by the way, i'm a pretty big mike jones fan. just in case any of you wanted to know that there was one out there. he's not the most talented guy, but he's always been real, he's always had the message that anyone can overcome with some hard work. here was this fat, unattractive guy who worked hard at his passion, worked hard at losing weight, and has it all now (unless he spent it all on diamonds) that's something like inspiring i guess.
  • Reply 9 of 96
    hittrj01hittrj01 Posts: 753member
    In other news, the Easter bunny has filed a class-action lawsuit against Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy for breaking and entering.
  • Reply 10 of 96
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A new lawsuit from a Beverly Hills, Calif., man alleges that Apple conspired with the Italian mafia to secretly track him, transmit threatening messages to his iPod, and insert the word "herpes" into the song "Still Tippin'" by Mike Jones.

    That's one of the funniest things I've read all week.
  • Reply 11 of 96
    bytorbytor Posts: 32member
    I think the underlying question here is why was this guy allowed to file the suit in the first place. I think he and his lawyer ought to be fined, imprisoned and be required to pay restitution back to anyone and everyone who has had to waste a single second of time in response to this. And people wonder why the law profession has such a bad name....
  • Reply 12 of 96
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member
    The perfect idea for a new sitcom! Must be a sitcom by the way. Reality shows bite.
  • Reply 13 of 96
    owlowl Posts: 14member
    Well, since there's no real proof Apple is associated with it in any way, it could be just a prank being pulled by a friend. Unless the word is loud and clear, it could simply be some distortion. There is also no proof any of the other events happened either.

    BTW-The music he listens to is just plain weird. (no offense, but it just is) No wonder he's hearing messages. Who knows-he might have gotten the song off LimeWire which was modified.
  • Reply 14 of 96
    jsewelljsewell Posts: 12member
    Ha ha ha. Yes, let's all laugh. Ha ha ha. Mental illness is so funny and entertaining.

    Really, AppleInsider? Really?
  • Reply 15 of 96
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    April Fools!
  • Reply 16 of 96
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by bytor View Post

    I think the underlying question here is why was this guy allowed to file the suit in the first place. I think he and his lawyer ought to be fined, imprisoned and be required to pay restitution back to anyone and everyone who has had to waste a single second of time in response to this. And people wonder why the law profession has such a bad name....

    STFU. The most ridiculous aspect here is there is nothing unrealistic about his lawsuit, and yet everyone immediately laughs and calls him mentally unstable. Wonderful.

    Now nothing is allowed to be true thats too unusual. Great. Guess how many actual truths are going to pass you by due to that terrible attitude?
  • Reply 17 of 96
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by bytor View Post

    I think the underlying question here is why was this guy allowed to file the suit in the first place. I think he and his lawyer ought to be fined, imprisoned and be required to pay restitution back to anyone and everyone who has had to waste a single second of time in response to this. And people wonder why the law profession has such a bad name....

    Almost well said. Only the lawyer should be fined etc., the other guy is clearly ill:

    Originally Posted by jsewell View Post

    Ha ha ha. Yes, let's all laugh. Ha ha ha. Mental illness is so funny and entertaining.

    Really, AppleInsider? Really?

    Well said. This guy is clearly leaning toward paranoid schizophrenia. His "lawyer" should have referred him to a mental health professional; the guy needs long-term care.

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    STFU. The most ridiculous aspect here is there is nothing unrealistic about his lawsuit

    You're not serious? Are you?
  • Reply 18 of 96
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Let's stop an think.

    1. Is any part of what he claims impossible? No.

    2. Does the Italian mafia exist in the fashion described? Absolutely.

    3. Would Apple conspire with criminal organizations if ordered to by the U.S. government or other powerful interests?

    Of course.

    Yet all of the kiddies in here will continue to believe that such a story is a fairytale, whereas, in reality, whether its true or not, its not unlikely or impossible.

    Helloooooo! Anyone home? Have you seen project Natal yet, from Microsoft? Only the single most invasive device ever conceived for the home. Don't believe Apple has a device in the works that collects 5x as much biometric data? Don't believe Apple already collects staggering amounts of information on you from the use of your iPhones and iPods? You need to grow up.
  • Reply 19 of 96
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Well said. However, in addition:

    Well said, also. This guy is clearly leaning toward paranoid schizophrenia. His "lawyer" should have referred him to a mental health professional; the guy needs long-term care.

    You're not serious? Are you?

    Of course I'm serious. Wake the hell up.

    I'm not saying the guys story is true, it probably is not, I'm say there is no reason to automatically believe its IMPOSSIBLE because there is NOTHING impossible about it.
  • Reply 20 of 96
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Let's stop an think.

    1. Is any part of what he claims impossible? No.

    2. Does the Italian mafia exist in the fashion described? Absolutely.

    3. Would Apple conspire with criminal organizations if ordered to by the U.S. government or other powerful interests?

    Of course.

    Yet all of the kiddies in here will continue to believe that such a story is a fairytale, whereas, in reality, whether its true or not, its not unlikely or impossible.

    Helloooooo! Anyone home? Have you seen project Natal yet, from Microsoft? Only the single most invasive device ever conceived for the home. Don't believe Apple has a device in the works that collects 5x as much biometric data? Don't believe Apple already collects staggering amounts of information on you from the use of your iPhones and iPods? You need to grow up.

    Of course! They keep all the info in a secret building at Roswell which as everyone knows is where all Apple technology comes from much to the annoyance of M$ who are stuck with Earth technology.
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