Apple domestic desktop sales strong, iPhone sales slow in China

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple has captured nearly half of all desktop revenue in the United States as iPhone sales in China have lagged.

According to numbers released by NPD, Apple's share of retail desktop revenue in October was 47.71 percent, up from 33.44 percent last year at this time. Betanews reports that these numbers are slightly artificial due to the fact that Apple released new, faster iMacs during this period while PC sales lagged in the face of the Windows 7 launch later in the month.

Apple's position in the notebook arena is strong at 33.6 percent of retail revenue share, but is actually lower than the 38.13 percent share of last October. Last October, Apple introduced new Macbook Pro models and the higher revenue share numbers can be attributed to this. Apple often sees large bumps in sales in the wake of new product launches, something that obviously cannot be sustained year-to-year.

Apple's average retail selling price during this period for desktops was nearly $900 more than the average Windows PC, while the average Mac laptop was also close to $900 more.

Memory supplies strong due to slow iPhone sales in China

Distributors of Samsung NAND and DRAM flash memory recently remarked that supplies have stabilized after two months of shortage. This was due to priority being placed on Apple products. The supply shortage has ended mainly due to slow iPhone sales in China, reports Digitimes. According to industry sources, Samsung has increased total chip output in response to seasonal demand.

AppleInsider reported in October that demand for flash memory had far outstripped supply for major manufactures due to the popularity of Apple devices.


  • Reply 1 of 32
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple has captured nearly half of all desktop revenue in the United States as iPhone sales in China have lagged.

    According to numbers released by NPD, Apple's share of retail desktop revenue in October was 47.71 percent, up from 33.44 percent last year at this time. Betanews reports that these numbers are slightly artificial due to the fact that Apple released new, faster iMacs during this period while PC sales lagged in the face of the Windows 7 launch later in the month.

    Apple's position in the notebook arena is strong at 33.6 percent of retail revenue share, but is actually lower than the 38.13 percent share of last October. Last October, Apple introduced new Macbook Pro models and the higher revenue share numbers can be attributed to this. Apple often sees large bumps in sales in the wake of new product launches, something that obviously cannot be sustained year-to-year.

    Apple's average retail selling price during this period for desktops was nearly $900 more than the average Windows PC, while the average Mac laptop was also close to $900 more.

    Memory supplies strong due to slow iPhone sales in China

    Distributors of Samsung NAND and DRAM flash memory recently remarked that supplies have stabilized after two months of shortage. This was due to priority being placed on Apple products. The supply shortage has ended mainly due to slow iPhone sales in China, reports Digitimes. According to industry sources, Samsung has increased total chip output in response to seasonal demand.

    AppleInsider reported in October that demand for flash memory had far outstripped supply for major manufactures due to the popularity of Apple devices.

    I am number one

    Forever the first read here on this most important topic , I hope I am worthy of this great thanksgiving honour !!

    So important IS this newsflash !! AI writers left their hovels and hobbit holes and rushed to an internet cafe to report this ground breaking story >>>>

    China will not have great  sales yet .

    Millions of jail broke  iphones arrived months ago .

    and when  brings out there smaller faster  NANO phone we will see a tidal wave of  sales

    2 to 4 month backlogs for the NANO PHONE WORLD WIDE .

    CHINA will account for over half of all revenue one day if the wifi gets back on the phone .

    happy thanksgiving to alll the  and NON>  users alike .




  • Reply 2 of 32
    so Apple make expensive computers..

    in other news... rain later..
  • Reply 3 of 32
    Headline should read:

    Apple Records Nearly Half of U.S. PC Desktop Retail Industry Revenue
  • Reply 4 of 32
    I don't know how Apple is being marketed in China, but in India, marketing is non-existent. Yes, there are "Apple Authorized Resellers" in India, but the sales staff know nothing about the Macs or iPhones or iPods they have in stock. I once went to get a replacement power adapter for my 17" PBG4, and had to wait for an hour, while for guys huddled around a computer trying to find the adapter they were looking for.

    As I understand, when the original iPhone was introduced in India, fewer than 50,000 had been sold in three months since its introduction. No wonder, really, as there was absolutely NO marketing, no advertising, no nothing in any media announcing the mere existence of such a device. Apple have only themselves to blame for that failure. You can't sell anything unless you get the word out.

    The reason Macs and especially iPhones and iPods have been so wildly successful in the U.S., is because Apple has invested heavily in a very successful marketing campaign, and a strong support infrastructure, neither of which exists in India.

    A common argument for why Apple wouldn't do well in India is that most Indians could not afford Macs or iPhones or iPods. That argument fails completely when you look at the high-end, high-priced electronics (plasma TVs, smart phones, etc.), luxury cars, jewelry, etc. that are heavily advertised on tv and in print media here.

    Certainly there's a segment of the Indian population that can't afford to buy these higher-priced items, but there is also a strong middle class demographic, and a thriving film industry?both perfect markets for Apple in India. Now, if we can only convince the Apple execs...

    For Apple to succeed in China?and India, they have to make a serious commitment to marketing themselves, providing adequate inventory and supporting their product.

    So far, in India at least, Apple has done nothing more than drop-ship a few Macs to various locations and call it done?no marketing, no training of sales staff?and then complain that sales in India are too slow to justify further investment.

    I think I've probably repeated myself several times in this rant, but, as much as I love Apple, I'm really annoyed with them that they've largely ignored this part of the world.
  • Reply 5 of 32
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    I don't know how Apple is being marketed in China, but in India, marketing is non-existent. Yes, there are "Apple Authorized Resellers" in India, but the sales staff know nothing about the Macs or iPhones or iPods they have in stock. I once went to get a replacement power adapter for my 17" PBG4, and had to wait for an hour, while for guys huddled around a computer trying to find the adapter they were looking for.

    As I understand, when the original iPhone was introduced in India, fewer than 50,000 had been sold in three months since its introduction. No wonder, really, as there was absolutely NO marketing, no advertising, no nothing in any media announcing the mere existence of such a device. Apple have only themselves to blame for that failure. You can't sell anything unless you get the word out.

    The reason Macs and especially iPhones and iPods have been so wildly successful in the U.S., is because Apple has invested heavily in a very successful marketing campaign, and a strong support infrastructure, neither of which exists in India.

    A common argument for why Apple wouldn't do well in India is that most Indians could not afford Macs or iPhones or iPods. That argument fails completely when you look at the high-end, high-priced electronics (plasma TVs, smart phones, etc.), luxury cars, jewelry, etc. that are heavily advertised on tv and in print media here.

    Certainly there's a segment of the Indian population that can't afford to buy these higher-priced items, but there is also a strong middle class demographic, and a thriving film industry?both perfect markets for Apple in India. Now, if we can only convince the Apple execs...

    For Apple to succeed in China?and India, they have to make a serious commitment to marketing themselves, providing adequate inventory and supporting their product.

    So far, in India at least, Apple has done nothing more than drop-ship a few Macs to various locations and call it done?no marketing, no training of sales staff?and then complain that sales in India are too slow to justify further investment.

    I think I've probably repeated myself several times in this rant, but, as much as I love Apple, I'm really annoyed with them that they've largely ignored this part of the world.

    So go and get yourself a dealership and do it right. You would clean up!
  • Reply 6 of 32
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    China was never a shoe-in for Apple. It is a different dynamic. Less than 10% of the people, 130 million, may have the money to buy the expensive wi-fi crippled iPhone in China. Plus Apple is dealing with nationalism - in other words many Chinese may prefer Chinese made and branded phones.

    It'll take time for Apple and other american companies to crack the wall.
  • Reply 7 of 32
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Damn apple owns the desktop sales revenue
  • Reply 8 of 32
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    So far, in India at least, Apple has done nothing more than drop-ship a few Macs to various locations and call it done?no marketing, no training of sales staff?and then complain that sales in India are too slow to justify further investment.

    I have never heard any complaints coming from Apple.
  • Reply 9 of 32
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    So go and get yourself a dealership and do it right. You would clean up!

    Oh, I'd be terrible at it. I'm a photographer, not a sales/marketing person. I'm just saying that people who are good at that sort of thing, if they directed their energies toward India as well, I think they'd see some worthwhile returns.
  • Reply 10 of 32
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Damn apple owns the desktop sales revenue

    So much for the people saying that Apple needs the mythical xMac.
  • Reply 11 of 32
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple has captured nearly half of all desktop revenue in the United States

    I figure that means Apple have taken 75%+ of the profit, and Microsoft took the rest except maybe for a single digit percentile.

    Love to see quality products doing well. Quality is better value, especially essentials like food. Show 'em the way Apple!

  • Reply 12 of 32
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Beauty of Bath View Post

    I figure that means Apple have taken 75%+ of the profit, and Microsoft took the rest except maybe for a single digit percentile.

    That is a good point to bring up. If this is just revenue and we factor in the non-Mac PC average profit margin v. the Mac profit margin it does look like Apple is taking an excessive amount of the PC profits for a single PC vendor.
  • Reply 13 of 32
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That is a good point to bring up. If this is just revenue and we factor in the non-Mac PC average profit margin v. the Mac profit margin it does look like Apple is taking an excessive amount of the PC profits for a single PC vendor.

    or it could just mean that they are way overpriced...
  • Reply 14 of 32
    Just a rounding error!
  • Reply 15 of 32

    Apple's average retail selling price during this period for desktops was nearly $900 more than the average Windows PC, while the average Mac laptop was also close to $900 more.

    That is the problem holding back Apple, steep prices.

    It would be much more useful to measure the success or failure of Apple by the number of units sold vs. the number of units sold by competitors worldwide.

    Mac OS X is Apple's greatest asset along with its variant, the iPhone OS. But it is only partly exploited because Apple will not licence it.

  • Reply 16 of 32
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    or it could just mean that they are way overpriced...

    Quite the opposite. Those sales figures prove that Macs are not overpriced in the US market. If they were they would not be able to maintain those level of sales. By your argument Dell could elevate their financial problem by simply jacking up the price of their machines. FYI: Dell would make less money than they do now.

    Since Apple doesn?t have an illegal monopoly that is forcing people to buy their PCs it clearly means that people are choosing to pay more on average per PC to get a product they feel is worth the expense.
  • Reply 17 of 32
    Apple may be getting the lions share compared to other hardware vendors but i wonder would os revenue would look much do apple generate compared to ms.

    i dont trust the chinese and seemingly they dont like us either. no loss. personalliy id stuff china
  • Reply 18 of 32
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    That is the problem holding back Apple, steep prices.

    It would be much more useful to measure the success or failure of Apple by the number of units sold vs. the number of units sold by competitors worldwide.

    Mac OS X is Apple's greatest asset along with its variant, the iPhone OS. But it is only partly exploited because Apple will not licence it.

    I am always amazed to read these kind of comments. You don?t seem to be arguing that Apple isn?t taking such a huge percentage of the PC revenue or an even larger percentage of the PC profit, but that Apple is a failure for not making cheaper machines that make less profit. I simply don?t understand why you think unit sales are a better measure for success over making money.
  • Reply 19 of 32
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bluedalmatian View Post

    Apple may be getting the lions share compared to other hardware vendors but i wonder would os revenue would look much do apple generate compared to ms.

    Not much, but it?s impossible to honestly compare the two since MS sells each copy of their OS and Apple only sells their OS as an upgrade on the cheap but creates their OS to facilitate more of their Mac PC sales. It?s a completely different business model.

    MS charges significantly more. Even the 32-bit Windows 7 Starter for netbooks and other cheap notebooks is going for $50, according to MS, while the retail version of Snow Leopard is $29. Look at the retail version of a full install 64-bit Win7 Ultimate Edition. It?s insane.
  • Reply 20 of 32
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    or it could just mean that they are way overpriced...

    bingo, we have a winner...

    Just wait for all the negative comments from the Apple shareholders here
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