Exchange enhancements in iPhone 3.1 cause some users grief



  • Reply 21 of 30
    Originally Posted by jclampet View Post

    The 3.1 changes last week forced my phone to begin checking for a passcode every 15mins, when previously it was once an hour.

    So got to Settings > General > Passcode Lock and reset your passcode and timer, i.e., to Immediately, After 1 minute, After 5 minutes, After 15 minutes, After 1 hour or After 4 hours.*


    * This is not new.

    Perhaps for clarity and others who haven't secured their iPhone or know how, "iPhone 101: How to Passcode Lock Your iPhone.
  • Reply 22 of 30

    Well that Apple employee who told that person in the thread that you quoted, was wrong. I am tethering with Fido. They officially permit it.
  • Reply 23 of 30
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    So got to Settings > General > Passcode Lock and reset your passcode and timer, i.e., to Immediately, After 1 minute, After 5 minutes, After 15 minutes, After 1 hour or After 4 hours.*

    * This is not new.

    Those used to be the options, but not anymore. Since 3.1, any option beyond 15 minutes has disappeared. I'm guessing this was pushed by my company. Anyone else experienced this?
  • Reply 24 of 30
    Originally Posted by jclampet View Post

    Those used to be the options, but not anymore. Since 3.1, any option beyond 15 minutes has disappeared. I'm guessing this was pushed by my company. Anyone else experienced this?

    I am looking at mine right now. And they are all there.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    Originally Posted by jclampet View Post

    Those used to be the options, but not anymore. Since 3.1, any option beyond 15 minutes has disappeared. I'm guessing this was pushed by my company. Anyone else experienced this?

    I have a funny feeling you are not going to get many responses.

    Most of the people here don't have an iPhone.
  • Reply 26 of 30
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    So got to Settings > General > Passcode Lock and reset your passcode and timer, i.e., to Immediately, After 1 minute, After 5 minutes, After 15 minutes, After 1 hour or After 4 hours.*


    * This is not new.

    Perhaps for clarity and others who haven't secured their iPhone or know how, "iPhone 101: How to Passcode Lock Your iPhone.

    if you set an iPhone to hit a MS Exchange server you give the IT department almost total control of your phone and they can change settings like the passcode lock on the server and push it to your phone. If your company uses MS security software like the firewall server they have and something else i can't remember than they can do a lot more on your phone including routing the network traffic through their network to control your internet surfing.

    RIM has been doing this with Blackberry Enterprise Server for years and there is demand for this from corporate IT departments and MS is playing catch up.
  • Reply 27 of 30
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    if you set an iPhone to hit a MS Exchange server you give the IT department almost total control of your phone and they can change settings like the passcode lock on the server and push it to your phone. If your company uses MS security software like the firewall server they have and something else i can't remember than they can do a lot more on your phone including routing the network traffic through their network to control your internet surfing.

    RIM has been doing this with Blackberry Enterprise Server for years and there is demand for this from corporate IT departments and MS is playing catch up.

    No argument here. But I would suggest that jcclampet hadn't checked his own iPhone in the first place. Perhaps he should talk to his company IT guys first.

    As I said previously, he is not going to get many responses here. Lucky if there are more than a handful of iPhone owners on AppleInsider at any one time.
  • Reply 28 of 30
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    On a related note, I understand that there are cases where this type of security truly is needed. Some people really do carry around very sensitive information on their phones and are therefore targets of spies, thieves, etc. But there are also some corporate security people out there who push security way, way too far. I work for such a company. The security and IT guys have a totally distorted view of the benefits/costs of protecting the e-mails of company employees. There is a far greater risk of competitors learning company secrets through overheard conversations in a restaurant or on the train than from a lost iPhone, and frankly our "secrets" aren't that interesting or useful to competitors anyway.

    So there's a lot of blame to go around here -- MS, Apple, and over-zealous security freaks.

    Originally Posted by jclampet View Post

    Couldn't agree more. I work for a publisher and, although we do share some "secrets" via email, there's nothing our competitors would learn from scanning our emails that would ever give them a noticeable edge in the marketplace. And really, how many of us are important enough to be stalked and robbed by a competitor. We'd like to think we're that important, but come on ...

    It's all driven by the legal department.

    Microsoft got nailed a few times from various anti-trust lawsuits because everyone including Gates were caught ranting on one issue or another. Your IT department is supposed to (1) secure your corporate email and (2) regularly erase your corporate email.

    What you CAN'T do --- start shredding your emails only after someone sued you.

    And it's not just the big lawsuits, your lowly secretary can sue the company for sexual harassment in the work place --- and there may be a lot of incriminating evidence in the corporate email (i.e. off color jokes). Your IT department is supposed to regularly erase the corporate email so that your company don't get nailed for destruction of evidence.
  • Reply 29 of 30
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    To your response to the above:

    You need to read, I am not the person who posted the original, I just posted the response
  • Reply 30 of 30
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I have a funny feeling you are not going to get many responses.

    Most of the people here don't have an iPhone.

    Most of the world don't have an iPhone
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