Buy new iMac or wait until October/November?

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Should I wait to buy a new iMac 2.93 or pull the trigger now?


  • Reply 1 of 32
    Any news of whats coming up next for the imacs
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  • Reply 2 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Really that is the question, if you don't need it right this minute I'd put off the purchase until Apple releases a significantly updated iMac. The problem is there is no promise that the coming updates will be the rev worth buying.

    You see people here really don't know what Apple is up to. This is a rumors site not an official Apple release site. Now would we like to see a quad core iMac, most certainly but no one here really knows when that product will come.

    The reality is that Core 2 Dou or Quad is old tech. What you want to hold out for is the next generation of i7 derived chips. I won't go into the various publicly announced models here as that is covered in depth in other threads. What I will say is that if you can wait it most likely will pay off in a much more powerful machine and a platform better suited to run Snow Leopard.

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  • Reply 3 of 32
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    The reality is that Core 2 Dou or Quad is old tech.

    a quad in an iMac would be enough for me to buy ... when the current revision has been released i bought a 2.4GHz dual macbook as an interim solution until a quad iMac comes out...
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  • Reply 4 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Krassy View Post

    a quad in an iMac would be enough for me to buy ... when the current revision has been released i bought a 2.4GHz dual macbook as an interim solution until a quad iMac comes out...

    At this point I wouldn't reccomend that anybody buy a dual core Mac until Snow Leopard is out and we get to see real numbers in comparison to quad cores. Or maybe I should say quad thread machines. It is a question of just how much better SL will be on quads, since we don't have answers yet I would rush to buy a dual core, based on Core 2 tech.

    An i7 derived processor is a much more interesting beast performance wise compared to Core 2. Especially for a desktop machine which is where Apple really hurts.

    Allied to this view is that SL is suppose to improve performance on dual core 64 bit machines a bit. How much is a bit us here is an open question so maybe this warning is jumping the gun a bit. I just have this feeling that quad thread machines will look real impressive for many people.

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  • Reply 5 of 32
    intenseintense Posts: 106member
    even though I get very tempted to buy the first release, I feel much more comfortable holding off a year which usually allows for some issues or modifications to be adjusted a bit, i don't know, that's just me
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  • Reply 6 of 32
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    I used to sell computers and the rule of thumb is simply "buy when you need a computer and absolutely cannot wait any longer. Generally, the longer you wait the more powerful computer you'll get and thus the more value you'll receive
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  • Reply 7 of 32
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by bbwi View Post

    I used to sell computers and the rule of thumb is simply "buy when you need a computer and absolutely cannot wait any longer. Generally, the longer you wait the more powerful computer you'll get and thus the more value you'll receive


    Also the flip side to that coin is... if you're looking for a 'discounted bargain' (used, referb, etc) then holding out till a brand new model comes out will usually maximize the the power you can buy with the limited funds you have/want to spend.

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  • Reply 8 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by bbwi View Post

    I used to sell computers and the rule of thumb is simply "buy when you need a computer and absolutely cannot wait any longer. Generally, the longer you wait the more powerful computer you'll get and thus the more value you'll receive

    I don't want to dismiss this advice at all as it is generally the best advice. However all good advice has its exceptions and in this case there are two things that really suggest to me that holding off no matter what is a good idea.

    First; is the coming of Snow Leopard (SL) which is only a few weeks off now. I would not want to recommend any Mac purchases at this point until we understand how SL performs on them. I hear good things but lets face it until it is out and about in the wild we really won't know what performance is like on current or older hardware. It looks like for most people it will be a performance boost on just about all Intel hardware, but there are always corner cases. Since SL represents a major overhauls of the underlying software and a base to build upon for future OS iterations it is very important to understand how it will work on any one platform. More importantly how it will work for a specific users intended application.

    Second; Apple ought to be introducing a new series of Intel processors soon. This is a hardware advance that is not unlike the OS advance that SL is. It is an entirely new generation of CPU's that will be a large step forward. I don't want to sound like a repeating record here but Core 2 should not be on anybodies desktop shopping list anymore. Apple seems to be having a hard-time coming around to this but really they need to introduce more competitive hardware.

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  • Reply 9 of 32
    i'm in the same quandry as the OP, but in a slightly bigger dilemma because i work for a university, and so am eligible for their current ipod rebate promotion..

    so, do i buy a current model imac and get a (near enough) free ipod touch, or do i wait until the new models are released and forgo the ipod? if it were up to me, i'd probably do the latter, but the missus has her heart set on an ipod touch, bless her, so she'd be gutted if i told her she wasn't getting one anymore! lol..

    i'm not fussed about blu-ray or any media centre features, but what makes me really hesitant is this new suggestion that the impending models may have features "expected to cater to the semi-professional audio/video crowd".. one of the reasons i am getting the imac is to play around with logic studio, so this little rumour has piqued my interest..

    it sounds like a no-brainer, but £145 rebate is a pretty big factor to consider, and as i say it's already in the bag as far as the gf is concerned lol.. i guess i'm hoping for too much to think the new models might come out before the promo expires in september? \
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  • Reply 10 of 32
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by whophlungdung View Post

    Should I wait to buy a new iMac 2.93 or pull the trigger now?

    Dude, wait.
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  • Reply 11 of 32
    filburtfilburt Posts: 398member
    Originally Posted by bbwi View Post

    I used to sell computers and the rule of thumb is simply "buy when you need a computer and absolutely cannot wait any longer. Generally, the longer you wait the more powerful computer you'll get and thus the more value you'll receive

    That is easier said than done. Particularly if you have at functional computer that can be used a bit longer but becoming long in the tooth.

    I usually recommend friends and family to wait for Mac's next release cycle (e.g., Mac Buyer's Guide at MacRumors), then make a purchase depending on whether they find the update underwhelming (you can then look for a deal on the closed out models) or not (wait a week or two for the rebates).

    As for the iMac, there's rumor of a price drop, impending 10.6 release (save you $29 plus having to upgrade), some major feature additions, and Intel CPU bump featuring both "tick" and "tock" updates (tick = refinements, die shrinking process; tock = new architecture).
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  • Reply 12 of 32
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Dude, wait.

    +1. Waiting is always the best. But get the next one or it will be no point waiting!
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  • Reply 13 of 32
    Originally Posted by whophlungdung View Post

    Any news of whats coming up next for the imacs

    Nope. None yet. Too early IMO.
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  • Reply 14 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by dirtybobby View Post

    i'm in the same quandry as the OP, but in a slightly bigger dilemma because i work for a university, and so am eligible for their current ipod rebate promotion..

    So. Where you work has little impact because we all have dilemmas to deal with when considering this subject.


    so, do i buy a current model imac and get a (near enough) free ipod touch, or do i wait until the new models are released and forgo the ipod? if it were up to me, i'd probably do the latter, but the missus has her heart set on an ipod touch, bless her, so she'd be gutted if i told her she wasn't getting one anymore! lol..

    Obviously the missus comes first. To let here know she is the best though you need to wait until the brand new models are introduced. She will appreciate a faster more capable machine. Once you have buttered up you should be able to slip the Mac of your choice into it's slot at home. After all if you took the time to get here the best can she really deny you?

    Of course she can but you have leverage now.


    i'm not fussed about blu-ray or any media centre features, but what makes me really hesitant is this new suggestion that the impending models may have features "expected to cater to the semi-professional audio/video crowd".. one of the reasons i am getting the imac is to play around with logic studio, so this little rumour has piqued my interest..

    Personally I could give two hoots about video but I need to point out that these are rumors. Just keep in mind how many of the rumors this year where completely off base.


    it sounds like a no-brainer, but £145 rebate is a pretty big factor to consider,

    Chump change

    and as i say it's already in the bag as far as the gf is concerned lol.. i guess i'm hoping for too much to think the new models might come out before the promo expires in september? \

    Never never every think it is in the bag when it comes to girl friends. When you start think this way you get sloppy and take things for granted. Until you slip that ring on her finger she is impressionable in both a positive and negative sense.

    So wait for the new iPods to come out! Buy her a nice one but not the most expensive one and use this as leverage to get the Mac of your dreams.

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  • Reply 15 of 32
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    So. Where you work has little impact because we all have dilemmas to deal with when considering this subject.

    where i work is not the factor, it's the fact that i am eligible for the ipod promo (as a result of where i work) that is adding to the dilemma..

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Obviously the missus comes first. To let here know she is the best though you need to wait until the brand new models are introduced. She will appreciate a faster more capable machine. Once you have buttered up you should be able to slip the Mac of your choice into it's slot at home. After all if you took the time to get here the best can she really deny you?

    you seem to think she will be using the imac.. she won't lol.. she couldn't care less how flashy it is, she has her own little computer downstairs that i built for her that she quite happily plays sims 3 on..

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Chump change

    if you think $250 is "chump change" then lucky you..

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Never never every think it is in the bag when it comes to girl friends. When you start think this way you get sloppy and take things for granted. Until you slip that ring on her finger she is impressionable in both a positive and negative sense.

    nice to see romance isn't dead lol.. perhaps i should just club her on the head and drag her back to my cave; would that be more effective?

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    So wait for the new iPods to come out! Buy her a nice one but not the most expensive one and use this as leverage to get the Mac of your dreams.

    right, so your answer is to buy a new (potentially more expensive) imac and an ipod on top? sorry, but the new models would have to be pretty amazing for me to justify spending >£200 more than i originally intended..
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  • Reply 16 of 32

    Should I wait to buy a new iMac 2.93 or pull the trigger now?

    Wait buddy,you should have a little patience.
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  • Reply 17 of 32
    Originally Posted by jackkorner View Post

    Wait buddy,you should have a little patience.

    Same here.
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  • Reply 18 of 32
    Flip of the coin for me.

    Just went through swapping out notebooks for both the wife & I. The better half got a MacBook Air and I went with the 13" MBP.

    Something might come out that is better - actually I'm sure it will at some point. But I had a PB 1.5 that had gone through a lot of business trips. To replace that one I needed to keep the wife happy with a replacement for her MacBook.

    And the iMac for major projects and grandkids - the motherboard went out. SInce it was the original G5 (ordered at 6:30 am on the day it was announced in Paris) I think it's best to update when the new processors are delivered instead of fixing the G5. Everything is backed up and ready to go when Apple delivers.
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  • Reply 19 of 32
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by dirtybobby View Post

    where i work is not the factor, it's the fact that i am eligible for the ipod promo (as a result of where i work) that is adding to the dilemma..

    The problem is you have fallen into an age old marketing trick where you end up believing this is the last deal you will ever get. There will be deals in the future you can be certain of that. More so you can be certain of cheaper iPods in the future.


    you seem to think she will be using the imac.. she won't lol.. she couldn't care less how flashy it is, she has her own little computer downstairs that i built for her that she quite happily plays sims 3 on..

    Nope! What we have here is a failure to communicate. What I meant is that a new iPod Touch might leave a positive impression on her. As to her little computer in the dark recesses of the basement, is she your girl friend or slave? At the very least set her up with an account on the machine.


    if you think $250 is "chump change" then lucky you..

    Well in this context it is. Remember you will be spending wads of cash on the new computer, something that will not escape notice in the relationship.


    nice to see romance isn't dead lol.. perhaps i should just club her on the head and drag her back to my cave; would that be more effective?

    A clubing is always effective short term but taking that path will lead to trouble. Beside woman respond to cash and flash better. It all revolves around those thousands of years of evolution where woman seek out the wealth for personal security. Some woman love the guy she is with others simply love money.


    right, so your answer is to buy a new (potentially more expensive) imac and an ipod on top? sorry, but the new models would have to be pretty amazing for me to justify spending >£200 more than i originally intended..

    Yes exactly! If you love the woman then she has to come first. More so it should be pretty obvious to you by now that the iPods will get a significant upgrade and should be much faster and more capable. Rushing out to get an iPod deal right now makes about as much sense as rushing out to buy a thirty year old car for a daily driver.

    As to expenses, sure there is a gamble here that prices might go up but there is also strong pressure for prices to go the other way. Just look at the price drops on the last laptop release. Intact I could see price drops that more than make up for the current iPod deal. Here are a couple of reasons.

    For the iMac:

    1. Pricing pressure from the Microsoft world.

    2. Higher integration chips from Intel.

    3. Pricing pressure on storage, both primary and secondary.

    4. A smarter easier to assemble iMac case.

    For the iPod:

    1. Market saturation.

    2. The rumored additional device to hit the market. If the rumored tablet is a Touch device, it's positioning in Apples line up would put pressure on prices of Apples lower end devices.

    3. A new generation of memory chips leading to more storage at a lower cost.

    4. The potential for Apple tailored processors and other cost cutting moves.

    Take all of this together and it is easy to see Apple lowering the prices on the Touch iPods. It is even easier to see this happening if Apple introduces an intermidiate iPod Touch to replace Classic. The often mentioned Newton 2 like device. The current Touch could become the low cost entry device to a whole line up of Touch devices.

    In any event I'm really trying to suggest that predicting the future is difficult even more so with Apple. The trend with electronics though is lower costs year over year for a given performance.

    It is up to you though just realize that getting excited over a promotion means the marketing crew at Apple got to you.

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  • Reply 20 of 32
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    As to her little computer in the dark recesses of the basement, is she your girl friend or slave? At the very least set her up with an account on the machine.

    mate, you have such a bizarre impression of other peoples' relationships lol.. her PC is in the living room, where she asked it to be, so she could use it while i watch tv/read the paper/etc. so she wasn't poked away in a room on her own.. setting her up with an account on the imac would be pointless, because not only will it be in my office but she has absolutely no desire to use it..

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Well in this context it is. Remember you will be spending wads of cash on the new computer, something that will not escape notice in the relationship.

    the amount i spend on a computer has absolutely no bearing on a relationship, what on earth are you on about?? lol.. i guess if i was spending the holiday fund or something and depriving the poor lass of something, she might have cause for concern, but that isn't the case..

    and in this context, it isn't "chump change".. i get educational discount, so i will be buying the imac for less than a grand.. suddenly £145 doesn't seem so insignificant..

    anyway, it's all moot - i mentioned it to her the other day and she agreed that spending a grand on a computer, only to have it superceded a couple of weeks later, is daft.. so, looks like i'm waiting until the new models come out, and she can get her own ipod at some point lol.. or maybe she'll get it as an xmas present, who knows
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