Snow Leopard GM "Unofficial" First Impressions



  • Reply 41 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    I'm not seeing this:

    It still looks the old way for me. HERE:

    I'm way ahead of ya:

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  • Reply 42 of 71
    mac64mac64 Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I'm not seeing this:It still looks the old way for me. HERE:

    In Safari goto Help > Installed Plug-Ins and see what version of Quicktime Plugin is installed.
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  • Reply 43 of 71
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I'm way ahead of ya:

    I'm getting the updated overlay controls. Oddly enough, my About This Mac view is different from yours:

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  • Reply 44 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    I'm getting the updated overlay controls. Oddly enough, my About This Mac view is different from yours:

    Different in what way?

    I'm seeing the new "black" boarder now, but still not on the Large Avatar trailer page (not HD). Let me know what boarder you see on this page guys.


    Also, how do you save a movie here?

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  • Reply 45 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Emptying the trash and taking screen shots is super snappy now. It's not one bit sluggish, as it used be before. Nice.
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  • Reply 46 of 71
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Different in what way?

    It's not. I was being a little sarcastic to highlight that I've got the same build. Probably not the best approach. Sorry about that.

    But I'm seeing the correct QTX overlay controls, whereas you are not, so it might have something to do with your Quicktime configuration. Did you have a QT7 Pro license in 10.5? I believe 10.6 retains your QT7 install if you had a Pro license key associated with the install. I did not have a QT7 Pro key, so I got QTX by default, and it's taking control of playback as expected. I'm just guessing on that, though.

    Either way, I disagree with your use of Quicktime playback controls to assert that 10A432 is not the Gold Master build, as the controls are showing up here just fine.
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  • Reply 47 of 71
    So when did movies stop playing properly when minimised in the dock? I remember for one of the early OS X releases (possibly even 10.0) Steve made a big deal out of how a movie would continue to play while minimising and while in the dock. The advantage being that you could use the dock zoom effect and periodically check where the movie is at. As of Leopard I think the movie and sound will continue to play but the picture doesn't update. Maybe Leopard's new dock stuffed this up?
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  • Reply 48 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    Did you have a QT7 Pro license in 10.5? I believe 10.6 retains your QT7 install if you had a Pro license key associated with the install. I did not have a QT7 Pro key, so I got QTX by default, and it's taking control of playback as expected. I'm just guessing on that, though.

    We have a case Holmes! Great find.

    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    Either way, I disagree with your use of Quicktime playback controls to assert that 10A432 is not the Gold Master build, as the controls are showing up here just fine.

    Even if I agreed with you, I still suspect a final build. Namely 10A435.
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  • Reply 49 of 71
    I think adoption of Snow Leopard will be slow being that Apple is leaving behind lots of PowerPC computers still in use. Lots of design and audio/visual shops aren't going to throw away all their PPC Macs just for Snow Leopard.
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  • Reply 50 of 71
    lennylenny Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Even if I agreed with you, I still suspect a final build. Namely 10A435.

    What makes you think that build 10A435 even exists??

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  • Reply 51 of 71
    Originally Posted by lenny View Post

    What makes you think that build 10A435 even exists??


    I'm sorry if I'm being dense or dumb, but is this a real picture of a Mac running 10.6 build 10A587?

    Or are you just making a point that reports of 10.6 build 10A435 could be faked and photoshopped?
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  • Reply 52 of 71
    lennylenny Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by iPhone91 View Post

    I'm sorry if I'm being dense or dumb, but is this a real picture of a Mac running 10.6 build 10A587?

    Or are you just making a point that reports of 10.6 build 10A435 could be faked and photoshopped?

    Of course build 10A587 does NOT exist!! Furthermore, you don't need photoshop to do it! All you need to do is to go to System->Library->CoreServices open SystemVersion.plist and write anything you want.
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  • Reply 53 of 71
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    We have a case Holmes! Great find.

    No problem. You should be able to still install QTX or set it as the default media plugin for Safari, while still retaining your QT7 install. Why you'd want to retain QT7 is beyond me, but...


    Even if I agreed with you, I still suspect a final build. Namely 10A435.

    Based on what evidence? There are no showstopper bugs in 10A432, at least none that I can find or have been reported, and the timeframe in which Apple has reportedly gone Gold Master with 10A432 fits with the general lead time necessary to manufacture Snow Leopard discs and deliver them to retail.

    I had my doubts that 10A432 was the final build, but after giving it a whirl and seeing the retail confirmations that SL could be out as early as Aug 28... it's pretty obvious to me that this is the final build. That said, I'd expect 10.6.1 relatively quickly, as I'm sure there are features and fixes that didn't make the GM cut. For example, when viewing high resolution images in Preview, scrolling and panning is very jittery, as if Preview hasn't loaded or rendered the full image, only the viewable area. I didn't observe this behavior in 10.5. That needs to be smoothed out, but it's not worth delaying Gold Master for.

    Also not worth delaying the Gold Master for is iTunes 9, which will probably debut in the iPod event this September. I'm hoping it has 64-bit support. iTunes could really benefit from it. (And a total rewrite. But I'll take what I can get.)
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  • Reply 54 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    10A435 seems to be a prank. My new guess is that is is anyway.
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  • Reply 55 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    No problem. You should be able to still install QTX or set it as the default media plugin for Safari, while still retaining your QT7 install. Why you'd want to retain QT7 is beyond me, but..

    Turns out you are wrong, I think. I looked into it. Could be many reasons really. I uninstalled Flip4Mac and Perian and still I see it for this one. Only this video however. For any other video I see the new embedded player control bar. Actually scrap that, any video on Apple's Trailer site with its own page is one of the only places I see the "old" controls.

    On other random sites with an embedded quicktime movie, be it WMP or genuine QT, I see the new controls.
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  • Reply 56 of 71
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Turns out you are wrong, I think. I looked into it. Could be many reasons really. I uninstalled Flip4Mac and Perian and still I see it for this one. Only this video however. For any other video I see the new embedded player control bar. Actually scrap that, any video on Apple's Trailer site with its own page is one of the only places I see the "old" controls.

    On other random sites with an embedded quicktime movie, be it WMP or genuine QT, I see the new controls.

    Okay, I see the old controls on that trailer as well.

    Looks like Apple's trailers site needs an update.
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  • Reply 57 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    Okay, I see the old controls on that trailer as well.

    Looks like Apple's trailers site needs an update.

    It's not the site, it's a problem with the player itself. They are QT videos.
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  • Reply 58 of 71
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    No problem. You should be able to still install QTX or set it as the default media plugin for Safari, while still retaining your QT7 install. Why you'd want to retain QT7 is beyond me, but...

    The reason to retain Quicktime 7 is that you can't do any proper editing with QTX, you can only trim the end points, which is pretty much useless. You can't export to various formats and the codec support isn't that good. It wouldn't even open a couple of H264 clips I tried, even though some other H264 clips opened.

    If you have two clips open, you can't compare what times they are at when you playback simultaneously, no frame number display either.

    I will be sticking with Quicktime 7. Quicktime X is made for touch screens.

    Originally Posted by desides View Post

    There are no showstopper bugs in 10A432, at least none that I can find or have been reported

    I found a few big apps crashed - OpenGL ones, and the Finder crashed a few times. Menus would randomly not appear and not activate, no system prefs loaded properly, I had to launch each from the Finder.

    The 10a432 I have doesn't feel ready but we'll see. The glitches may have been specific to my install. I'm not going to be an early adopter anyway.
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  • Reply 59 of 71
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Since the seeded Server is 433 I don't think that 432 is GM.

    As far as I rememeber the to OS X edition have never been released with different build numbers.
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  • Reply 60 of 71
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    i've noticed that the Logitec Control Center for Mac logtiech products is not compatible with 10.6.

    Wonder how long that will take.
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