Verizon rumored to embrace Palm in 2010 to combat iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 106
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    The Pre is a good phone languishing on a terrible network. I would probably rate the Pre higher than the Droid simply because the OS is easier to use and its pleasant to look at. Still Palm has some kinks to work out with itunes (seriously get your own shit or just make a stand alone app that abuses itunes as far as im concerned) and rid themselves of that pesky 256MB app limit and make their App Store better.

    Still this wont be the "iphone killer" people are hoping for it, it hasnt been yet and VZW wont sell enough of these to make it that either (even if they sold 2-3 million, it doesnt make it an iphone killer). RIM doesnt have the total ecosystem like the iphone and while Google is shooting for that they dont dictate the hardware meaning they cant innovate hardware wise to add things we've never thought of and this is where Apple and RIM will always have an advantage.

    The only company who even remotely stand a chance at this point would be Microsoft making a Zune Phone, they have their own dedicated software (itunes/zune) and media store and can integrate these features across PCs and Xbox 360s, as well as their own physical stores for repair.
  • Reply 42 of 106
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I've read that the Droid camera, with flash if I may add, was big disappointment. Indoor pictures were grainy and shaken.

    Indeed, pictures were sub par...not horrible but even with the beautiful screen they still were not acceptable.
  • Reply 43 of 106
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    Remember people, this isn't fact. It's an analysts prediction which is far from a certainty.

    Yep, it's funny. If Wu had said something negative about Apple, there would be a dozen people saying how he's an idiot and doesn't know anything. He says something negative about Apple's competition (which Verizon really isn't, since they should be Apple's next major carrier partner despite the "horror" and "difficulty" of making a GSM and CDMA phone), and suddenly everyone here has no issue accepting his opinion.
  • Reply 44 of 106
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There is an odd rounding-error bug that was just discovered. The ability to focus will be good for 24.5 days and then bad for 24.5 days. Still, the camera may still pale in comparison to the 3GS despite the 80% higher Mpx. New comparative testing will need to be done.

    Hmm.. wish i coulda tried it out before i sent it off this morning...oh well.. it wouldnt have changed my mind either way.
  • Reply 45 of 106
    Could the reports coming out be any more conflicting.
  • Reply 46 of 106
    Originally Posted by PG4G View Post

    Is it just me who's getting the feeling that even the phone companies don't know what they're doing to combat the iPhone. Seems like they're clutching at straws and can't find anything else decent.

    It's not just you. Apple broke standard protocol by the terms they leveraged with AT&T and the industry has been deathly afraid of losing more leverage over any phone maker.

    The entire backbone of our Telcos lan system was funded by the US Tax Payers and we continue to let them dictate their cost plans. That money was never paid back to the US tax payers.

    In comes Wireless and they continue to take out massive loans to try and control that new form of a traditional market.

    Apple cutting into their new world cash chow of wireless build out isn't sitting well with them.

    Just look at the bandwidth bidding wars in the past decade.

    Who do you think is covering those costs? The Consumer.
  • Reply 47 of 106
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    The only company who even remotely stand a chance at this point would be Microsoft making a Zune Phone, they have their own dedicated software (itunes/zune) and media store and can integrate these features across PCs and Xbox 360s, as well as their own physical stores for repair.

    it's sad and ironic that this is the case. Unfortunately for competition's sake, Microsoft seems unable to get their act together on any of these fronts. Forunately for everybody else, Apple's innovation continues despite a lack of any true competiton.
  • Reply 48 of 106
    What is going to happen if Verizon does get the iPhone and sells 14M in the first year (as has been predicted). If >50% of all mobile web surfing is on the iPhone (as measured in web surveys), is it any wonder that AT&T is groaning under the weight. Verizon's 3G is slower, older and non upgradeable (hence the move to LTE), but LTE will put them in the spot AT&T is in now - faster network with poor coverage. Verizon's slow, old 3G network will be crucified by the iPhone loads, LTE will be spotty for a few years while AT&T may finally get a breather as demand goes to VZW and catch up to the required bandwidth. Verizon's 'better network' is also code for older/slower (hence wider coverage) and underused (crappy phones with users who don't overload the towers).

    The call quality thing will remain in VZWs favor since their 3G data and voice nets don't currently compete for bandwidth but that may also erode with LTE (not sure of the specs on that).

    Anyway - iPhone has been a double edged sword for AT&T and will probably prove to be for VZW. Nothing til then will change the game, though I wish it would - would be nice to have millions of Droids bring down VZWs cockier than thou attitude. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen - it just isn't polished enough to compete in the mainstream yet.
  • Reply 49 of 106
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    LTE will put them in the spot AT&T is in now - faster network with poor coverage.

    Remember these LTE radios are going to be power hogs and expensive. I would expect to see USB notebook cards first crop up and not expect a high-end smartphone to get LTE for at least a year later.


    The call quality thing will remain in VZWs favor since their 3G data and voice nets don't currently compete for bandwidth but that may also erode with LTE (not sure of the specs on that).

    The 3G towers are supposed to give QoS to voice instead over data but we all know that isn?t perfect. At least the WCDMA voice algorithm is better then GSM voice algorithm. I?m not sure how it compares with CDMA so I?ll see if I can find any hard data.


    Anyway - iPhone has been a double edged sword for AT&T.

    HAHA It?s kind of funny. I don?t think even Apple had a clue about the success in every area that iPhone has had.

    edit: It looks like AT&T is still using the AMR-HR** (half-rate) on their 2G and AMR-FR (full-rate) on their 3G networks, while Verizon is using EVRC?.
  • Reply 50 of 106
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Actually it's even worst for the carriers with the iphone --- their business strategies on how to deal with (1) the end of their iphone exclusivity and (2) maintaining the balance of their handset line-up.

    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Nobody has more forward thinking ability than Verizon --- they are really thinking long term when they make MASSIVE big bets on network build-outs that they can't recoup their capex investments for a decade or more. They ain't afraid to spend $22+ billion on FIOS that have depressed their share price for the last 5 years knowing that they can't recoup that investment for a decade or more.

    Getting a hip cell phone and using those massive net adds from Tracfone --- that's all flash and no substance.

    Oh no, you're back with your Verizon FUD! Don't you really have anything else about which you'd like to post?
  • Reply 51 of 106
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Yep, it's funny. If Wu had said something negative about Apple, there would be a dozen people saying how he's an idiot and doesn't know anything. He says something negative about Apple's competition (which Verizon really isn't, since they should be Apple's next major carrier partner despite the "horror" and "difficulty" of making a GSM and CDMA phone), and suddenly everyone here has no issue accepting his opinion.

    Wow, what an astute observation! Who would have thunk that of an Apple fan site?!
  • Reply 52 of 106
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Oh no, you're back with your Verizon FUD! Don't you really have anything else about which you'd like to post?

    The whole carrier industry is in chaos --- from O2 to Vodafone to T-Mobile to Orange --- they all have to deal with what to do with the end of their iphone exclusivity and they all have to deal with balancing what to subsidize the rest of the handset line-up (when most of the money allocated on handset subsidies are already spent on the iphone). They all have to deal with what to do with Nokia, what to do with Android, what to do with Palm and what to do with Blackberries --- and co-exist with their existing iphone distribution contract.

    Verizon's business strategy is actually easier to understand for the outsiders --- because they don't have the iphone.

    It is not FUD at all. You DON'T have to agree with Verizon's long term thinking --- but you have to acknowledge that Verizon did think it through on their long term positions BEFORE they spent massive amount of money on network build-outs.
  • Reply 53 of 106
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Could the reports coming out be any more conflicting.

    Yes and no.
  • Reply 54 of 106
    So disappointing Droid sales are forcing Verizon into a Palm deal.

    Just how many also-ran phones does it take to combat ONE phone??
  • Reply 55 of 106
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Yes and no.

  • Reply 56 of 106
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    L cally targeted the iPhone.

    In October, Verizon and Google announced a partnership to deliver a number of Android-powered phones to the nation's largest wireless provider. The two companies have said they will co-develop handsets and create new applications.

    Additional reports have suggested that Verizon and Apple are secretly working toward the launch of a CDMA-compatible phone in the second half of 2010. Apple's exclusivity agreement with AT&T is believed to expire next year.

    google smoogle still far behind apples first phone <<they do have great ads thou

    version and apple together at last will cause dancing in the streets of the famed city of


    verizon can easily sell 1/2 million iphones from new yorkers

    some people say there are a million dropped calls a day in nyc


  • Reply 57 of 106
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Actually it's even worst for the carriers with the iphone

    Yes, because three quarters in a row of superior subscription ads over your largest competitor that supposedly has a "vastly superior network" is such an albatross compared to managing a bunch of traditional phone's that every other carrier has.

    Just when I think you couldn't be a bigger tool, you post something like this.
  • Reply 58 of 106
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Actually it's even worst for the carriers with the iphone --- their business strategies on how to deal with (1) the end of their iphone exclusivity and (2) maintaining the balance of their handset line-up.

    If you're an iPhone carrier, you're making money. It costs to offer the iPhone, but it's incredibly lucrative. The iPhone put AT&T on the map, geographically and financially. The iPhone is the biggest game in town. And AT&T has it made so well, that people are completely ignoring their quality of service, just so they can grab an iPhone for themseives. It's friggin phenomenal, what's been going on.

    And Verizon. Can't. Stand. It.
  • Reply 59 of 106
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    ...they all have to deal with what to do with the end of their iphone exclusivity [...] You DON'T have to agree with Verizon's long term thinking --- but you have to acknowledge that Verizon did think it through on their long term positions BEFORE they spent massive amount of money on network build-outs.

    Your assuming Verizon will one day get the iPhone.

    What if Apple's position is "There is no way in @%($ing hell Verizon is ever getting the iPhone"?

    Apple doesn't need to dominate market share to be successful. Indeed, other then the almost disastrous early '90's they haven't targeted market share since Job's return. and they aren't exactly hurting because of it.

    What's Verizon's "forward thinking" to never getting the iPhone? Pray? What if Apple start's kicking out $50 3G's and get's AT&T to offer a $50 a month plan instead of $70? More disingenuous advertising?

    Verizon has a heck of a lot more to loose in the long term. The great thing about the iPhone is it's a platform, not "just" a phone. Android is the closest thing so far to matching the platform concept. The problem is, just like with Linux, it will fragment. Manufactures won't be able to help themselves. They will listen to the checklist nazi's, go crazy and fragment. It's already happened with desktop linux, and without some sort of central control why wouldn't it happen again? Google doesn't care as long as it's in use.

    In the long run Android will be the techie geek phone (like just about every smart phone pre-iPhone), but not a significant competitor. Unless someone picks up Android, forks it and does an Apple with an integrated ecosystem.

    Wouldn't it be deliciously ironic if that vendor ends up being Microsoft?
  • Reply 60 of 106
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Just when I think you couldn't be a bigger tool, you post something like this.

    If you look at how all the iphone carriers have been doing lately, they are also all over place with their Android, Palm, Nokia and RIM strategies. It is easier to understand Verizon's game plan with their phone line-ups than O2's or Vodafone's game plan.

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    If you're an iPhone carrier, you're making money. It costs to offer the iPhone, but it's incredibly lucrative. The iPhone put AT&T on the map, geographically and financially. The iPhone is the biggest game in town. And AT&T has it made so well, that people are completely ignoring their quality of service, just so they can grab an iPhone for themseives. It's friggin phenomenal, what's been going on.

    And Verizon. Can't. Stand. It.

    It remains to be seen if the iphone deal is really making AT&T a lot of money. Wall Street is certainly not agreeing at the moment --- Verizon share prices have held up better than AT&T share prices.

    Profit is the only thing that matter, and Verizon is laughing on the way to the bank.
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