Inside Mac OS X Snow Leopard: QuickTime X

in macOS edited January 2014
As jingle-pundits desperately try to denigrate Snow Leopard as a "Service Pack," Apple's new operating system reference release actually expands the reach of the Mac platform in several important and under-reported new directions. Here's the first in a series looking closer at some of Snow Leopard's well-known, but often misrepresented or misunderstood features.

Meet QuickTime X

It is commonly reported that Snow Leopard's new QuickTime X (that's X for ten, not "ex") shows full screen movies without the Pro upgrade nag and allows for screen video captures and uploads to YouTube. Yes, those features are nice, but only the tip of the iceberg.

Essentially, Apple has pulled an iMovie 08 here: rather than enhancing features of the current QuickTime 7.x, Apple has replaced it entirely with a new version written from the ground up to create a launching pad for a new generation of media-related development. Snow Leopard's QuickTime X is actually derived from work done to build the iPhone's mobile optimized, embedded QuickTime playback software.

Also like iMovie 08, the new QuickTime X doesn't do everything that the previous QuickTime 7.x does, such as providing complex transcoding options, component plugins for installing alternative codecs, or the ability to hint tracks for RTSP streaming via QuickTime Streaming Server. That's why Apple includes an updated version of the previous QuickTime 7.x player as an optional install in Snow Leopard to handle all of those features.

What QuickTime X does do is add more features that people will actually use regularly, things like automated transcoding and export for sharing content to MobileMe, YouTube, and iTunes as well as full screen and panoramic movie playback, simple trim editing controls, ColorSync support, and screen capture video recording.Â*All with no nagging to buy a Pro version upgrade.

HTTP Live Streaming

But the real potential for QuickTime X relates to HTTP Live Streaming, a new open protocol for dishing out live or on-demand video streams using standard web requests.

If streaming playback were only limited to QuickTime X in Snow Leopard, this might not be that big of a deal, but Apple has lined up support from content delivery networks and already added HTTP Live Streaming to iPhone 3.0.

That means there are already over 45 million mobile clients optimized to view HTTP Live Streaming videos; that installed base also happens to consume a plurality of the world's mobile web traffic. Add in new QuickTime X clients on the desktop and Apple has a ready-made dominant standing in mobile video streaming.

Apple TV 3.0

What about Apple TV 3.0? There could be more information on that in the coming iPod event on September 9, but it's safe to say that Apple TV will eventually also offer HTTP Live Streaming on it, too. This will make the device much more "TV like," in that it will be able to peruse streaming video feeds without requiring an initial progressive download.

Having a cheap, flexible and open protocol for delivering video to millions of iPhone, iPod touch, QuickTime, and Apple TV viewers will democratize live and on-demand video publishing just like podcasting has, enabling anyone to set up live feeds of events without needing a specialized RTSP streaming server.

Having a cheap playback appliance that makes it easy to view these feeds on your TV should definitely help Apple TV gain traction, particularly once Apple lowers its price again. But HTTP Live Streaming will also benefit PC users in general, including Linux users as the new protocol is entirely based on open standards and can be implemented using open software. That will help erase the efforts to force video content into proprietary formats like WMV that only work on Windows.

The QuickTime X Foundation

Snow Leopard's new QuickTime X dusts off the company's now nearly twenty year old QuickTime technology portfolio and implements Mac OS X's media capabilities using new code that is both fluent in 64-bit Cocoa as well as GPU-savvy on the latest generation Macs using NVIDIA's 9400M.

In the future, Apple will flesh out QuickTime X to incorporate editing and plugin features currently only available in the previous 7.x version, much as the company incrementally transitioned from 68k or PowerPC chips, or from the classic Mac OS to Mac OS X, or from Carbon to Cocoa, each time using a temporary bridge. This transition will also impact Apple's Final Cut Studio suite, which is currently tied to the old QuickTime, Carbon, and 32-bit code.

Apple's QuickTime role is therefore more than just as a platform developer; it's also a major client application developer. This will force the company to make QuickTime X a practical, developer-friendly, and capable technology in contrast to the complex and arcane PowerTalk and QuickDraw GX it tried to foist upon developers back in the early 90s.

Up next: everybody knows Snow Leopard delivers new 64-bit features, but what's new about 64-bits, why does it matter, which Macs will benefit, and where does that take the Mac platform in the future? Inside Mac OS X Snow Leopard: 64-bits will examine.

Inside Mac OS X Snow Leopard: GPU Optimization

Inside Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Exchange Support

Inside Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Malware Protection

Daniel Eran Dilger is the author of "Snow Leopard Server (Developer Reference)," a new book from Wiley available now for pre-order at a special price from Amazon.


  • Reply 1 of 88
    I'm happy to see this sort of informative, well-written post among the content on It represents a meaningful contribution to the community, and demonstrates a commitment to the platform, beyond the rumors and forecasts. Just wanted to say that it's appreciated. Looking forward to the next one.
  • Reply 2 of 88
    crebcreb Posts: 276member
    I too am tired of hearing that it is a Service Pack (Microsoft shills to be sure). People who have grown-up with Apple know that Snow Leopard represents a demarcation, and a move forward. (Anyone here remember when Macs had floppy drives and how that was handled by Apple?)
  • Reply 3 of 88
    No plugins for add'l codecs?

    I assume that means Perian is dead for QuickTime X?

    That's not good. Installing Perian made QuickTime Player play everything -- perfect for novices, and perfect for me, not having to think about what player works with what codec.

    I hope there's a way around this.

  • Reply 4 of 88
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by CREB View Post

    I too am tired of hearing that it is a Service Pack (Microsoft shills to be sure). People who have grown-up with Apple know that Snow Leopard represents a demarcation, and a move forward. (Anyone here remember when Macs had floppy drives and how that was handled by Apple?)

    Whenever someone says it is just a service pack, just link this article:

    I have now idea how a review of a service pack could span 23 pages.
  • Reply 5 of 88
    hey, guys, i have a question..

    i just installed snow leopard, and i, of course, have quicktime X. But when i play back something on the web, the quicktime plugin that is used is still 7.something. Is it supposed to be like this? i heard that they updated the plugin too, but I'm not so sure... if they did, how can i get safari to use the Quicktime X plugin? thanks
  • Reply 6 of 88
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by logic368 View Post

    hey, guys, i have a question..

    i , how can i get safari to use the Quicktime X plugin? thanks

    Ask nicely
  • Reply 7 of 88
    Interesting that they got D.E. Dilger to write this one--I guess Prince McLean was busy. Unless...
  • Reply 8 of 88
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by dak splunder View Post

    No plugins for add'l codecs?

    I assume that means Perian is dead for QuickTime X?

    That's not good. Installing Perian made QuickTime Player play everything -- perfect for novices, and perfect for me, not having to think about what player works with what codec.

    I hope there's a way around this.


    Quicktime is confusing becase there are 4 Quicktimes, not two.

    Quicktime X API

    Quicktime X Player

    Quicktime 7 API

    Quicktime 7 Player

    The API's enable playback, while the players are two programs that you can use to display the content.

    All but the Quicktime 7 player is installed (with the default install settings) and the Quicktime X player supports the Quicktime 7 API, so any codecs that worked for Quicktime 7 will work for the Quicktime X player through the Quicktime 7 API.

    "Also, the new QuickTime Player can indeed play movies using third-party plug-ins—a feature clearly powered by QuickTime 7."

    You wouldn't need to install the Quicktime 7 player unless you wanted the more advanced editing features it has. Quicktime X can handle all the playback. I would imagine as the Quicktime X platform moves forward, third party plugins will eventually be supported on the Quicktime X API as well.
  • Reply 9 of 88
    So is it not clear that Apple via iTunes platform could take out YouTube...rumor is they are adding social media to it next week, and then how much harder to have users start uploading their own content...and with the integration to iphone, AppleTV, etc......could they not step on Youtube....of course given youtubes financials maybe they don't want to.
  • Reply 10 of 88
    Like iMovie08, it appears that they are taking out some critcal stuff too, banking on their own codecs. Not a swift move.

    Secondly, I'm curious who will adapt the HTTP streaming. I would definitely like it much more since it is open (and thus other OSs can use it... er wait, do use a la VLC) but I don't see larger media companies going for the open thing. Most larger companies will want you to install their own media player (which sucks btw) to view content.

    Yay for opensource. That does make me happy

    Also, AppleInsider, I would like more of this kind of thing than the "Steve to be at Sept. 9th" and "Steve won't be at Sept. 9th" etc... I don't much care about the little day to day things. In depth stuff like this is much better.
  • Reply 11 of 88
    Originally Posted by Retrogusto View Post

    Interesting that they got D.E. Dilger to write this one--I guess Prince McLean was busy. Unless...

    You missed the part where he promoted his book, kinda difficult to do that with an alter ego.
  • Reply 12 of 88
    Basically, and this is partly from the Ars review, QTX autoloads portions of QT7 for things that it can't handle, like exports or different codecs. So QT should still function just fine by loading the necessary parts. More will be fleshed out later.
  • Reply 13 of 88
    I actually enjoy the fact you can click on a music file icon and play that song without launching quicktime or iTunes, small feature but I find it really useful.
  • Reply 14 of 88
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Can't wait till my Deskjet D1430 is supported and Mail and Safari stop crashing with the spinning beach ball.

    I may have to buy a new printer - not very green of HP or Apple to abandon 2 year old printers with new OS releases.
  • Reply 15 of 88
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Quicktime is confusing becase there are 4 Quicktimes, not two.

    Quicktime X API

    Quicktime X Player

    Quicktime 7 API

    Quicktime 7 Player

    The API's enable playback, while the players are two programs that you can use to display the content.

    All but the Quicktime 7 player is installed (with the default install settings) and the Quicktime X player supports the Quicktime 7 API, so any codecs that worked for Quicktime 7 will work for the Quicktime X player through the Quicktime 7 API.

    "Also, the new QuickTime Player can indeed play movies using third-party plug-ins?a feature clearly powered by QuickTime 7."

    You wouldn't need to install the Quicktime 7 player unless you wanted the more advanced editing features it has. Quicktime X can handle all the playback. I would imagine as the Quicktime X platform moves forward, third party plugins will eventually be supported on the Quicktime X API as well.

    However, Quicktime X refuses to play any MKV files, even when Perian is installed. =/
  • Reply 16 of 88
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Can't wait till my Deskjet D1430 is supported and Mail and Safari stop crashing with the spinning beach ball.

    I may have to buy a new printer - not very green of HP or Apple to abandon 2 year old printers with new OS releases.

    At our small office we still use the best printer ever made: the Apple LaserWriter 16/600 PS. Fast, smooth, professional looking output etc. BUT it doesn't work anymore with Snow Leopard. Now we all (4 persons) try to return to OS X 10.5, but we don't have all full backups. Terrible. If we had known before we would NEVER had bought Snow Leopard...

  • Reply 17 of 88
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Can't wait till my Deskjet D1430 is supported and Mail and Safari stop crashing with the spinning beach ball.

    I may have to buy a new printer - not very green of HP or Apple to abandon 2 year old printers with new OS releases.

    Good news! I no longer have to install the crappy HP drivers or softwares directly from but instead I get a nice update from snow leopard software update.

    On system preference, it's the only two things I ever wanted: Print and Scan. See the link:

  • Reply 18 of 88
    Originally Posted by ~Johan View Post

    At our small office we still use the best printer ever made: the Apple LaserWriter 16/600 PS. Fast, smooth, professional looking output etc. BUT it doesn't work anymore with Snow Leopard. Now we all (4 persons) try to return to OS X 10.5, but we don't have all full backups. Terrible. If we had known before we would NEVER had bought Snow Leopard...


    Apple finally drops full support for a 15 year old device and you're upset?

    OK, time to be more helpful. You'll find that Apple does include a print driver for the 16/600 in Snow Leopard. The catch is that Snow Leopard doesn't include the AppleTalk networking protocol so you either have to use TCP/IP to talk to your printer or, if the printer doesn't allow that, use an older computer as a print server.

    You do NOT have to revert your entire office to 10.5. Worst case scenario you have to revert one computer.
  • Reply 19 of 88
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    However, Quicktime X refuses to play any MKV files, even when Perian is installed. =/

    Hmm... I haven't tested it myself yet, just going off what I learned in the Ars review. I have no idea why they wouldn't work. Maybe it's a Snow Leopard thing, and unreleated to Quicktime X. Have you checked to see if they would play in Quicktime 7 (if you installed it)?
  • Reply 20 of 88
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ~Johan View Post

    At our small office we still use the best printer ever made: the Apple LaserWriter 16/600 PS. Fast, smooth, professional looking output etc. BUT it doesn't work anymore with Snow Leopard. Now we all (4 persons) try to return to OS X 10.5, but we don't have all full backups. Terrible. If we had known before we would NEVER had bought Snow Leopard...


    I know this is unhelpful to a degree because the damage is already done, but what's with upgrading a computer without making a fresh backup first? I realize Apple's software is pretty reliable, but with any OS update of significance, you're usually making a change that can't be easily reversed without a backup.

    I'm surprised you can still get toner cartridges for a 15 year old printer model. More power to you though, it's tough finding a reliable printer these days, stick with what you know works if you can.
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