Your New Years Resolution!!



  • Reply 21 of 22
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]1. Bench my body weight<hr></blockquote>

    The fastest way to get to this is starvation.

    While I was playing football in high school I got to where I could bench a bit over my weight (I got 2 reps on 260 while at 225ish). I need to get after that, but numbers aren't my deal, my deal is clothes fitting and physical endurance.

    If I'm trim enough to fit into my football days clothes and I can participate in a reasonable amount of physical activity without keeling over I consider myself as in "good enough" shape.


    My only real resolution is to make sure the girl that's tolerated my crap for the last 3 years is happy enough to keep tolerating it.

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 22 of 22
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    My senior year in college I once benched 50 lbs more than my weight...of course I only weighed about 165 at the time. And benching said 215 lbs, while a nice boost to the ego...caused me some serious back pain in the end (even though I did it properly). Non-muscular types shouldn't be benchpressing more than their weight on a regular basis, as your spine will eventually make you pay.

    As for my resolutions, I tried to make them practical since I'm not prone to making them in the first place:

    1. Find some steady work as a technical writer.

    1a. Do 100 crunches a week to strengthen my stomach muscles. in an effort to better support the afore-mentioned spinal unit.

    2. Finish reading a half dozen books I got part way through, but never finished.

    3. Stop being distracted so easily (see point 2).

    4. Play Hockey every month of the year.
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