An American in Taliban?!



  • Reply 81 of 90
    [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale:

    <strong>Real men don't use violence.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'll tell that to my wife the next time some mugger/bumb/"homeless" person gets in our face here in Chicago.

    I'm sure she'll understand.
  • Reply 82 of 90
    [quote]I'll tell that to my wife the next time some mugger/bumb/"homeless" person gets in our face here in Chicago. I'm sure she'll understand.<hr></blockquote>

    Oh dear, I really have to explain everything word for word??? You cannot honestly think that am talking about self defense when I say that "real men do not use violence". I think you are just trying to score a cheap point here, again.
  • Reply 83 of 90
    [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale:


    Oh dear, I really have to explain everything word for word??? You cannot honestly think that am talking about self defense when I say that "real men do not use violence". I think you are just trying to score a cheap point here, again.</strong><hr></blockquote>


    Self defense? Does that include against terrorist in Afghanistan?
  • Reply 84 of 90
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Score one for Scott... <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 85 of 90
    [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale:


    Whether or not I am married is irrelevant to the topic.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yep, I was just being a funny guy.

    [quote]<strong>In a relationship, I very much appreciate being appreciated, but I don't expect anything from a man; expectation is a prison with very high walls, surrounded by minefields and armed guards.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Fidelity to the marriage bed is not an unreasonable expectation. Beyond that your point is valid.
  • Reply 86 of 90
    [quote]Self defense? Does that include against terrorist in Afghanistan?<hr></blockquote>

    Of course it does. Are you accusing me of supporting bin Laden and his terrorists?
  • Reply 87 of 90
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Real men don't want to use violence.

    Real men don't rely on violence.

    Real men don't start violence.

    Real men do what they have to. These are desperate times in case you've noticed.
  • Reply 88 of 90
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Real men don't double-post.

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: BuonRotto ]</p>
  • Reply 89 of 90
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale:

    <strong>Of course it does. Are you accusing me of supporting bin Laden and his terrorists?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nobody accused you of anything. I think he was showing how in the context of your statments you make it sound as if the US has no business bombing Afghanistan and we should find another way to deal with this situation. Unfortunately the solution to the situation is not as easy as diplomacy. We tried diplomacy, and the Taliban lied through their freakin teeth about the whole situation and acted as though we were not smart enough to figure it out. If we do not respond in the way we have responded for our self defense, terrorists will continue to see America as a tempting target and will only continue to commit their acts against us. I am sad for the peoples loss over there, but I am more sad for our loss over here.
  • Reply 90 of 90
    [quote]Nobody accused you of anything.<hr></blockquote>.

    try again, and re-read the posts, including yours.

    [quote] I think he was showing how in the context of your statments you make it sound as if the US has no business bombing Afghanistan and we should find another way to deal with this situation.<hr></blockquote>

    Where? I never said that, or anything to that effect. Show me the quote! Just because I feel that we should be going after the other guilty parties, such as Saudi Arabia, doesn't mean to say that I am against defeating the Taliban and demolishing al Qaida. Terror doesn't stop at those arbitrary boundaries between nations, I hope you realize. Perhaps we are uncomfortable that in taking a hard line against our more buddy-buddy oilrich nations in the arab world (who are complicit in the Sept 11 attacks), lest we may offend the oil sheikhs and oil industry interests over there. (btw, will we ever find out who the Saudi sheikh is in the bin Laden tape?).

    And re. this human rights PR charade in Afghanistan; why can't the US/western world extend this sudden and unexpected (but welcome despite its fake underpinnings) concern to the rest of the Muslim world, whose subjects, specially women, are treated as less than dogs, and whose vile brutal regimes we continue to cozy up to?

    [quote]Unfortunately the solution to the situation is not as easy as diplomacy. We tried diplomacy, and the Taliban lied through their freakin teeth about the whole situation and acted as though we were not smart enough to figure it out.<hr></blockquote>

    Good heavens, has this not been on every news channel every day since 9-11?

    [quote]If we do not respond in the way we have responded for our self defense, terrorists will continue to see America as a tempting target and will only continue to commit their acts against us.<hr></blockquote>

    I have never said anything against our right to exercise self defense. The response to the Sept. 11 attacks (alongside Pearl Harbor) are the 2 most justified military operations the US has undertaken in the last 100 years, by a very very long margin.

    [quote]I am sad for the peoples loss over there, but I am more sad for our loss over here.<hr></blockquote>

    It is natural to feel more for our losses.
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