Nervous About Installing SL

in macOS edited January 2014
I just ordered Snow Leopard and will receive it tomorrow, but am really hesitant about installing it yet.I have a new 24" iMac 2.66 with 2 LaCie D2 1TB ext HD's daisy chained to my FW800. One is partitioned for TM...with a small partition on it for a SuperDuper Back-up of my int HD as well...The other drive is just for data. I use a lot of third party programs, and I'm really uptight about losing them. I'm not really sure how to go about booting up from the SuperDuper backup. I'm not a newbie, but am also hardly a genius either. Just a dopey drummer...grin..Any thoughts would be appreciated...Thanks all...I'm new here and this is a really awesome place to learn!


  • Reply 1 of 15
    Originally Posted by zutty View Post

    I just ordered Snow Leopard and will receive it tomorrow, but am really hesitant about installing it yet.I have a new 24" iMac 2.66 with 2 LaCie D2 1TB ext HD's daisy chained to my FW800. One is partitioned for TM...with a small partition on it for a SuperDuper Back-up of my int HD as well...The other drive is just for data. I use a lot of third party programs, and I'm really uptight about losing them. I'm not really sure how to go about booting up from the SuperDuper backup. I'm not a newbie, but am also hardly a genius either. Just a dopey drummer...grin..Any thoughts would be appreciated...Thanks all...I'm new here and this is a really awesome place to learn!

    If the backup drive is connected to the computer via Firewire, then you can hold down the Option key when starting up and it will give you the option of booting up from your int HD or from your backup drive (whatever you decided to call it). If you have Boot Camp, it's the same premise.

    I would try booting up from the back up before een unwrapping the box for SL. I did this when going from Tiger to Snow Leopard and the upgrade went just fine.

    Also you can check to see if your 3rd party apps are compatible.

    Good luck!
  • Reply 2 of 15
    Like mo shu said, hold down the option key when you start (or restart) your iMac and you can pick the HDD to boot from. If you install SL and want to go back, boot up from your SuperDuper clone and then copy it back to the iMac.

    But I suspect you'll be fine with SL. I've put it on my iMac and so far so good. I'll probably install it on my MBP in a couple of weeks after its run on my iMac for awhile and I'm comfortable with it.
  • Reply 3 of 15
    Originally Posted by zutty View Post

    I just ordered Snow Leopard and will receive it tomorrow, but am really hesitant about installing it yet.


    Don't install SL just yet! It is riddled with flaws, shortcomings, and glitches that cause thousands of loyal Apple users headaches, aggravation, and serious productivity loss! Just look at the posts in this forum! Apple should be deeply ashamed that it released an OS that is clearly not yet ready for prime time!

    Better to wait until OSX.6.1, or preferably OSX.6.2, as even sales people at Apple resellers suggest!
  • Reply 4 of 15
    Thanks for the input guys. My 1st instinct is to wait, but if I can simply revert to my back up of Leopard, I'm tempted to give it a shot. One question I have is, I have my Time Machine data and my SuperDuper back-up on the same ext. HD on seperate patitions. Will my TM data still be valid if I upgrade to SL? And does it present a risk being on the same drive although on seperate patitions? I'm trying to weigh the positives and negs on the upgrade. I've had Macs since OS7 and don't remember ever having a disasterous upgrade. How long do y'all estimate before they upgrade to 10.6.1 or 2? Also what are the main benefits on this upgrade. It seems to be a kinda mini-upgrade, if that makes sense. I'd love the extra speed but is that the main perk? Again, thanks for your help and patience, much appreciated.
  • Reply 5 of 15
    Originally Posted by zutty View Post

    Thanks for the input guys. My 1st instinct is to wait, but if I can simply revert to my back up of Leopard, I'm tempted to give it a shot. One question I have is, I have my Time Machine data and my SuperDuper back-up on the same ext. HD on seperate patitions. Will my TM data still be valid if I upgrade to SL? And does it present a risk being on the same drive although on seperate patitions? I'm trying to weigh the positives and negs on the upgrade. I've had Macs since OS7 and don't remember ever having a disasterous upgrade. How long do y'all estimate before they upgrade to 10.6.1 or 2? Also what are the main benefits on this upgrade. It seems to be a kinda mini-upgrade, if that makes sense. I'd love the extra speed but is that the main perk? Again, thanks for your help and patience, much appreciated.

    You should be fine to restore from your SuperDuper clone provided you can boot from it. Have you tried that yet? If not, do so. It only takes a second.

    SL is a pretty 'minor' upgrade as far as changes that the user sees. It is a bit faster, IMO. I get less beach balls. But it isn't an, OMG difference for me. There are some changes to the dock and expose but again nothing major.

    While some users have had problems, I've not encountered any thing major. CoD 4 acted weird when my son played it soon after I upgraded to SL, but the last time I played it was fine. YMMV.
  • Reply 6 of 15
    Rocket Scientist... is the sky falling in your little world???
  • Reply 7 of 15
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by zutty View Post

    Thanks for the input guys. My 1st instinct is to wait, but if I can simply revert to my back up of Leopard, I'm tempted to give it a shot. One question I have is, I have my Time Machine data and my SuperDuper back-up on the same ext. HD on seperate patitions. Will my TM data still be valid if I upgrade to SL? And does it present a risk being on the same drive although on seperate patitions? I'm trying to weigh the positives and negs on the upgrade. I've had Macs since OS7 and don't remember ever having a disasterous upgrade. How long do y'all estimate before they upgrade to 10.6.1 or 2? Also what are the main benefits on this upgrade. It seems to be a kinda mini-upgrade, if that makes sense. I'd love the extra speed but is that the main perk? Again, thanks for your help and patience, much appreciated.

    Even after 10.6.1 or 10.6.2 is released, the SL disc will still only have 10.6.0. In other words, there will be no less risk of data loss by waiting for a 10.6.x update.
  • Reply 8 of 15
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Even after 10.6.1 or 10.6.2 is released, the SL disc will still only have 10.6.0. In other words, there will be no less risk of data loss by waiting for a 10.6.x update.

    The risk of data loss is zero if you're backed up.
  • Reply 9 of 15
    OK...I understand...I'll try booting my back-up first and then I'll probably just do the upgrade if it boots the SuperDuper b/u properly. I realize that my SL disk will be 10.6.0, but if 6.1 does come out and I upgrade immediately, wouldn't that bypass any hassles? On the whole, I've been very happy with my new Mac running Leopard 5.8. I had been using Tiger for a long time until my G4 MDD died. This iMac is very speedy, and does everything I need it to do. I'm a musician so most of my work is in the audio field, with some video as well, but I also like to dabble in photography and use CS3 and Office etc...for my WP needs. I don't anticipate anything happening that I couldn't handle as long as I have everything backed up properly, which I do..with TM and a SuperDuper at the ready..btw...along with SL, I have an external DVD burner coming from OWC..It has a Pioneer 118 in it..I was going to use it in the USB port...Will SL have any bearing on that?.Thanks all.
  • Reply 10 of 15
    Well...I've gotten my copy of SL...along with my ext DVD burner, which is working perfectly...OWC is a good outfit to deal with.......I decided I'm going to wait a little before I install SL.....I really can't spare the downtime in case of trouble, but knowing myself, I'll wind up doing it at 3AM and be sorry if anything goes kapow!....grin...
  • Reply 11 of 15
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Just install it. You only live once!
  • Reply 12 of 15
    I really would wait to install... Snow Leopard has been riddled with problems, hopefully Apple will get it sorted out, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.
  • Reply 13 of 15
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Crankenstein View Post

    I really would wait to install... Snow Leopard has been riddled with problems, hopefully Apple will get it sorted out, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.

    I must have been lucky as usual.
  • Reply 14 of 15
    Originally Posted by Crankenstein View Post

    I really would wait to install... Snow Leopard has been riddled with problems, hopefully Apple will get it sorted out, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.

    I haven't had any big issues so far. I had trouble with my printer not responding wirelessly, but I just pointed it to an old driver and it worked fine.
  • Reply 15 of 15
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    As with any release, there are people who experienced problems and portray the release as bug riddled, as well as those who experienced no problems and portray the release as flawless. (Not that everyone here is doing that.)

    From a historical perspective Mac OS 10.6 is pretty much average. Meaning, if you're the cautious type or have mission critical needs, wait until after the first or second patch. If not, go ahead and install. The vast majority of people never have problems with any particular upgrade. Yet no upgrade is perfect and there are always people who experience those bugs.
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