T-Mobile U.S. ad inadvertently boosts sales of iPhone app



  • Reply 61 of 76
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Why would that happen when Windows 7 includes Blu-ray support?

    because after heart pounding great sex . you hand your lady the teamed up iphone
  • Reply 62 of 76
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by GordonPrice67 View Post

    Techstud, are you Steve Blamer's Fluffer?

    In all seriousness, I think this forum has a great flaw, in that I can do three things with regards to a particular user. I can

    1: View Public Profile

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    What I can not do is Ignore!

    I dearly want the option to simply ignore a particular user. As in, their posts do not show up in my list of posts. I don't believe in banning someone for being a one dimensional idiot, but I certainly think we should have the right to more easily ignore each other. Honestly, I think this would be a much more civil place if we could.


    1. View his public profile

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    3. Click Ignore user
  • Reply 63 of 76
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by GordonPrice67 View Post

    Techstud, are you Steve Blamer's Fluffer?

    In all seriousness, I think this forum has a great flaw, in that I can do three things with regards to a particular user. I can

    1: View Public Profile

    2: Send a Private Message

    3: Find More Posts

    What I can not do is Ignore!

    I dearly want the option to simply ignore a particular user. As in, their posts do not show up in my list of posts. I don't believe in banning someone for being a one dimensional idiot, but I certainly think we should have the right to more easily ignore each other. Honestly, I think this would be a much more civil place if we could.


    ow, lame digs on the woman's name? I thought that only happened on sports oriented sites?

    Anyway, the question I have is, if there is a VP of Premium Mobile Experiences, does it follow that there is also a VP of Inferior Mobile Experiences?

    Stupid padded titles are usually the sign of bloated management. If there ain't no Junior Blah Blah, then don't give some blow hard the title of Senior Blah Blah. But if M$ titles where anything like accurate Ho would be VP of *!ed Up Mobile Experiences, and Balmer would be IIC, Idiot In Charge.


    And myapplelove, be careful. Your name sounds like maybe you hump pomaceous fruit.

    teckstud is a top ten poster here

    \\dozens of topics sit there sleepy and boring . teck stud post's something witty /cutting funny ridiculous true false on and on you get my point dude .

    then the thread jumps to life with many posts and banter and back and forths

    yes he does sometimes push my buttons and my iphone steams up

    but then i laff . its only rock and roll ya know ...

    you mr gordon except for one post is boring and a bit of a dolt .

    i read all your 12 posts and tedious boring obvious come to mind

    forgettable is more like your style

    do you even own a mac ??

    look maybe you need a life ?? or maybe tell us about your life ??

    teckstud is a great guy . he makes this place happy

    and he p[lays the foil for all the apple fan boys like me

    what i don't like about you mr gordonis that you want to restrict free speech

    peace dude

  • Reply 64 of 76
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Oh is that how it tranlates from your native language using your iPhone app translator?

    For french I always thought vapeur meant steam and broillard meant fog.

    What on earth are you talking about? The video in the article is in English.
  • Reply 65 of 76
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    because after heart pounding great sex . you hand your lady the steamed up iphone

    thanks for the prior post- i mean no harm and I'll ease it up.
  • Reply 66 of 76
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    What on earth are you talking about? The video in the article is in English.

    Right and that poster thinks steam = fog.
  • Reply 67 of 76
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    I'm sure no one meant to offend you by mocking T-Mobile. OK, let's be fair then and mock the iPhone commercials.

    There's an app for that

    that's great- thank for that.
  • Reply 68 of 76
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    1. View his public profile

    2. Click User Lists

    3. Click Ignore user

    You Good Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Techstud, you are gone.

  • Reply 69 of 76
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    ow, lame digs on the woman's name? I thought that only happened on sports oriented sites?

    Anyway, the question I have is, if there is a VP of Premium Mobile Experiences, does it follow that there is also a VP of Inferior Mobile Experiences?

    Stupid padded titles are usually the sign of bloated management. If there ain't no Junior Blah Blah, then don't give some blow hard the title of Senior Blah Blah. But if M$ titles where anything like accurate Ho would be VP of *!ed Up Mobile Experiences, and Balmer would be IIC, Idiot In Charge.


    And myapplelove, be careful. Your name sounds like maybe you hump pomaceous fruit.

    teckstud is a top ten poster here

    \\dozens of topics sit there sleepy and boring . teck stud post's something witty /cutting funny ridiculous true false on and on you get my point dude .

    then the thread jumps to life with many posts and banter and back and forths

    yes he does sometimes push my buttons and my iphone steams up

    but then i laff . its only rock and roll ya know ...

    you mr gordon except for one post is boring and a bit of a dolt .

    i read all your 12 posts and tedious boring obvious come to mind

    forgettable is more like your style

    do you even own a mac ??

    look maybe you need a life ?? or maybe tell us about your life ??

    teckstud is a great guy . he makes this place happy

    and he p[lays the foil for all the apple fan boys like me

    what i don't like about you mr gordonis that you want to restrict free speech

    peace dude


    Wow! ... poster's flashback! ... takes me back to the sixties.

    peace dude
  • Reply 70 of 76
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by GordonPrice67 View Post

    You Good Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Techstud, you are nothing.


    I wouldn't say that, he has a good point, blu-ray drives should be a BTO on all Macs
  • Reply 71 of 76
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    thanks for the prior post- i mean no harm and I'll ease it up.

    don't ever ease up

    your VOICE rings loud and true here and all the white boygeeks get to learn about real life form us

    >>>what we need is an app ,that after great sex steams up all our windows of our house ..thats if my wife headache goe's a away

    I my nyc buddy very excited about all the new apple gear

    i am now predicting in 2 yrs an apple nano phone with no contracts or carriers and apple as gate keeper

    also blu>ray will be soon pushed aside by the arrival of super fast speeds of up too 50 mb streamed super HD movies for under 10 bucks a pop or. $4.99 rentals

    this will be the only way to kill off illegal pirates .

    after your super H D movie DL the same movie will be mailed to you in a 8g flash stick . so you can watch your purchase anywhere anytime

    sorry for over long post my kids are on the wii game now ...
  • Reply 72 of 76
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Wow! ... poster's flashback! ... takes me back to the sixties.

    peace dude

    peace my northwest friend

    flash backs scare me ; i have been missing time lately

    anyway this is a very weak and stupid topic

    the real topic is windows 7 will boost apple sales and the new i mac/mini /mb lines will increase windows 7 sales by at least 10 percent/ its a crime that to play the new HALO /COD i need a window,7 on my MBP / i will buy a case of tissues

    peace 9

    hendrix lives
  • Reply 73 of 76
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    I wouldn't say that, he has a good point, blu-ray drives should be a BTO on all Macs

    >>>>>>skip this post after 8 lines

    i kinda blab on a bit after THAT

    peace 9


    why would apple put a competing product on its devices when they are already selling HD movies on there itunes

    please think this thru

    and if blu ray tanks your stuck with a beta max player ON your mac

    Apple need to explore mini usb / sd / FW1600/usb 3,5 / and pre buy 10 yrs. worth of data time on the carriers networks or build more server farms itself


    Discs themselves will be gone in 5 yrs. and apple/netflix/amazon./Walmart/

    best-buy/blockbuster will sell us everything over the airwaves or on cheap flash sticks

    time marches on faster and faster

    all of the millions upon millions of digital streams at 35 to 50 mps will be the new dominate force

    THE RACE TO THE BOTTOM WILL ACCELERATE THIS PROCESS by killing off the pirates and bootleggers with cheap prices . We can now sell HD movies to the 1.4 billion chinese !!!

    Look a studio can sell 55 million digital copies of transformers 4 worldwide at 5.99 each or 4 million at $22 ea. do the math

    A 19 yr. old kid can get the 20 of the all time best top action blockbusters films for under a 120 bucks in this new world i think will happen or they can buy 3 movies and get really pissed off and do a peer to peer deal and become invisible to the world of paid for films

    By bypassing all the brick and mortar's and the studios can sell direct to us or the music artist can place a song on itunes them selves .

    I mean neil young can record on tuesday 3 songs and by friday night have a itunes mini album all set up for $699 with video and all the extra's we seem to now need .

    Every record store every dvd store every game store will die and close forever . time moved on

    they will relegated to the side aisles of target and macy's

    I will never blab on like this again

    I will make a topic next time

    Sorry folks if a Ii bored you all

    peace 9
  • Reply 74 of 76
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    No- It just shows how utterly stupid your mocking of a t-Mobile ad is when Apple has just a many lame aps in their advertising as well.

    Mathematically incorrect. The T-Mobile ad shows four very basic apps. You are calling out the iPhone for one basic app. Four is not "just as many" as one.

    Secondly, I've been holding my tongue on this, but the only place I've seen the Pizza Hut app advertised is at the end of Pizza Hut commercials. Calling out Apple for Pizza Hut showing off their own app on an iPhone is pretty lame. Pizza Hut is allowed to do what it wants. Or would you like us to call out T-Mobile when Radio^M^M^M^M^M The Shack starts showing off its app on an Android? Oh wait, that'll never happen since Android will never achieve market saturation like iPhone. Sorry.
  • Reply 75 of 76
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    why would apple put a competing product on its devices when they are already selling HD movies on there itunes

    I just looked at my local iTunes store, there is no HD movies, and the ones you claim are on the US store are a poor excuse for HD
  • Reply 76 of 76
    I have tmobile and like it. (with an iphone.) it's not surprising that Apple benefitted from this. Yes, because they have an app similar to the one that was advertised. But also because they have so Many apps, as was pointed out here--And the fact that in watching a commercial produced by one brand, consumers would think to Another brand that they know and trust speaks volume as to Apple's brand equity. Much harder to quantify than sales figures, etc. But of undeniable value in the case of a company like Apple. John Tantillo has done several pieces on his marketing blog , dissecting just what Apple has done so Right.
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