Apple criticized over iTunes LP development costs



  • Reply 101 of 103
    Originally Posted by techno View Post

    Not to sound like Rush Limbaugh, but I hope LP fails.

    I think it is Apple caving in to the Record labels as a way for them (labels) to gouge us some more. People like buying songs a-la-cart. Until the day when groups create true concept albums like the Who, Beatles, Pink Floyd and others did, then forget about it.

    I hope it succeeds. The more options customers are given, the greater the likelihood of some kind of a sale... "Would you like fries with your burger?"... And the best thing, there's no additional landfill from these LPs.
  • Reply 102 of 103
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post


    Something I haven't seen discussed is the issue of LP content and more precisly the potential copyright violations. Apple being the sole publisher & distributer of these LP containers could very well find themselves inundated with more legal battles then anyone in the history of the court system.

    Digital rights can be a real PITA, lots of old but still successful albums might have print rights to photos of famous paintings / works of art, photos taken by famous photographers and a ton of other examples and might assume they have the rights to continue using said content but don't.

    Could you imagine the liability Apple would be exposed to if it let the flood gates open and started openly accepting LPs from everyone?

    I don't think this is true. Does Apple have liability for every sample that's illegally used and are they responsible for the mechanical royalties for every cover song? I don't have the answer, but I doubt it. There are some pretty long forms you have to sign when you submit your music. So, I don't think this is a good excuse.
  • Reply 103 of 103
    Originally Posted by doug_jnr View Post

    Exactly....create your's not THAT hard.

    Just check out the Tuesday Spoils iTunes LP floating around.

    Very professional looking iTunes LP.

    I have to disagree with you guys yet again. The sheer volume of people people using iTunes as their primary music player and the sheer amount of iTunes store traffic makes it so much more desirable than just hosting it on my own site.

    Sure, I sell all our releases on our website for much less than iTunes, but I don't have the infrastructure, ease of use or trust that iTunes store comes with. I mean, who is going to trust our site to save their credit card information and let them buy with just a click and then receive an emailed invoice a week later like iTunes store does?

    If Amazon had LPs then that'd be another story.
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